Devaneke Crumpler’s Profile

Active 1 day, 3 hours ago
Devaneke Crumpler
Office or Center


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ASAP Financial Aid

ASAP Financial Aid

A resource page for all BMCC ASAP Students.


ASAP Tutoring & Support Services

ASAP Tutoring & Support Services

ASAP tutoring services consist of tutoring on Upswing and Supplemental Instructions (SI) sessions on Zoom. All tutoring sessions are online until further notice.

ASAP Academic Success Workshops

ASAP Academic Success Workshops

Join our peer-facilitated Academic Success Workshops to enhance your academic skills! All BMCC and ASAP students are welcome. – While our Spring workshop series have completed, we look forward to seeing you back in Fall ’20.

ASAP Scholarship Workshops

ASAP Scholarship Workshops

The ASAP Scholarship workshops and bootcamps are designed to help you through the scholarship application process. Topics discussed range from identifying academic opportunities to writing a scholarship essay and resume, asking for good letters of recommendation, and preparing for a scholarship interview. All BMCC and ASAP students are welcome.

ASAP Exhibition: Unsung Heroines of Color

ASAP Exhibition: Unsung Heroines of Color

The exhibition is part of the SP2020 Women’s History Month series of events and its mission is to highlight the contribution of women of color to the suffrage movement and of the causes BMCC students embrace in their fight for a better society. Avatar image: Banner with motto of Oklahoma Federation of Colored Women’s Clubs. Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture.

Becoming the Change – ASAP

Becoming the Change – ASAP

The Becoming the Change Interview Project is a collection of peer-facilitated interviews with current and former ASAP students and/or tutors at BMCC on the themes of identity and purpose. Listen to the interviews to learn about what changes the interviewees would like to see in the world and what roles they see themselves in bringing about these changes.