Activity 1
In preparation for our reading of the ancient Greek tragedy Oedipus the King, please review the attached PowerPoint presentation, Greek Tragedies.
Activity 2
Please watch this fascinating 10-minute video, which illustrates and expands on some of the information in the Activity 1 readings. I think you will enjoy it immensely.
Activity 3
This 10-minute video picks up from the History of Theatre Part 1, showing the development of Greek theater with specific reference to the play we will be reading, Oedipus the King.
Activity 4
Read Oedipus the King
(OER source: CC Attribution 4.0 International)
Activity 5
Click the link below for my video lecture Aristotle Defines Tragedy. If, for any reason the link is not working for you, you can download the attached mp4 file of the video.
Aristotle Defines Tragedy Video
“Tragedy is an imitation of an action of high importance, complete and of some amplitude; in language enhanced by distinct and varying beauties; acted not narrated; by means of pity and fear effecting its purgation of these emotions.”

Public Doman
Activity 6
Quiz 2 on Essay Formatting
The quiz covers formatting requirements for essays in ENG 201, as stipulated in the Format Matters video. The test is timed, and students have one hour to complete it. The quiz will be available from 9:00 a.m. Monday, January 11 to 5:00 p.m., Sunday, January 17. The quiz will not be reopened after the closing date.
To access the quiz, navigate to your Blackboard course. Click on Links to Quizzes. Then click on Quiz 2.

Public Domain
BMCC Library Guide to MLA Format
Activity 7
Essay 2
Due: Wednesday, January 20
Essay 2 (Final Draft) Directions
For this assignment, you will write a 3-4-page final draft of the essay you have been working on. For this final step, you will expand your essay by including at least one secondary source relevant to your thesis.
Click here for a quick explanation of primary and secondary sources.
See Activities 8 and 9 (below) for information about locating secondary sources in the BMCC library databases. These activities will only take a minute or two.
Also, please review the formatting guidelines in Activity 6 (above). Formatting is factored into your essay grade.
To submit your essay, return to your Blackboard course and Click the Essay Submission Links folder on the black navigation panel. Within the folder, click the subfolder labeled “Essay 2.
Activity 8
Try this experiment in one-stop shopping for secondary sources. Click this link to access the BMCC library database Biography in Context. Then, in the search bar type in the name of the author you want to write about. You will suddenly be brought to a page with numerous articles, critiques, and biographies about this author, which you can use as your secondary sources.
For example, if you type James Joyce in the search bar, you will be taken to this page. Scroll down and you will find a wealth of information about James Joyce, including 2 websites, 8 biographies, 51 academic journals, and 89 magazine articles, 344 news items, and a website.
Here’s what happens if you type in Sarah Orne Jewett, author of “A White Heron,” one of the alternate story choices offered to you.
IMPORTANT: If you are new to BMCC, you may not have an ID card yet. The barcode on the ID card is your access to the BMCC online library, To gain access without an ID card, please submit the following form. Processing may take a day or two.
Activity 9
Click here to access a library guide that will help you locate a literary article.
To submit your assignment, return to your Blackboard course and Click the Essay Submission Links folder on the black navigation panel. Within the folder, click the subfolder labeled “Essay 2.”