The reflection will give you the opportunity to look back at your work in this class and evaluate your progress toward strengthening your writing skills.
Step 1: Select 3-5 assignments that you feel were especially helpful in developing your writing skills. Examples: one of your Conversation posts, argumentative essay, peer review, etc.
Step 2: Describe each of those assignments by answering the following questions:
– What did you have to do and how did you complete this assignment?
– Did you face any challenges?
– What did you learn from this assignment?
– How can you apply what you have learned to your life outside of this class?
This is an informal essay, not just a list. Since this is not a course evaluation (there is another opportunity for that) you should not discuss me or the class. You are the subject of this essay; your goal is to demonstrate your growth and achievements in this class. Be specific, provide examples—this is your evidence here.
Ideally, you would time yourself – say, 45 minutes – and submit your draft without revising it, to mimic what we would have done in class today. You can refer to your work on the OpenLab, copy bits and pieces of your written work, and consult the course schedule to refresh your memory on class assignments. The key thing is to use your own words and reflect on your work from the semester. There is no length requirement: think how much you would write in under 1 hour.
Submit the reflection here by commenting on this/ my post. Complete this assignment by Thursday, 4/27.
5 thoughts on “Reflection: Assignment instead of class 4/25”
Even though I still have a lot to improve, I feel I have learned a lot in this class already. I have a lot of grammatical errors and my essays doesn’t have stronger arguments. I’m going to cite 3 assignments that were very helpful but also challenging in my opinion.
First, the assignment “Conversation 2: The Nature vs. Nurture Debate”. I had to publish our summary with an introduction in this theme. My biggest challenge in this assignment it was summarizing in little length but keeping the main details. I learned the meaning of nurture and nature and how some psychologists use this to understand human behavior. It was a very interesting topic to learn. I believe the information that I learned from the article will help me in the future to build stronger arguments about this debate and writing essays.
Secondly, the assignment “Informative/ Comparative essay”. In which, I had to write an informative essay about artificial intelligence. The biggest challenge I had it was including my summaries in the body paragraphs in a way that would make sense but it would compare a little bit both articles. Also, this was a very interesting topic and I learned new information about artificial intelligence and how this is affecting us right now and its future consequences. This is a very actual discussion, so this could help me discuss further about AI and also do essays about this topic in the future.
Lastly, the most challenging assignment for me it was the “Argument essay”, in which I had to write about immigration. I had 4 sources to use in my essay. The hardest part it was to summarize the articles to use as my source because I needed something small but keeping the important details. In addition the first source had a lot of data so I had a hard time to be very careful with my word and avoid plagiarism. This is also a very interesting topic and I learned a lot of data about immigration in the U.S. Being an immigrant we think we know a lot but there’s so many information about this topic and now I know a little bit more to discuss.
The assignments that were helpful for me was the first peer review , the immigration story that we read, and the essay about immigration. For all three the all special in the same way. To complete them I just followed the instructions that were ask. In my opinion every exercise is challenging but the essay about the immigration was more challenging for me because many sources was given to do the essay and I had to do many summaries do get it done. But at the I learned that it was A necessary evil because it allowed me to have several ideas to develop.
Basically taking esl 96 allowed me to have a more advanced level of English than before especially on the text summary side. Therefore, I don’t regret taking this class
I have learned a lot about writing in the assignments so far, such as how to summarize and analyze a article, how to avoid plagiarism, etc. But among these assignments I have three that stand out to me.
The first one is Conversation 2: The Nature vs.Nurture Debate. In this assignment I treat it as the beginning of the semester of esl96. I not only completed the assignment but also learned how to submit it, what to look for when submitting it, and how the professor grades it. For this assignment I summarized the article The Nature vs. Nurture Debate I had some challenges in completing the assignment, and I needed to summarize the article in fewer words, which was difficult for me. After this assignment, I became more proficient at summarizing and responding to articles.
The second assignment was Peer Review 2. In this assignment I read two students’ essays, and I learned a lot in the process. Their essays inspired me a lot, and although our topics were the same, they had ideas that I would not have thought of. So I really enjoyed reading their essays in this process. I didn’t encounter any challenges in this assignment, but I learned a lot.
The third assignment is Informative/ Comparative Essay, the topic of this unit is AI, first of all I don’t know much about this topic, so I had some challenges in this assignment, but A.I. Here, There, Everywhere and Bing’s A.I Chat: ‘I Want to Be Alive’ helped me a lot. Reading these two articles gave me a basic understanding of AI when I didn’t know anything about it. In this assignment I got to know more about AI.
Zoom Crushing Student Spirit was our fist assignment. I summarized the article and added my personal opinions to the topic. My challenge in this assignment was summarizing in English, this was my first time i was asked to summarize. From this article i learned how important online school can be for some people, but how it is destroying the importance of in person networking, communicating, person to person relationships. I learned how important online classes are for some people such as myself because i have young children and i need to constantly multitask between school and my family.
Nature vs Nurture was our second assignment. I summarized, paraphrased, and added my own opinions. My biggest change was completing this assignment in essay format. I think this was a very interesting assessment and three weeks later I studied Nature vs Nurture in psychology, the classes together expanded my understanding of the subject.
“A.I. Here, There, Everywhere” and “Bing A.I. Chat, I Want To Be Alive “was my third assignment. This was a comparative essay assignment. My challenge was to no be over negative because i do not like A.I., it scares me. But i did learn how important and helpful A.I. is for everyday use and our future.
– What did you have to do and how did you complete this assignment?
I had to find an article, read it and write an article about it
Yes, I completed it
– Did you face any challenges?
There were a lot of challenges such as finding the article that carries the correct information and not fabricated, and also the extent of my understanding of the topic and how I will convey my knowledge about the topic and summarize it
– What did you learn from this assignment?
I learned a lot about artificial intelligence that I did not know before and how it is developing very quickly. I was afraid that artificial intelligence would take our jobs and occupy jobs in the world, but I soon discovered that it was found to help us, just as the car was found before, and then I found computers and phones. It was found to develop our skills and teach us more broadly and accurately so that I could develop myself more through it.
– How can you apply what you have learned to your life outside of this class?
I will start learning to deal with artificial intelligence, and try to develop my skills from it. So that I use it to provide me with better opportunities in the real world, instead of being afraid of it, I will let it create better opportunities for me
– What did you have to do and how did you complete this assignment?
I had to interview five classmates, and ask them about their story of being immigrants, how did they get here, how did they react to arriving here for the first time, did they adapt to American society quickly, or did it take them a long time, and what are their advice to someone for the first time? in the United States
Yes, I completed it
– Did you face any challenges?
The interview was fun, the only challenge was the short time we had
– What did you learn from this assignment?
I learned how to write notes quickly, and how to communicate the question in an appropriate way that makes it easier for the other person to respond quickly and concisely. I also learned that everyone has their own story, and their own difficulties in life
– How can you apply what you have learned to your life outside of this class?
I will be more clear in asking questions, and quick in understanding the important points in order to shorten people’s time and not take much of their time.
– What did you have to do and how did you complete this assignment?
I had to find an article, read it and write an essay about it
Yes, I completed it
– Did you face any challenges?
There were no challenges, but there were a lot of stories that I had to choose the best ones to include in my essay
– What did you learn from this assignment?
There were no challenges, but there were a lot of stories that I had to choose the best ones to include in my article