Journal Entry Week 5 Prompt 2 (Kelvin Cortez )

After watching the video of when Snow White meets the seven dwarfs what I noticed about them that makes them all similar are their animated features.  One being their big red noses but what sets them apart from each other is their personalities  and their body language two specific dwarfs that chose were Bashful & Grumpy. The characteristics as well as the body language that separates bashful from the rest is when his name is called  he responds in an almost dramatic oh  form as well he twists his beard around and his face turn bright red as one could say are qualities of being bashful or shy in a way. What sets Grumpy apart from the rest is when  the seven dwarfs peek their head over everyone else’s facial features are surprised but Grumpy facial expression is mad and not in a mood and even when he responds saying. “ How do you do what “ in a upset way with a sense of no patience and you can even see he crosses his arms as a form to assert his dominance of being upset and showing his mood through vocal and physical form.

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