Tunde Erika Takaro-Szabo’s Profile

Active 6 days, 8 hours ago
Tunde Erika Takaro-Szabo
About Me
Hello, my name is Tunde. I’m originally from Hungary, and I currently live in Manhattan with my husband and three kids. I am a student at BMCC, pursuing a major in Psychology STEAM. In the future, I hope to become a school psychologist, where I can support and help children with special needs to thrive.
Science, Social Sciences, Human Services and Criminal Justice
Academic Program
Psychology, A.A.


ESL 96-1803 Intensive Reading and Writing/ Spring 2023 with Prof. Barnes

ESL 96-1803 Intensive Reading and Writing/ Spring 2023 with Prof. Barnes

ESL 96 is an intensive integrated skills course that emphasizes academic writing and critical reading for ESL students. It focuses on basic components of effective writing and reading, including essay organization, paragraph development, sentence structure, word choice, and content. Students demonstrate comprehension of texts of varying lengths and genres by reading and responding to a variety of texts and using argumentation, narrative, and description as modes of developing ideas in writing. Students demonstrate critical reading skills related to analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. This course is designed to help students master and apply a full range of college-level reading and writing skills in English.


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BMCC Reads – The space for sharing books, reviews, clubs, films and ideas


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