Stefan Stankovic’s Profile

Active 2 years, 11 months ago
Stefan Stankovic
Social Sciences, Human Services and Criminal Justice
Academic Program
History, A.A.


HIS 101 0801 History of Western Civilization I Prof. Stefan Stankovic Fall 2020

HIS 101 0801 History of Western Civilization I Prof. Stefan Stankovic Fall 2020

This course explores the history of the West – starting from the wider Mediterranean – from the ancient world to the Age of Exploration.


Open Pedagogy/Word Press Seminar | Summer 2020

Open Pedagogy/Word Press Seminar | Summer 2020

A virtual seminar for faculty who applied and were accepted to participate in June 2020.

OER Course Redesign Seminar | Summer 2020

OER Course Redesign Seminar | Summer 2020

A virtual seminar for faculty who applied and were selected to participate in June 2020.


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