Course: ENG 101 English Composition-0911 Spring 2024 TuTh 9AM with Prof. Barnes M309

active 2 months ago
ENG 101 English Composition-0911 Spring 2024 TuTh 9AM with Prof. Barnes M309
This Course is OPEN.
Academic Literacy and Linguistics, English
Course Contact
Course Code
ENG 101
Section Code
Spring 2024
Course Description

English Composition is the standard freshman writing course. The course introduces students to academic writing. By its conclusion, students will be ready for English 201 and for the writing they will be asked to do in advanced courses across the curriculum. Students completing ENG 101 will have mastered the fundamentals of college-level reading and writing, including developing a thesis-driven response to the writing of others and following the basic conventions of citation and documentation. They will have practiced what Mike Rose calls the “habits of mind” necessary for success in college and in the larger world: summarizing, classifying, comparing, contrasting, and analyzing. Students will be introduced to basic research methods and MLA documentation and complete a research project. Students are required to take a departmental final exam that requires the composition of a 500 word, thesis-driven essay in conversation with two designated texts.

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