Community: OER/ZTC Course Redesign Seminar | Winter 2022

active 2 years, 3 months ago
OER/ZTC Course Redesign Seminar | Winter 2022
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A virtual seminar for faculty who applied and were selected to participate in January 2022 OER/ZTC Course Redesign Seminar.

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The 2nd to last sentence should read, "The goal is not to deconstruct gender, race and class, but […] See MoreComment on: OER and Other No-cost Materials for Your Course

Comment on: OER and Other No-cost Materials for Your Course

I still have many irons in the fire as far as this decision-making process is concerned. I will […] See MoreComment on: OER and Other No-cost Materials for Your Course

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The main thing I plan to use is a set of notes I have worked on over the past couple of years, […] See MoreComment on: OER and Other No-cost Materials for Your Course