Louise Yan’s Profile

Active 4 months, 2 weeks ago
Louise Yan
Office Location
Academic Interests
Computer Information Systems
Academic Programs
Computer Information Systems, A.A.S., Computer Science, A.S.


MAT 161 I Topics in Quantitative Reasoning I Fall 2023 I Prof. Shaoshao Yang

MAT 161 I Topics in Quantitative Reasoning I Fall 2023 I Prof. Shaoshao Yang

This course aims to teach students how to think competently about quantitative information. Students learn how to take real world problems, translate them into the language of mathematics, and solve them. Topics include thinking critically, numbers in the real world, financial management, statistical reasoning, probability, and mathematical modeling. This course satisfies the mathematic requirement for the CUNY Core. It is recommended for students who do not intend to pursue mathematics, science or any curriculum requiring the students to take Calculus. Note: This course satisfies the Pathways: Mathematical & Quantitative Reasoning requirement. Photo by Daniele Levis Pelusi on Unsplash

PSY 100 I Introduction to Psychology I Fall 2023 I Prof. Rebecca Smart

PSY 100 I Introduction to Psychology I Fall 2023 I Prof. Rebecca Smart

The course introduces students to the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Students will learn about current perspectives, historical roots and scientific methods in psychology. Topics within major areas of psychology may include biopsychology, human development, learning, cognition, social processes, personality and psychological disorders. Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

CSC 111 I Introduction to Programming I Fall 2023 I Prof. Louise Yan

CSC 111 I Introduction to Programming I Fall 2023 I Prof. Louise Yan

This course is an introduction to the fundamental concepts and terms of computer science, including algorithms, problem solving techniques, data types, concept of loops, conditional statements, modular programming, pointers, arrays, strings, basic file processing, structures and simple classes. Students will use a high-level computer programming language to solve a variety of problems. Photo by Chris Ried on Unsplash


Teaching on the OpenLab | Summer 2023

Teaching on the OpenLab | Summer 2023

A virtual learning community for faculty who applied and were accepted to participate in the June 2023 Teaching on the OpenLab. (Image credit: “Abstract Bird” by Biance Van Dijk on Pixabay).


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