Category Archives: Consumer Decision Making

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Consumer Decision Making

I’ve never been to Salt late city nor do I have any intention of doing so. I have no desire to visit and have no clue as to what’s good over there. Thanks to a quick Google search, I’ve narrowed down my options to two restaurants for drastically different reasons.

Firstly, we have Italian Graffiti. This restaurant passed my initial preferences as the interior and decor advertised looked quite nice. It was a bit minimal but not too gentrify-esque minimal. The fact that there were no ‘$$$’ indicating the price range scares me off a little bit. It’s currently rated 4.1 stars on Google; I always look at the worst reviews because some people are just Karens and I’d like to know the bad over the general good. After some review, I found that this place is a bit boujee in the sense of their mannerisms, penny-pinching (Unable to do any alterations on food whatsoever, $5 per person for bread and their bread wasn’t special or according to the masses.), and a bit unorganized with reservations. On the good side, the chicken parmesan pasta is their signature which happens to be my favorite.

Secondly, we have Caffé Molise. Caffe Molise looked a little boujee but at the same time felt a bit homey. I love homemade feelings and cuisine because I feel more connected. It’s also two dollar signs which is a decent price in the city. The food advertised looked good. The bad reviews are as follows (see link above). and the rest are people who are just complaining about nothing but minor inconveniences and preferences.

Regarding the 1-5 process.
1 – Need Recognition: clearly, we are hungry.
2 – Information Search: Google search was the general search.
3 – Evaluation of Alternatives: Ultimately, this boils down to pros and cons. Caffe Molise seemed to have the better options. I prefer homemade decor/traditional, it had that. Prices weren’t too bad. Overall great feedback. Usually distance would be a factor but I’m in NYC so that doesn’t matter.
4×5 – There is no purchase or post so here are the final statements.

As a consumer who has no prior knowledge of the area, Google did wonderful in providing me decent options in food, only showcasing the highest rated while giving spotlight to establishments that contained various tones, price ranges, and decorum. My niche is a bit more broad and I’m generally easy to please however, other consumers may enjoy more rich cuisines and design but I’m convinced less is more. As I learned more about the process, I felt that it was factual, I do find myself falling victim to the system in this course with small tweaks. Overall, I still won’t be entering Salt Lake City.

consumer decision making

Salt Lake City is the capital as well as the largest city in Utah. I chose two Italian restaurants located in Salt Lake City. Buca di Beppo Italian Restaurant is the first one. One of the attributes that appealed to me was the indoor decor and design of the room. Another attribute that appealed to me was the majority of well-written reviews. Almost all the reviews describe having a good experience as well as tasteful dishes. One last attribute that appealed to me was how some of the reviews left a range of the cost of their meal. On average the prices were below $100. The second is named Brio Italian Grille. One of the attributes of this restaurant that appealed to me was the range and variety of dishes included on the menu. Another attribute that appealed to me was the photos attached to this restaurant. The inside of this restaurant is more on the fancier side. The pictures of their meals appear very detailed and delicious. When it comes to Italian, I’m looking for casual dishes such as alfredo pasta, one of my favorites. When it comes to picking up food or delivery it depends more on the difference in cost. But I tend to favor the delivery method, less effort! Lastly, my price threshold will be below $80. 

Now, let’s go through the process of choosing one of the restaurants to try. Firstly, I determined an issue which is my hunger level is high and I need to eat a good meal. I’ve done research on both restaurants by looking at reviews and observing photos as well as reading the menu closely, making sure I am clear on prices, etc. After I’ve completed all the necessary and available research I compare all the information I gathered and decide which fits my needs and budget better. For example, I am looking for a good lasagna dish. The first restaurant sells this dish for about $32. The second restaurant sells the same lasagna dish for about $20. From my research and from looking over the reviews I would guess that the second restaurant’s lasagna dish is better. Since the lasagna dish from the second is cheaper and I believe would taste better I chose to order from the second restaurant instead of the first restaurant. 

As a consumer who had no knowledge of the area originally it could become overwhelming trying to decide what is the best option to spend your money on. And without seeing those targeted ads about the restaurants it could be easy to get lost trying to find the best thing for us. However, it isn’t impossible, with great research and trial and error it can be done. I started my research by asking people I knew who had visited for recommendations. After not having great luck I turned to the internet. I first searched the TikTok app as people share their opinions and show off the food. Being able to see it helps me. I also searched Google and read plenty of reviews. The two restaurants that I found and ultimately considered were Buca di Beppo Italian Restaurant and Brio Italian Grille. One thing I realized about the consumer decision-making process is how many possibilities and options we have to choose from. As well as the stress from trying to make sure we choose the right thing for us along with making sure our money is being well spent. But having so many alternatives is also a great thing because we have all these different choices to fit all of our different preferences. 

Consumer Decision Making

In my experience, the consumer decision-making process was tough at first but ultimately beneficial because, as a customer, I hadn’t learned anything about the restaurants in Salt Lake City, Utah, or nor seen any targeted advertisements about them. In this essay, I’ll outline the steps I took to place an Italian takeout order in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Stage 1: Need Recognition- is the initial step in the decision-making process for consumers. At this point, the customer realizes they have a need or want that must be satisfied. I realized that I was craving Italian takeout since I was hungry.

Stage 2: Information search-in the consumer decision-making process as soon as I realized what I needed. This is the stage in which the customer learns about the options which are available to meet their needs. In the present situation, I searched up Italian restaurants in Salt Lake City, Utah, using Google Maps and Google Search.

Stage 3: Evaluation of alternative-after learning more about the options that were available. At this point, the customer determines the various options and selects the one that best matches their requirements. In my case, I used the following standards to evaluate the Italian restaurants I discovered in Stage 2: Italian cuisine, Delivery time and Reviews of Prices. In the end, I decided to go with Frankies 457 Spuntino because it’s a classy, expensive Italian restaurant that delivers food.

Stage 4: Purchase-At this point, the customer makes the purchase. In my case, I ordered takeout Italian food from Frankies.

Stage 5: Post-Purchase behavior- At this point, the customer evaluates how happy they are with their purchase and might start spreading the word about it. In my case, I was quite happy with my order from Frankies, and I will undoubtedly tell others about them.

The process of making decisions by consumers is complex and requires extensive investigation and examination. It can result in a satisfying purchase, though, and it’s also a rewarding process. In my case, I was pleased with how the procedure turned out and gained a lot of knowledge about the various Italian restaurants in Salt Lake City, Utah. There is a lot of information to consider when making decisions as a consumer, which can be difficult.  I was taken back by Salt Lake City, Utah’s plenty of Italian restaurants. There were a lot of considerations to make when selecting a restaurant, so I also had to think carefully about my criteria.

My Preferences compare to other consumers can be-

  • It’s possible that my tastes differ from those of other customers.
  • Time restraints and financial constraints are two examples of factors that can impact the decision-making process of consumers.
  • Making decisions requires flexibility and a willingness to listen to new ideas.

Consumer Decision Making

In my journey for Italian take out for Slat Lake City, Utah, I went forward with the consumer process without any idea. Just moving into the area, I lacked prior knowledge about local Italian restaurants. The process began with the first stage: need recognition.

The crave for Italian takeout encouraged me to begin the second stage of the process- information search. Staring my research online, I explored  numerous sources such as review websites, search engines, and local directories. It was important tot find the qualities I was looking for in an Italian restaurant, including the dining atmosphere, and service options.

As I dove into my quest, several Italian restraints in Salt Lake stood out to me. Each restaurant had unique descriptions that aligned with different preferences. Some contain a more formal essence within Italian cuisine while other approached with a more casual demeanor with their main focus on the traditional Italian food. With these factors found myself wondering if I preferred dine -in or takeout and delivery.

In continuation to stage three- evaluating my options based on a set of standards, this stage focuses more on specifics. Including the Italian food options, the restaurants atmosphere, reviews, and whether or not they provided delivery options or only allowed pick up. Price for these services including food was also taken into consideration as I’ve had a planned budget.

Several restaurants caught my attention. “La Trattoria” highlighted the authentic Italian menu with a comforting atmosphere, while on another side “Pasta Paradiso” offered or more variety of pasta dishes provided with delivery services. As I gathered both pros and cons my decision became more challenging.

Conclusively, the fourth stage involved the decision of purchase. In this scenario my overall choice was “Pasta Paradiso.” The array of options on their menu, and  convenient delivery options aligned with my preference and needs.

Taking a step back to reflect, I recognize the importance of consumer decision-making. It’s a dynamic rout influence by a variety of factors. What I prefer may be different from others based on arrangement, personal taste, and situational factors, demonstrating the importance of marketing and online presence and how they can influence a consumer decision making. As a consumer new to the area, it was an eye-opening experience realizing how real world reviews and recommendations influenced my considerations.

In summary, recognizing the need for Italian takeout and deciding to purchase in Salt lake city was a fascinating way of exploring the consumers decision making process. This journey highlighted the way of evaluating alternatives and choices based on ones preferences and the impact of marketing and online presence. The experience underlined the difficulties in the decision making process, the importance of trustworthy information, and positive reviews in molding or choices.

Consumer Decision Making Assignment

Ephrem Davis
Prof. Buckler
MAR 100
14 November 2023
Upon examining the Salt Lake City restaurant scape, specifically local options for Italian food, I became aware of the importance of marketing when looking to build a consistent market exchange.
If I were to move to the city myself, I would want to find a place that is a practical distance from my home and in an excellent location if I needed to find a cheap and convenient spot to meet a friend. Since I value consistency, I’m looking for a place that meets my needs holistically, offering a fair price, a pleasant dining environment, and around-the-clock delivery service. Overall, this place would need to be worth the investment. With my needs identified, I moved out of the first step of the consumer decision-making process into my search for information.
In search of an establishment that closest mirrored my consumer needs, I headed to Google Maps and sifted through the large array of Italian restaurants that call Salt Lake City their home. I could see their locations, interiors, price tags, and fellow consumer reviews here. I quickly cut down my choices using this platform and compared my primary selections.
The site quickly drew my eye to establishments beside Pioneer and Liberty Park. Restaurants like Cucina Toscana and Veneto Ristorante Itaiano had a pleasant dining environment, yet the price range for both was way out of budget. Although these places were in convenient parkside locations that most likely got a lot of foot traffic, this impacted the price dramatically. Cheaper alternatives, like Settebello and Stoneground Italian Pizza Kitchen, surrounded these businesses, earning high ratings and excellent reviews. However, the price wasn’t up to par with the delivery rate, and I felt that if I were to spend that amount, I would want to go and sit at the establishment to get the whole dining experience they were charging me for. Because of my personal preference, I curbed these options for meetings or special occasions.
What spoke to me most was more familiar names like Olive Garden due to my familiarity with their brand and word of mouth. Its distance immediately turned me off, but before I ruled it out, I switched sites to Uber Eats, furthering my search for information. Surprisingly, they were listed there for a low price and decent delivery time. Although I wouldn’t invest the time and energy into visiting the establishment, my familiarity with the brand and the price tag led me to order from them and check out the more admirable local businesses later.
Going into the situation with little to no former knowledge of the Salt Lake City restaurant scene, committing to one out of a list of many seemed daunting. While my lack of knowledge prevented me from making a quick and easy decision, marketing aided me substantially in my search. From dollar sign icons that measured the range of each dish beneath establishment rating on Google Maps to time indicators on delivery app services, I ultimately chose Olive Garden. While this was my immediate decision, I gained a short list of valuable alternatives that I could pull from on later occasions. My search led me to realize the importance of marketing, and if I had been there, this search would have been even easier with the implementation of targeted Instagram ads and word of mouth for neighbors and locals.
Although Google Maps and Uber Eats played a substantial part in my final decision, what sold it to me was the safety that a big chan provided. The comfort of seeing a familiar brand in a new city spoke to me and no doubt speaks to other like-minded consumers looking for the safest option. Due to the scale of their company, they have a reputation in states across the country, which adds immense value to the franchise and gives it a leg up juxtaposed to other local businesses.
If I were a consumer who found it critical to support local businesses above all, I may have taken a different route. My change in values could have swayed my decision, leading me to order from the independent establishments that bordered the city’s parks, and the loss of an in-person dining experience would have seemed less important. Another factor that could impact my decision-making is wealth or willingness to venture out of my home. Suppose I was looking for an outstanding and upscale dining environment. In that case, I may have visited Cucina Toscana with the comfort of a pleasant dining experience and guaranteed convenient location.
Olive Garden was the best decision for me and my present needs, and on a platform like Google Maps, it was easy for me to identify the value of each establishment, which is helpful for consumers with different needs. Upon ordering and solidifying my investment, if the food meets my preference, we will have established a consistent market exchange supplying funds to the franchise that could go towards future promotional endeavors.