Character walk draft


This was a challenge but I will continue practicing on moving the joints smoother. My character is suppose to have a soft sway with his walk. For the next step I will make sure to add that. I used a guide to make sure the feet are balance. This reference helped me understand how to focus on the physics of the anatomy, left leg goes with right arm and right leg goes with left arm. Also the hips align with the knees as the person bounces when the feet touch the ground. The shoulders should also go up when the feet go down too.

Character Design – Wang –

Wang is a lovable and flirty guy, so a suit definitely fits his charming approach. But he is stylish and confident so the ‘W’ chain for Wang brings out his fashionable sense and how he is prideful, with his muscular chest out of his shirt. The tall and sharp shoulders give him a suspicious look. He is suppose to be cocky and arrogant so the lean back shows how confident he is. I really loved creating Wang Fang since creating male characters are always practice for myself who draws women.

Character Design Bio

Pillow animation

Jie’s pillow discovers Drake for the first time.

This animation was actually fun with understanding lighting and texture. I studied how shadows always correspond with the objects weight or speed, which was challenging. I choose yellow to make the pillow stand out as well as compliment the contemporary colors. The room is my imaginary bedroom with my real self crying to a good song by Drake.


These are the poses of the pillows animated expressions. This was similar to an animation class in high school where our teacher gave us an easy trick to memorize and understand bodily functions. Draw the stem, or spine in the direction or main shape the object will be in place. Like the terrified expression is a high arch line and the embarrassed expression is a steep curved line.