Ewa Barnes’s Profile
The Open Knowledge Commons brings together faculty, staff, and students committed to knowledge as a public good and creating spaces for the BMCC community to share our knowledge with the world.
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CRT 250: Critical Data Literacy Course Hub
Critical Data Literacy is a course designed to help students acquire higher-level inductive reasoning skills. Students will develop understanding of various ways to model practical problems using statistical and […]
- OpenOpen
Teaching on the OpenLab | Summer 2022
A virtual learning community for faculty who applied and were accepted to participate in the June 2022 Teaching on the OpenLab. (image credit: ”OPEN” by Tom Magliery is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
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Critical Thinking CRT 100 FYE 1200 Fall 2023 Th 12-2:45PM M307
Critical Thinking (Same as CRT 100) is designed to develop the mind and help students learn to think clearly and effectively. Through substantive readings, structured writing assignments and ongoing discussions, […]
English Composition ENG 101-0902 Fall 2023 Tu-Th 9AM Prof. Barnes
English Composition is the standard freshman writing course. The course introduces students to academic writing. By its conclusion, students will be ready for English 201 and for the writing they will be asked to […]
ACL 150-051W/ Literacy in American Society/ Fall 2023/ Online/ Prof. Barnes
What is your definition of literacy? Literacy in American Society asks students to investigate the varieties of literacy behaviors in American society as sociocultural phenomena. Students will be exposed to the […]
- OpenOpen
LIN101B050 Intro to Linguistics with Tuvi Voorhees, Fall 2023
This course will introduce students to linguistics, the scientific study of language. Students will apply methods of scientific inquiry (including the scientific method) to linguistic systems (phonological, […]
LIN 150 052W Language, Race, and Ethnicity in the US and Its Territories
This course explores historical, cultural, and theoretical perspectives on the relationship between language, race, and ethnicity in the United States and its territories. It examines how language is understood to […]
Critical Thinking/ CRT 100-0507/ Spring22/ Prof. Barnes
Critical Thinking (Same as CRT 100) is designed to develop the mind and help students learn to think clearly and effectively. Through substantive readings, structured writing assignments and ongoing discussions, […]
- OpenOpen
ACR 150- 100W Literacy in American Society/ Prof. Barnes/ Fall 2021
What is your definition of literacy? Literacy in American Society asks students to investigate the varieties of literacy behaviors in American society as sociocultural phenomena. Students will be exposed to the […]
A place for BMCC faculty who are teaching (or considering teaching) on the OpenLab to connect and share ideas. Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay
ACR 150/ Literacy in American Society – 050W/ Fall 2022- do you see a tree?
What is your definition of literacy? Literacy in American Society asks students to investigate the varieties of literacy behaviors in American society as sociocultural phenomena. Students will be exposed to the […]