Author Archives: jheylinna

The Joneses assignment

  • Would you categorize the way the Jones family lives as personal selling? Why or why not?

I would categorize the way the Jones family lives as personal selling. Due to how they advertise the products they want to push out. When seeing the item in action the buyer may be more inclined to take interest since they see the product or service in action. The Jones family uses their lifestyle to show the use of the products. 

  • What similarities do you see between the sales tactics the Jones family employs and the marketing tactics of some of your favorite brands? Give an example.

One similarity I see between the sales tactics the Jones family employs and the marketing tactics of some of your favorite brands such as apple, knowing who your audience needs and trying to find the best way to speak and through them. In order to maximize sales you need to focus on your goal and target.

  • Based on what you read in the course materials and what you observed in this movie, do you think the way products are marketed in this movie is ethical?

The products that are marketed in this movie aren’t necessarily unethical. They are using the method that works best for them. The Jones family aren’t really forcing customers to buy the products. Any other seller would push for sales but as long as they don’t cross a line.

  • How would you feel if you were friends with someone in the Jones family before you found out their secret? What about afterward?

I am the type of person where I love to spend money on things that catch my attention. So before I probably would have spent so much money as a friend with someone in the Jones family. However afterward I would just want to understand why. Also, I would feel weird as in I thought they were a different person.

2025 New Car Release 

Lexus Electrified Sport 

[Bronx, New York]: Lexus today announced their new 2025 Lexus electrified sports car. The lexus electrified sport car is an all electric car that offers a new way for car lovers to experience driving in a different way.

“The Relentless Pursuit Of Perfection” says the company Lexus.

features and benefits of Lexus Electrified Sport car:

1- aimed to help improve our environment

2- aimed to save money

3- convenient charging 

This car will be available starting in 2025 ranging over $60,000. For more information on this vehicle, visit

Lexus is an automotive firm that transforms passionate, moving experiences from creative design. Lexus is equally committed to providing outstanding client experiences. And in doing so, cultivating a sense of loyalty. They work to improve people’s lives and protect the environment.

consumer decision making

Salt Lake City is the capital as well as the largest city in Utah. I chose two Italian restaurants located in Salt Lake City. Buca di Beppo Italian Restaurant is the first one. One of the attributes that appealed to me was the indoor decor and design of the room. Another attribute that appealed to me was the majority of well-written reviews. Almost all the reviews describe having a good experience as well as tasteful dishes. One last attribute that appealed to me was how some of the reviews left a range of the cost of their meal. On average the prices were below $100. The second is named Brio Italian Grille. One of the attributes of this restaurant that appealed to me was the range and variety of dishes included on the menu. Another attribute that appealed to me was the photos attached to this restaurant. The inside of this restaurant is more on the fancier side. The pictures of their meals appear very detailed and delicious. When it comes to Italian, I’m looking for casual dishes such as alfredo pasta, one of my favorites. When it comes to picking up food or delivery it depends more on the difference in cost. But I tend to favor the delivery method, less effort! Lastly, my price threshold will be below $80. 

Now, let’s go through the process of choosing one of the restaurants to try. Firstly, I determined an issue which is my hunger level is high and I need to eat a good meal. I’ve done research on both restaurants by looking at reviews and observing photos as well as reading the menu closely, making sure I am clear on prices, etc. After I’ve completed all the necessary and available research I compare all the information I gathered and decide which fits my needs and budget better. For example, I am looking for a good lasagna dish. The first restaurant sells this dish for about $32. The second restaurant sells the same lasagna dish for about $20. From my research and from looking over the reviews I would guess that the second restaurant’s lasagna dish is better. Since the lasagna dish from the second is cheaper and I believe would taste better I chose to order from the second restaurant instead of the first restaurant. 

As a consumer who had no knowledge of the area originally it could become overwhelming trying to decide what is the best option to spend your money on. And without seeing those targeted ads about the restaurants it could be easy to get lost trying to find the best thing for us. However, it isn’t impossible, with great research and trial and error it can be done. I started my research by asking people I knew who had visited for recommendations. After not having great luck I turned to the internet. I first searched the TikTok app as people share their opinions and show off the food. Being able to see it helps me. I also searched Google and read plenty of reviews. The two restaurants that I found and ultimately considered were Buca di Beppo Italian Restaurant and Brio Italian Grille. One thing I realized about the consumer decision-making process is how many possibilities and options we have to choose from. As well as the stress from trying to make sure we choose the right thing for us along with making sure our money is being well spent. But having so many alternatives is also a great thing because we have all these different choices to fit all of our different preferences. 


My name is jheylinna. I am in my first year of college. I currently work at a swim school. I was born and raised in the Bronx. My major is Digital marketing. One of my favorite hobbies is photography. Something else you should know about me is I love sneakers and fashion!


My BMCC email is: ramos