In Week I, there are no course materials or units of study. Instead, you should review course materials from throughout our semester and submit your Final Reflection by Sunday, May 21, 2022 at 11:59pm ET.
This assignment is required as part of our MAR 100 course this semester. Students should use this form to reflect on their experience in MAR 100: Introduction to Marketing this semester, and should use their key takeaways from each week and unit of study throughout the semester to inform their response.
This document is intended to be a reflection on learning in which students can honestly evaluate the course based on their own learning styles and evaluation of the content and professor. Points will be awarded for honesty. Points will NOT be deducted for honest opinions.
To complete this form, students should finish the prompts / answer the questions in as many sentences as necessary to demonstrate their points. Unless indicated otherwise, responses should be written in complete sentences. Please answer each question.
For more information about how to adequately respond to an open-ended question for full credit, please view this document.