Course: ENG 101 English Composition-0911 Spring 2024 TuTh 9AM with Prof. Barnes M309


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  • Author
    • #20484

      Ahmed Nokib

      <span style=”font-weight: 400;”>Hi everyone! My name is Ahmed, and I’m on a twenty-year exciting journey. Originally from the beautiful city of Sylhet in the South, I now call Queens, New York, my home. I’m studying Business Administration and Finance, and I’m having a great time. The campus community is fantastic, and I’m constantly learning new things. Once I complete my two-year degree, I plan to transfer to Baruch College to earn my Bachelor’s degree. Eventually, I aspire to start my own business. In my free time, I play cricket with the New York team. I’m grateful for my life, and I’m enjoying every moment of it. Alhamdulliah!</span>

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