Cynthia E Diaz’s Profile

About Me
Hi. I am Cynthia Diaz . I am currently a Respiratory Therapy Major student at BMCC . I am a mom to two amazing daughters and a wife to an amazing husband . I look forward to expanding my knowledge and experience in Respiratory Care and be able to assist patients and hospital staff through my Spanish translations skills . I enjoy learning new things, family time is very valuable to me, and helping others in need is priceless to me.
Academic Interests
Respiratory Therapy
Spanish Translation – Interpretation
Spanish Translation – Interpretation
Allied Health Sciences, Modern Languages
Academic Program
Respiratory Therapy, A.A.S.
TRS245: Capstone in Translation
This is the culminating course in the Modern Language Department’s certificate in translation program. Students across all semesters will use this course site to post their work for TRS245.
None found.
Capstone 245 Pulmonary Medicine
Capstone Project on Pulmonary Critical Care and Sleep Medicine
Capstone Project on Pulmonary Critical Care and Sleep Medicine