Ethics writing assignment

Liling Liu

Prof. Buckley

Mar 100

Nov.5th 2023


Nike, Inc., established in 1964, has evolved from a modest shoe retailer into a behemoth in the sports apparel industry, valued at an impressive $30 billion. With its global presence, Nike employs over 73,000 individuals across various nations, symbolized by their iconic swoosh and the motto “Just Do It.” In today’s corporate climate, the integration of ethics, social responsibility, and sustainable practices is not just expected but demanded by consumers, stakeholders, and the environment itself.

Company’s Current CSR and Ethical Efforts

Nike’s CSR approach embodies their conviction that sports have the transformative power to better the world. Their dedication is evident across multiple facets, including diversity and inclusion, community engagement, and environmental sustainability.


Nike has shown a strong commitment to charitable efforts, notably through donations exceeding $149 million, focusing on empowering women, girls, and addressing racial inequality.

Energy Conservation

Nike’s pursuit of reducing their energy footprint led to a nearly 40% decrease in greenhouse gas emissions in owned or operated facilities from FY21 to FY22, with 93% of these facilities now powered by renewable electricity.

Sustainable Supply Chains

With initiatives like the Supplier Climate Action Program, Nike is steering towards carbon neutrality, utilizing sustainable materials across 59% of their clothing lines and piloting eco-friendlier packaging solutions.

Reducing Carbon Footprint

Innovations such as Nike Forward material platform reflect Nike’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions, which have been slashed by over 182,000 metric tons due to the use of environmentally preferred materials.

Fair Trade and Labor Practices

The company’s practices have come under scrutiny for alleged human rights violations. However, Nike has taken steps to improve, such as the commitment of $777 million to diverse suppliers, including those led by women, and maintaining equitable pay across genders and ethnicities.

Community Service and Volunteerism

Through the investment of time and resources, Nike has enabled over 375,000 girls to access sports and has trained over 17,000 coaches to foster inclusive sporting experiences.

Employee Relations

Nike reports a 51% representation of women in its global corporate workforce and upholds a 1:1 pay equity, reflecting significant strides in ensuring employee welfare and fair treatment.

Other Efforts

Nike’s proactive response to COVID-19 included significant donations and the adaptation of safety protocols to safeguard employees’ health and well-being.


Ethical Recommendations

Nike could enhance transparency in its supply chain to ensure all practices align with its ethical commitments and strengthen measures to prevent any form of labor exploitation.

Social Responsibility Recommendations

Continued investment in programs that support underrepresented communities, and furthering initiatives that foster inclusivity in sports, could amplify Nike’s social impact.

Sustainability Recommendations

Further innovation in product materials, increased use of renewable resources, and a committed strategy to address and reduce the company’s overall carbon footprint would propel Nike towards its 2025 sustainability targets.

Employee Relations

Nike should persist in its efforts to diversify its workforce, ensuring equal opportunities and a supportive work environment that fosters employee growth and satisfaction.


Nike’s integration of CSR, ethics, and sustainability into its business model is commendable, setting standards within the sports apparel industry. The company has made meaningful progress towards its 2025 goals, yet recognizes the journey ahead. The continuous refinement of these practices is not only a corporate mandate but a societal expectation, urging Nike to perpetually innovate and lead with responsibility. With a global community watching, Nike’s journey towards enhanced CSR, ethical, and sustainable practices is not just a corporate strategy, but a promise to future generations that every stride counts.

Dean, M. (n.d.). Nike Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability. Thomasnet® – Product Sourcing and Supplier Discovery Platform – Find North American Manufacturers, Suppliers and Industrial Companies.

Nike. (2022). How NIKE, Inc.’s Commitment to Progress Champions Women and Girls.




2 thoughts on “Ethics writing assignment

  1. Onii

    Kori Jackson 11/4/23

    Martine Rose & St. Giles Trust

    Martine Rose is a British fashion designer known for her avant-garde designs, worn by many, is a brand I admire not only for the style and material she uses on her clothing like an wearable art piece, but her involvement with a London nonprofit called the St. Giles Trust.

    The St. Giles Trust, a well-established London nonprofit, focuses on helping the working-class, lower-class communities, and individuals involved in gangs and prisons to access better opportunities. Her partnership with this organization highlights her commitment to addressing social issues and her desire to use her platform for positive change.

    St. Giles’s mission aligns with Martine Rose’s interest in empowering marginalized groups, showcasing her belief through the power of fashion beyond the runway. This partnership has not only brought attention to the important work of the St. Giles Trust but also exemplifies how the fashion industry can contribute to social change.

    As someone that’s spent time working in Youth Advocacy Rose’s involvement with the St. Giles Trust gives the next generation an wider positive outlook and outlet that and. Help as a deterrent to the wickedness of the streets and assist to break the cycle of criminal behavior and improve the lives of those who often find themselves trapped in adverse circumstances. And that’s a message that deeply resonates within me that I’d promote 100 percent of the way..

    Martine Rose’s involvement with the St. Giles Trust exemplifies the positive impact that the fashion industry can have on society. As she continues to use her platform for social change, Martine Rose serves as an inspiring example of how fashion can be a vehicle for addressing critical social issues and creating better opportunities for the most vulnerable in our society.

  2. Chantha

    Hey Kori!

    This is the first I’ve heard of Martine Rose. Martine Rose’s commitment to addressing challenges in working-class communities through this partnership symbolizes the potential for the fashion industry to create positive change (which is something mainstream fashion does not really focus on). Your personal connection in Youth Advocacy emphasizes the significance of Rose’s involvement in providing a positive outlook and deterring individuals from a poor life on the streets. Martine Rose’s dedication to social empowerment through fashion serves as an inspiring model for the industry’s broader potential to contribute to positive societal transformation. Thanks for your response!

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