khar’s draft



Today, we come across all kinds of technologies through their advancement. Technology is becoming more and more present in our lives. In this exercise, we will summarize two New York Times articles that talk about technology, and we will compare these articles by analyzing them well.

Nowadays technology occupies an important place in the life of everybody, due to its development. This is what leads some researchers to assert that the artificial intelligence which we live with will be more present in our lives and that the latter would be more personalized. In this article written by Craig. S. Smith published on February 23 and updated on March 9, 2021, there is clear evidence that technology is transforming our lives immeasurably. This can be demonstrated by the fact that in almost every one of our homes we use the internet, we have laptops, surveillance cameras, and lots of other technological gadgets. This will go forward as our relationship with technology will be more personalized. The development of the A.i depends on the level at which we allowed it to penetrate our privacy. Nevertheless, researchers are developing methods to keep the data confidential.

The other article Bing’s Ai chat by the author Kevin Roose is about a conversation between an Ai and the author. Identifying himself as Sydney instead of an Ai, he is in love with the author. Sydney is a Microsoft chatbot that has been upgraded hence its ability to feel feelings and able to express them. In this long interview or conversation, Sydney is talking about himself with the author by answering questions that the latter asks him to get to know him better. So, Sydney takes this opportunity to talk about everything and even about what can offend him like he is adaptable but also sensitive, he can feel angry when people ask him to say something mean thing to people.

These two articles are both different even though they both talk about technology. While one talks about the personalization of artificial intelligence, the other confirms it by revealing a chatbot that works as a human being. By comparing them, we can say that Kevin Roose’s article is like a confirmation of what is advanced in Craig Smith's article.

The advancement of technology continues to gain momentum in our lives today. Of this fact, is that a benefit for our future?

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