Post your 5 interview questions here, by replying to my post. Next, interview 5 classmates and take notes. Finally, analyze your data by replying to yourself. Be sure to state your classmates’ names, and then describe and summarize your interviews: who did you speak to, what did they say, etc. Try to make some general statements like: “Most of my classmates say/ feel…” and “None of my classmates did…” and “Only one of my classmates…”.
23 thoughts on “Classmate interviews/ quiz 3”
1-Have you ever been in different state instead of NYC?
2-Is U.S. like you imagined before you came?
3-Will you want to live here rest of your life?
4- Do you miss your country?
5-If you have the change did you came early age here?
If you had a choice would you prefer to grow up here or in your country and arrive here at an older age?
I made interview with E.Z., Waleed, Kultush,Kardyne,Bobo.
My friends most of them gave me similar answer. They been some other states which is my first question. They all had different idea about U.S before they came here and after been U.S. it’s different than what they imagined. Most of them want to live here rest of life or many years for create a good life then maybe move. Most of them miss their country but they don’t want to back fully. Everyone has same answer for my last question. They all wanted live here early age even born U.S.
So my idea is immigrants trying their best and create a good life here.
1. How was your first winter in the u.s
2. Was it difficult to fit in the country where you just came in
3. Do you like it better in your country or here
4. How long did you stayed before having a job
5. Why did you choose to immigrate in the u.s
So I interviewed 5 people who was Irem, EZ, Bobo, Mariana and Kultush. For the first question every body said that is was cold and excited. They all said I was difficult to fit in the country due to the language. They all like here except Mariana who said she liked both her country and here. They all waited differently to have a job some of them waited 1 week or 6 months or even 1 year. While some of them said is was an opportunity to come here other said I was parent order.
1. Why did you choose the US?
2. If you could choose again, would you still choose the US?
3. What was the most embarrassing experience you’ve had in the US?
4. How often do you visit your home country?
5. Do you want to return to your home country? or stay here?
I interviewed 5 of my classmates: Bobo, Kultush, Kahar, Tunde, Ez and Dave.
I came to the conclusion that it is obvious that those who chose to come to us as part of their personal choice want to stay here and would choose US again if they had the opportunity. Unlike people who did not choose to come here themselves, for example the family chose for them, they would prefer to return to their country of birth. In addition, you can see that without a doubt the funniest or most embarrassing experiences everyone had had to do with language and accent.
1-Why did you chose USA?
2-Were you disappointed in the first month?
3-Do you think life in New York it’s expensive?
4-Did you take driver license yet?
5-Where do you want to live in the future besides NYC?
Based on the interview I conducted with my classmates, Karolyne, Irem, Mariana, Khar and Tunde, I came to the conclusion that all my classmates have chosen the USA for a better life and more opportunities than their country. . Also, they were of the same opinion about living here in NYC, which is very expensive, but they weren’t disappointed in the first month like I was. Also, everyone has a driver’s license, but everyone thinks that if they could live anywhere else rather than NYC, they would choose Miami, LA, and Florida.
What has been the most difficult part of adjusting to life in this new country?
What advice would you give to someone who is also immigrating to this new country?
What do you think people in this new country misunderstand about immigrants?
What do you miss the most about your home country?
What’s the funniest cultural misunderstanding you’ve experienced since moving here?
Have you picked up any new slang words or phrases since moving to this new country, and if so, what are they?
Tunde , Anibal , Irem , Mariana
I spoke to 4 people and they were pretty happy with their decision to move . At the same time most of them had opinion that Americans assume that we are 2nd sort of people. And also most of them say that American gives them more opportunities. And main advice most of them is learn language and make new friends
1. Who made the decision to immigrate? Was it yourself or your family?
2. Why did you choose the US?
3. Are you embarrassed about your accent when you first come to the US?
4. How to make friends in a new country?
5. How is the lifestyle in New York different from the lifestyle in your country?
I spoke to five people. Mariana, Irem, Khar, Kultush, and Lested. Mariana, She replied that the decision to immigrate was her own, and that she chose the United States because of her childhood dream. When she first came to New York, she was embarrassed by her accent. She usually makes friends at work in New York. The difference she feels is that in New York people don’t usually pay attention to what you wear or do, whereas in her country there might be who judges something. Irem, she decided to immigrate to the United States on her own because she wanted freedom and more opportunities. She is sometimes embarrassed about her accent and she has made more friends through s social media. She feels very fast and has more options in her life in New York.
1. How did you choose the U.S your new home?
2. How hard find relationships if you can’t speak the language?
3. You think here better or your former country?
4. How long take you feels like this country your home?
5. What you feel now?
I spoke today with my 5 classmates /Dave, EZ, Kultush , Mariana, Karolyne . I think everyone very good person and they deserve it a better live. Almost everyone say they childhood dream come to the US. Second questions only Dave think very easy make relationships if someone doesn’t speak a language. I’m sure very hard. Everybody thinks here better a life because. But missing our formers country. No one feel like this is our new home but now love here and planning here the future.
1.Have you ever been any other state instead of NY?
2.Why you choose U.S?
3.Did you feel homesick when you came to the U.S?How do you move on?
4.What is your goal in coming to the U.S?
5.What was your first culture shock when you come to the U.S?
Khar Mariana Karolyne
I’ve talking to 4 people but I forgot to wrote the other one’s name but after the talk everyone have ever been other state instead of N.Y for example N.J Miami and many other states.The reason why they choose US will be hard to explain because everyone have their own reason someone choose US because of the dream or because their family are here.Everyone feel homesick when they are arive here and the way how they move on are think about the day that people from home country come to US and visit them and someone said they will go back to thier home country in the vacation.For sure everyone have their own goal some of them want to study some of them want to success and get some jobs.Most of everyone’s first culture shock when they come to the US is the way that people live and the lifestyle are very differents.
1- why did you choose U.S?
2- what was your first impression when you arrive?
3- what the funny situation that happened to you with the English language?
4- did you adapt to society quickly, or did it take you time?
5- what is your advice for new immigrant?
I interviewed five classmates, Irem, Dave, Enbel, Kaolin, Bobo, and it was a very beautiful candidate. Everyone chose the United States because there were many opportunities in it, and their first impression of it was very strange and dazzling.
1. Have you ever been to any other state in the U.S ?
2. How do you like living in the U.S ?
3. Was the U.S the first place that came to your mind when you wanted to immigrate?
4. Did you came alone?
5. Do you think the Americans mistreat you ?
I talked to 5 people in my classroom; Irem, EZ, Waleed, Kultush, and Tunde. All of them have been to another state in the U.S. All of them like to live in the United States. When Tunde came to the U.S she wasn’t expecting to live here she actually came to visit family. All of them came alone, even though 2 of them have family that lives here. The majority of the people I interviewed weren’t mistreated by natives.
1.How did coming to the use change your life?
2.What was the worst situation you have experience as an in-migrant?
3.What is the thing that you have learn in the US?
4.Do you like more living in the U.S more than your own country?
5.What is the hardest thing of being an in-migrant?
I interviw a few classmates, and I was able to listen how coming to the U.S change their life’s in diferent ways such as their personality, insecurities, and oportunities of working while studing. I listened to the bad situations they have expirience as inmigrant, but also what they have learn.