Carlene Hunte-Nelson’s Profile

President – Student Government Association 2022-23
Enjoys cycling and Nature
We are a star Trek family- Name my plants after my favorite characters.
“The end of all knowledge should be service to others.” C.Chavez
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The Finance and Banking Club in discussion format, covers economic developments, finance industry topics and monetary policy: – From a theoretical perspective; – From an historical perspective; – And applies these ideas to current economic issues. Diverse opinions, independent research and active participation are encouraged. Each year, during the fall semester, a team of students, participates in the academic College Fed Challenge Competition, sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States. Our meetings happen online every Wednesday, from 2pm to 4pm. Request membership to receive more info.
Student Government Association
The Student Government Association (SGA) is the voice of every student at BMCC and is devoted to advocating for those issues that will enhance the educational, social, and career development of BMCC students. Meetings: In person / Wednesdays, 4pm / Room S242, Main Building, 2nd floor
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