Author Archives: Clinton

Shak tank

The fidget game


The product that resonated with me the most was “The Fidget Game.” I am passionate about unconventional educational approaches that deviate from traditional norms, especially for children. Having struggled with standard study methods devoid of external stimulation throughout my own education, I strongly believe in making learning enjoyable and promoting diverse learning methods tailored to individual preferences. This philosophy shapes individuals and serves as a catalyst for their growth.

“The Fidget Game” was presented as an engaging card game that incorporates elements of fun learning, fidgeting, and competitiveness. The entrepreneur sought $500K for a 10% stake, resulting in a $5 million valuation. The product addresses the need for innovative approaches to assist children with literacy, combining competitiveness and effective education. Recognizing that people learn best when presented with a unique twist, such as through songs or games, this product targets a valuable niche.

Moreover, the product addresses the literacy crisis in the United States, particularly exacerbated after the pandemic, where millions of children struggle with reading. The incorporation of a reward system, such as an ADHD stimulant popper, makes the product more appealing and effective. Consumers perceive a genuine need for this product, driven by the deep love and concern parents have for their children. Naturally, parents aspire to provide their children with every advantage, and “The Fidget Game” offers an affordable and highly efficient means to do so.

The Sharks on the show also shared a strong belief in the product, evident in the swift deal made with Barbara at a 15% stake. Notably, Barbara is not known for frequently making deals, adding a unique aspect to the entrepreneur’s success. Despite being a film student in Brooklyn, I appreciate the well-presented nature of the product, with its simplistic packaging, direct messaging, welcoming color scheme, and a concept succinctly captured in its name. With an impressive $1.3 million in earnings within the first three months, the success of “The Fidget Game” underscores its broad appeal and effectiveness.

The joneses

1.Given that the primary objective of the Joneses is to live a lifestyle that not only embodies a business but also truly lives to sell, I would classify their way of life as personal selling.

2. The Jones family’s sales strategies are similar to influencer marketing, which is a popular strategy employed by many firms in the modern era. For instance, many of my favorite firms employ social media influencers to present their items in a real-life context, making them more enticing to the audience, just like the Joneses do with their wares to make them desired.

3. I think the way things are marketed in the movie creates ethical questions based on the course content and the film. The Joneses manipulate their neighbors into purchasing goods by tricking them into thinking their way of life is real. It is unethical to exploit personal ties for financial benefit and to act in such a transparent manner.

4. Prior to learning their secret, if I were friends with a member of the Jones family, I would probably feel adoration and maybe even desire to emulate them. But my feelings would change to betrayal and disappointment once I knew the reality. The acknowledgement that our camaraderie was founded on a promotional tactic would compromise the genuineness of our bond.

The role of PR assignment

Clinton Zheng

The Michael J. Fox Foundation


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The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research

NEW YORK, Nov. 13, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research (MJFF) has awarded the 2023 Robert A. Pritzker Prize for Leadership in Parkinson’s Research to Dario Alessi, PhD, biochemist, director of the Medical Research Council Protein Phosphorylation and Ubiquitylation Unit and professor of signal transduction at the School of Life Sciences, University of Dundee, UK. The prize recognizes researchers who make exceptional contributions to Parkinson’s disease (PD) research and are committed to mentoring the next generation of Parkinson’s scientists.

Research and fund

The Foundation works towards “translational” research—the work of translating basic scientific discoveries into simple treatments with definition to benefit the estimated five million people living with Parkinson’s disease today. 

The Foundation drives progress by awarding grants to ensure that the most promising research avenues are thoroughly funded, explored and carried forward toward pharmacy shelves. The Foundation’s four annually recurring Pipeline Programs aim to speed research along the drug development pipeline.The Pipeline Programs include:

Rapid Response Innovation Awards quickly support high-risk, high-reward projects with little to no existing preliminary data, but potential to significantly impact our understanding or treatment of PD (an Edmond J. Safra Core Program for PD Research).

Target Validation Awards provide support for work demonstrating whether modulation of a novel biological target has impact in a PD-relevant pre-clinical model — an essential step to the development of potential targeted therapies (an Edmond J. Safra Core Program for PD Research).

Clinical Intervention Awards support clinical testing of promising PD therapies that may significantly and fundamentally improve treatment of PD (an Edmond J. Safra Core Program for PD Research).

Therapeutics Development Initiative, an industry-exclusive support program for preclinical development of Parkinson’s disease therapies with potential to fundamentally alter disease course and/or improve treatment of symptoms above and beyond current standards of care.

The Pipeline Programs are complemented by the Foundation’s Critical Challenges in Parkinson’s Disease program, which provides funds for top research priorities. Critical Challenges in 2009/2010 include: speeding research on PD genetic targets, LRRK2 and alpha-synuclein; advancing research on neurotrophic factors; identifying biomarkers of PD; understanding patient’s unmet needs, like postural instability and gait disturbances; and, promoting collaborations with the Arizona Parkinson’s Disease Consortium.

About The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research

As the world’s largest nonprofit funder of Parkinson’s research, The Michael J. Fox Foundation is dedicated to accelerating a cure for Parkinson’s disease and improved therapies for those living with the condition today. The Foundation pursues its goals through an aggressively funded, highly targeted research program coupled with active global engagement of scientists, Parkinson’s patients, business leaders, clinical trial participants, donors, and volunteers. In addition to funding $1.75 billion in research to date, the Foundation has fundamentally altered the trajectory of progress toward a cure. Operating at the hub of worldwide Parkinson’s research, the Foundation forges groundbreaking collaborations with industry leaders, academic scientists and government research funders; creates a robust open-access data set and biosample library to speed scientific breakthroughs and treatment with its landmark clinical study, PPMI; increases the flow of participants into Parkinson’s disease clinical trials with its online tool, Fox Trial Finder; promotes Parkinson’s awareness through high-profile advocacy, events, and outreach; and coordinates the grassroots involvement of thousands of Team Fox members around the world. For more information, visit us at

Consumer Decision Making – A Culinary Adventure in Salt Lake City

As someone unfamiliar with the culinary offerings in Salt Lake City, Utah, the idea of discovering local restaurants was simultaneously thrilling and daunting. Starting my exploration without the guidance of targeted advertisements, I embarked on this journey driven by a keen interest in exploring the varied dining options in this metropolitan region.

The first step in my exploration involved turning to online platforms and review websites such as Yelp, TripAdvisor, and Google Reviews. These platforms provided valuable insights into the local dining scene, offering user-generated reviews and ratings. Additionally, I explored local food blogs and articles to gain a deeper understanding of the popular and hidden gems within the city.

Several eateries that stuck out to me during my study each had distinctive ambiances and cuisines. Renowned for its real Mexican food, Red Iguana drew my eye with its glowing reviews and lively atmosphere. Situated in the picturesque Mill Creek Canyon, Log Haven has become a popular destination because to its luxurious dining options and breathtaking natural settings. Considering a variety of options, such as the modern Handle and the eclectic Copper Onion, made my decision-making process more difficult.

The consumer decision-making process in this unfamiliar culinary landscape was marked by several realizations. First, the importance of online reviews and ratings played a significant role in shaping my perceptions of each restaurant. The collective wisdom of previous diners provided a sense of trust and guided my choices. Second, the visual appeal of a restaurant, as showcased through user-generated photos and professional images, played a crucial role in creating expectations and influencing my preferences.

Given the absence of targeted ads shaping my preferences, my decision-making process aligns more closely with organic and authentic reviews. While some consumers may be swayed by promotional content or advertisements, my journey relied on unbiased feedback and genuine experiences shared by fellow diners. The emphasis on diverse cuisines, unique dining atmospheres, and the overall culinary experience places me within a group of consumers seeking authenticity and variety in their gastronomic adventures.

Exploring Salt Lake City’s culinary scene as someone unfamiliar with the options proved to be a gratifying adventure. I encountered a spectrum of dynamic and diverse restaurants, with my decision-making influenced by online reviews, the visual allure of establishments, and a quest for authentic experiences. In a city where targeted ads didn’t steer my choices, this journey highlighted the impact of unbiased information and showcased the abundant culinary treasures available to those willing to venture beyond the familiar.

Ethics – Apple

For this assignment I have chosen the company Apple. Apple is one the most common phone brand that everyone is using these days .

Apple Inc. as an exemplary case. Currently, Apple is deeply entrenched in numerous initiatives that focus on sustainability, ethical sourcing, and community impact.

Their CSR endeavors encompass a range of critical areas. Apple has been fervently committed to achieving carbon neutrality not only within its corporate operations but across the entire supply chain. The company’s transition to renewable energy for its facilities and partners, coupled with innovation in reducing carbon emissions in manufacturing, packaging, and transportation, reflects their ambitious environmental goals.

Apple has made significant strides in their supply chain sustainability efforts. They’re actively working to ensure that the minerals used in their products are sourced ethically and responsibly. Their Supplier Responsibility Progress Report highlights their commitment to the fair treatment of workers, responsible sourcing of materials, and fostering a safe working environment throughout their supply chain network.

Furthermore, the company actively engages in recycling initiatives, promoting the refurbishment and recycling of their products to reduce electronic waste. The “Apple GiveBack” program and their emphasis on designing products with recyclability in mind are steps towards a circular economy.

Apple’s CSR strategies also extend to social initiatives. They invest in educational programs, like the “Everyone Can Code” and “Everyone Can Create” initiatives, to equip individuals, especially underrepresented communities, with technological skills. Their support for renewable energy projects, community development, and health-related programs further solidifies their commitment to social welfare.

Their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion within their workforce is another area of focus. Apple has been working to increase diversity at all levels of the company and support initiatives that promote a more inclusive and equitable workplace.

This concise glimpse only touches on the depth of Apple’s comprehensive CSR endeavors. Their firm commitment to sustainability and social responsibility intricately weaves through their corporate strategies, impacting everything from product design to global supply chain management. Apple’s approach demonstrates how a major corporation can leverage its influence to drive positive change and establish standards for the entire industry.

Clinton Zheng

My name is clinton Zheng, my major is business management. I like to play basketball and watch movie. i have a full time job. im fluent in three languages.


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