Author Archives: Ekessie209

The Joneses

Esther Kessie

The Joneses

In “The Joneses” film (2009), the Jones family lifestyle can described as personal selling. Promoting products in the life that the family pretends to live, allows them to gain personal benefits. This act of persuasion forms a transaction sale benefitting the Jones family. Similar to the this, some brands include production into peoples life by using things such as influencers and lifestyle marketing. For example Macys sales associates may include tactics similar to the Jones family by creating a tempting shopping experience, highlighting the inspirational lifestyle associated with their products. This process involves showing off merchandise in display cases, providing personal recommendation, and emphasizing a sense of connection between the customers and their brand. Additionally, sales associates may use a persuasive tone of communication to emphasize the fundamental aspect of the product, a technique used in The Joneses family’s subtle influence on their neighbors in the film. In regards to ethics in the movie, it forms questions about transparency and authenticity, If the public finds out about this it may negatively affect the companies that use this technique and create a sense of distrust. Promoting a realistic lifestyle based on lies is risky for a company to partake in this endeavor, or in the life of a social media influencers a technique like this may tarnish their image in ways that may be difficult to rebuild. The nature of the Jones family’s promotion blurs ethical lines, raising concerns in real- world marketing about honesty and principals in advertising.


Release: December 8, 2023.

Esther E. Kessie

The Humane Society of New York

(212) 252-4840

Say Hello To Our New Executive Director 

Former ASPCA executive joins our operations team to better assist with wild life disaster.

New York, NY: The Humane Society of New York is proud announce that Tom Samwell will be joining the HSNY company as the new executive director of wild life disaster response from ASPCA, effective January 17,2024.

Tom Samwell will be joining HSNY from ASPCA where he was the operations manager for wild life response for 6 years. Samwell will be bringing his experience in disaster coordination to HSNY to better assist animals in need of care in disaster hotspots in the United States.

Additionally, Samwell’s experiences that will benefit HSNY moving forward include:

  • Helping to coordinate the deployment of 2,000 water rafts during last years hurricane season.
  • Assisted in the building of animal safety shelters in preparation for next years first season
  • Highlighted the importance of climate change to various state agencies by assisting them to understand changes in wildlife migration habits.

“Together we can join the fight against climate change by  finding ways to protect our most vulnerable citizens.” Says Tom  Samwell. ” We will lead the charge to give our friends a fighting chance.”

“We are so exited to bring Tom along with our journey” says Jackie Price. Chief operations officer, at HSNY. “Including someone with his years of expertise in the field is just what the team needs.”

For over 100 years the Humane Society of New York has been effectively providing techniques in response to animal emergencies. Prioritizing animal safety and insuring hands- on care is one of the companies main achievements. The organization is expanding its resources to help animals in need of any medical attention.



Product Concept

For this assignment I was tasked with watching Season 13, Episode 13 of the television series Shark Tank. A show in which entrepreneurs are faced to face with the intimidating world of gaining business investments. The reality television show allows for future inventors to pitch their ideas to investors also referred to as “sharks.” The nature of the show is to have the contestants sell their ideas to the sharks, in which the sharks evaluate the fate of their success. The sharks will then make a decision on the spot, producing offers and renegotiation that will potentially fall in alignment with the inventors goals for their product or unique service.

The Pitch that most resonated with me is a product called Calm Strips. A product meant to reduce anxiety or stress. Furthermore, it help’s people diagnosed with ADHD,ASD.BFRB, and children ages six and up.  Calm strips are a textured sticker that provides a convenient way to regulate anxiety ridden behavior. Whether It’s nervousness, tiredness, or fidgeting, Calm Strips are a simple yet efficient way to recess and distract your mind. Having many options and designs to choose from, Calm Strips are able to target a variety of people and institutions. With over 40 million adults (7% being children) suffering from an anxiety disorder, this increases their potential as a inspiring business. A major factor that may fall in favor with consumers is the portable design of the Calm Strips. With environmentally friendly futures and and qualities such as residue -free and water resistant, consumers are left with a vast decision on where to place their new Calm Strips.  Places ;like laptops. phone cases, and water bottles are just some normal items encouraged by the company.

The founders of  Calm Strip presented their products to the sharks by looking for a $250,000 investment for 10% of their company. They then proceeded to sell their pitch with favorable qualifications, with return rate of less than 1%, cost of production being and estimate of $3, selling price $12.48 for a pack of 5, are some attributes preferred in the world of business. The founders of Calm Strips also included that they raised $2.5 million within a year of sales and $400,000 within the last 3 months of sales. These numbers impressed the sharks and allowed them to produce the team with offers. Kevin’s offer began with no equity, wants $2.50 per unit until the $250,000 is returned in which unit price will drop to $1 perpetuity. This influenced another sharks offer, Michael. He offered the $250,000  with $2.50 per unit until money is returned in which priced is dropped down to $1.50 until three times the return of the initial capital. All though both offers by the sharks seem similar, important factors must be taken into consideration when completing the final verdict. Kevins offer included “perpetuity” , with no set timeframe on when the Calm Strip team would cease paying $1.50 to Kevin, the company risk a loss of financial gain. However, Michael’s offer includes an end time with $1.50  per unit until 3 times the unit is paid. This gives the team an insight of the financial future of Calm Strips.

Calm Strips addresses a gap by offering people a solution for anxiety reduction. The product encourages consumers to carry stress relief tool wherever they go. This narrows the quest to find a calm moment within a chaotic lifestyle . The product highlights a quick and portable solution making it not just a want but a need for people seeking ways to decrease stress. The product not only offers a shift in addressing anxiety, but may influence the way it is dealt with in the future. With no cure for the illness, a team of specialist might look to gadgets like this for an immediate relief they can refer to patients. Calm Strips should consider Social media engagement and educational campaigns to expand its appeal to consumers. Developing a social media community around stress management may encourage users to come forward with testimonies that creates a sense of connection with the buyers and products. Educational campaigns  puts the business out there reaching a greater audience. Including information not only about the product but about the amount of people that suffered from stress with no quick and portable outlet. Highlighting Calm Strips as a tool connected with science and designed to make dealing with anxiety easier.


Consumer Decision Making

In my journey for Italian take out for Slat Lake City, Utah, I went forward with the consumer process without any idea. Just moving into the area, I lacked prior knowledge about local Italian restaurants. The process began with the first stage: need recognition.

The crave for Italian takeout encouraged me to begin the second stage of the process- information search. Staring my research online, I explored  numerous sources such as review websites, search engines, and local directories. It was important tot find the qualities I was looking for in an Italian restaurant, including the dining atmosphere, and service options.

As I dove into my quest, several Italian restraints in Salt Lake stood out to me. Each restaurant had unique descriptions that aligned with different preferences. Some contain a more formal essence within Italian cuisine while other approached with a more casual demeanor with their main focus on the traditional Italian food. With these factors found myself wondering if I preferred dine -in or takeout and delivery.

In continuation to stage three- evaluating my options based on a set of standards, this stage focuses more on specifics. Including the Italian food options, the restaurants atmosphere, reviews, and whether or not they provided delivery options or only allowed pick up. Price for these services including food was also taken into consideration as I’ve had a planned budget.

Several restaurants caught my attention. “La Trattoria” highlighted the authentic Italian menu with a comforting atmosphere, while on another side “Pasta Paradiso” offered or more variety of pasta dishes provided with delivery services. As I gathered both pros and cons my decision became more challenging.

Conclusively, the fourth stage involved the decision of purchase. In this scenario my overall choice was “Pasta Paradiso.” The array of options on their menu, and  convenient delivery options aligned with my preference and needs.

Taking a step back to reflect, I recognize the importance of consumer decision-making. It’s a dynamic rout influence by a variety of factors. What I prefer may be different from others based on arrangement, personal taste, and situational factors, demonstrating the importance of marketing and online presence and how they can influence a consumer decision making. As a consumer new to the area, it was an eye-opening experience realizing how real world reviews and recommendations influenced my considerations.

In summary, recognizing the need for Italian takeout and deciding to purchase in Salt lake city was a fascinating way of exploring the consumers decision making process. This journey highlighted the way of evaluating alternatives and choices based on ones preferences and the impact of marketing and online presence. The experience underlined the difficulties in the decision making process, the importance of trustworthy information, and positive reviews in molding or choices.

Esther Kessie

Hello, my name is Esther. I major in business management. On my free time I love to spend time with my family or go to nice restaurants.


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