… by replying to my post. This way, you can see what your classmates, have posted. Also, I will comment on your outlines here, so please check back next week/ after the due date. No attachments please, simply copy and paste your work here, following the format below.
Here is what I suggest:
Intro: (hook, intro to topic, thesis statement)
Topic sentence 1:
Supporting Evidence:
Topic sentence 2:
Supporting Evidence:
Topic sentence 3:
Supporting Evidence:
Topic sentence 4:
Supporting Evidence
Conclusion: (paraphrase your thesis, and explain why this topic matters)
Please note that your essay can have more than 3 body paragraphs, and feel free to include more than 3 premises–either way, this will be a base for your draft.
5 thoughts on “Post your essay outline here by 4/4”
Topic: The immigrant experience
Intro: The immigrant experience is unique for each person but knowing some of the experiences other immigrants went through can help you understand and make the process smoother.
Topic sentence 1: Immigrants tend to go to places where they can find people that have gone through what they’re going because they can identify.
Supporting Evidence: Key Findings About U.S. Immigration, PEW Research Center, the bigger number of immigrants is in New York, California and Miami.
Topic sentence 2: People immigrate for the most vary motives, but one of the most common is war and looking for better life and opportunities.
Supporting Evidence: “Competition from Within,” by Seth Eislund/ The Immigrant Story- Khatir came to the United States in search of a better life and peace.
Topic sentence 3: Most immigrants come alone what in most cases make them look for friends that are immigrants as well, because it’s something they can have in common already.
Supporting Evidence: Classmates interview.
Topic sentence 4: People who immigrate when they’re very little tend to fit in terms of mindset very well when they grew up but physically it can be hard sometimes, depending on the place you live.
Supporting Evidence: “Searching for her Birth Family” by Emily Ker/ The immigrant Story- Olivia was adopted when she was very young so she grew up here, but sometimes she feels as if she doesn’t belong because of her appearance.
Conclusion: Being a immigrant it’s not easy, but with help we can make it a better experience. It’s important to have patient with immigrants and help them the best we can because in some cases for that immigrant this could be the chance of their life to live a better life and build a better life for their family. It’s difficult already to be the different one in a big population so let’s make that a little easier.
Topic: A Unique Immigrant Life
Intro: (hook, intro to topic, thesis statement) Everyone’s immigrant experience is unique, and your own immigrant life begins when you take your first steps in the U.S. The first people you meet may be your family, or your friends….
Topic sentence 1:The United States has people from different countries.
Supporting Evidence: Key Findings About U.S. Immigration, PEW Research Center
Topic sentence 2:The answer to why you immigrated to the U.S. was more for the schools, but more families came to the U.S. because of the war in their country and their refugee status.
Supporting Evidence:Competition from Within,” by Seth Eislund/ The Immigrant Story
Topic sentence 3: In my interviews, I learned that more students’ decisions to immigrate are their own, but they also feel hard to integrate in the process because of their accent.
Supporting Evidence: Classmate interview
Topic sentence 4: Why we stay here? is also challenging in the process of immigration
Supporting Evidence: “Struggling to Stay in the U.S. of A.” by ELAI KOBAYASHI-SOLOMON
Conclusion: (paraphrase your thesis, and explain why this topic matters): I haven’t been an immigrant for very long, so I learned more about immigrant stories through articles and interviews with classmates, and obviously, everyone’s story is different…
Topic: How immigration can impact in an immigrant life
Intro: Immigration is the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country. Millions of people have opted for immigration since it is known that it can have a very positive impact on the immigrant’s life, although it can also have a negative impact. Therefore, what drives people to say that it impacts the immigrant’s life in a positive or negative way?
Topic sentence 1 and supporting evidence: immigration makes it possible to better understand how the world works. For example, traveling and meeting new people who aren’t from your culture or your country, who are different from you allows the person to have a wider view of the world, and that person will be smarter in many things.
Topic sentence 2 and supporting evidence: immigrating helps you have more opportunities to succeed. For example, for an African like me who comes from Senegal, which is a developing country, the United States, which is a very developed country in addition to being a first-world power, is a country where my success is more assured.
Topic sentence 3 and supporting evidence: immigrating often means leaving behind loved ones. Which is one negative side of immigration. For example, this can be emotionally difficult and lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness.
Topic sentence 4 and supporting evidence: immigrants may experience discrimination and prejudice based on their race, ethnicity, religion, or other factors. For example, this can lead to social exclusion as well as mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.
Conclusion: To conclude, immigration can have both a negative and positive impact on an immigrant’s life. In light of recent developments, isn’t its positive impact greater than its negative impact ?
my outline may differ from my draft because i didn’t take account the source that they asked me to put in
Argument/ Research Essay, The Immigrant Experience
The experience of immigration in to the United State has created lot of storyline, every people has own personal story an has resulted an multi-cultural environment
Topic sentence 1: Explores statistics of the American immigrant population. America is a country that stands for individualism, diversity, and freedom of expression. America’s international population have immigrated from all around the world.
Supporting Evidence: Key Findings About U.S. Immigrates” by Abby Budiman
Topic sentence 2: Makka Djibrine Khatir life story how she find she way in the United state and feels like she home now.
Supporting Evidence: Competition from Within,” by Seth Eislund/ The Immigrant Story
Topic sentence 3: I interviewed my 5 classmate and find out how different our arriving story. But after we all have a same issue for immigration process, relationship and daily life.
3.Supporting Evidence: Classmate interview
Topic sentence 4: Franke Tokem’s takes the listener on a journey that explores the world himself as he finds what he has always been searching for, friendship, love, and acceptance for himself and from others.
Supporting Evidence:
You Know What, This Is Me, Okay? / The immigrant Story.
Conclusion: This topic helps learn about immigrants’ history, lifestyle, live, affiliation.