The Adventures of Prince Achmed


  1. What is the story
  2. What is the history behind it what inspired the film to be created 
  3. What year did the story come out 
  4. How long did it take to produce the final version 
  5. How many people worked on the project 
  6. Materials used 
  7. Who are the characters of the film 
  8. What does it look like put all together 
  9. What is the tone of the story

   10. What is the story (including main characters/plot points)

  • What is the tone of the story 
  • What does the film look/sound like? 
  • Length 


  • Influences (based “1001 nights”, visual: shadow puppetry, German scherenchnitte, Reiniger’s training and background with bauhaus)
  • First full-feature animated film
  • What year did the film come out 
  • How long did it take to produce the final version 
  • How many people worked on the project 
  • Materials/technique used 
  • Use of sound/sound accompaniment
  • Critical and popular reception


  • What do you find beautiful/interesting/problematic about the film?
  • How is it visually distinct/similar to what came before it?
  • What is the filmmaker trying to express/convey? How does it hold up today – does the visual style/animation feel old-fashioned or modern?
  • Influence on other filmmakers (i.e: Bartosch, Michel Ocelot)
  • Quote from at least one of the assigned readings to support your analysis. You should demonstrate that you are able to interpret and assess information from an external source. 

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