I’ve never been to Salt late city nor do I have any intention of doing so. I have no desire to visit and have no clue as to what’s good over there. Thanks to a quick Google search, I’ve narrowed down my options to two restaurants for drastically different reasons.
Firstly, we have Italian Graffiti. This restaurant passed my initial preferences as the interior and decor advertised looked quite nice. It was a bit minimal but not too gentrify-esque minimal. The fact that there were no ‘$$$’ indicating the price range scares me off a little bit. It’s currently rated 4.1 stars on Google; I always look at the worst reviews because some people are just Karens and I’d like to know the bad over the general good. After some review, I found that this place is a bit boujee in the sense of their mannerisms, penny-pinching (Unable to do any alterations on food whatsoever, $5 per person for bread and their bread wasn’t special or according to the masses.), and a bit unorganized with reservations. On the good side, the chicken parmesan pasta is their signature which happens to be my favorite.
Secondly, we have Caffé Molise. Caffe Molise looked a little boujee but at the same time felt a bit homey. I love homemade feelings and cuisine because I feel more connected. It’s also two dollar signs which is a decent price in the city. The food advertised looked good. The bad reviews are as follows (see link above). and the rest are people who are just complaining about nothing but minor inconveniences and preferences.
Regarding the 1-5 process.
1 – Need Recognition: clearly, we are hungry.
2 – Information Search: Google search was the general search.
3 – Evaluation of Alternatives: Ultimately, this boils down to pros and cons. Caffe Molise seemed to have the better options. I prefer homemade decor/traditional, it had that. Prices weren’t too bad. Overall great feedback. Usually distance would be a factor but I’m in NYC so that doesn’t matter.
4×5 – There is no purchase or post so here are the final statements.
As a consumer who has no prior knowledge of the area, Google did wonderful in providing me decent options in food, only showcasing the highest rated while giving spotlight to establishments that contained various tones, price ranges, and decorum. My niche is a bit more broad and I’m generally easy to please however, other consumers may enjoy more rich cuisines and design but I’m convinced less is more. As I learned more about the process, I felt that it was factual, I do find myself falling victim to the system in this course with small tweaks. Overall, I still won’t be entering Salt Lake City.