Activity 1
Click this link to access the short story “Salvation” by Langston Hughes.
Activity 2
Click this link to access a Youtube lecture on “Salvation.”
Activity 3
Click this link to visit an interesting site, published by the Kansas Heritage Group, which explores the life and work of Langston Hughes.
Activity 4

The short story “Salvation” by Langston Hughes is rich with various forms of irony, which will be relevant to the week’s discussion board. Click this link for a short video that explains the three types of irony.

CC0 Public Domain
Original composite CConway
Activity 5
Please review this short pre-reading Lecture on “Araby” by James Joyce.
Short Lecture
Activity 6
Click this link to access an interactive reading of “Araby” by James Joyce on the Commonlit website. You do not have to answer the assessment questions, but they may enhance your understanding of the story. In order to access the Commonlit, website. It takes less than a minute to set up an account. See COURSE INFORMATIon for directions.
Optional – Audio Reading of “Araby”
Click this link to access a very good podcast recording of “Araby” by James Joyce.

Activity 7
Please review this short PowerPoint presentation on thesis statements. It includes exercises that test your skill at writing a good thesis statement.
Activity 8
Click this link to access two Youtube reviews of common literary terms and devices.
Activity 9
Quiz 1 on Literary Terms and Thesis Statements
This week’s quiz tests knowledge about thesis statements, as well as common literary terms (See Activities 7 and 8). This is not a memorization quiz. It requires you to use critical thinking to apply learned material.
Quiz will be available from 9:00 a.m. Monday, January 4 to Sunday, January 10, 5:00 p.m. Once the test closes, it will not be available or visible to students. Review materials are in Activities 7 and 8 on this page.
To access the quiz, please navigate to your Blackboard course. On the black navigation panel, click Links to Quizzes. Then click Quiz 1 .

Activity 10
Essay 1 due: Sunday, January 10, 11:59 p.m.
In this class you will be developing one single research essay over the course of the three-week semester. We will be working on this essay in two steps: first and final draft. The final product will be a thesis-driven essay of 3-4 pages in length. Before doing anything else, please review the Student Sample so you understand what your final product will look like.
For Essay 1, you will write a first draft essay of 2-3 pages (500-750 words)..Click here to access essay directions for this week. Follow the outline please. Also be sure to follow MLA formatting style. See resources below.
Be sure to follow format guidelines
Please watch the Format Matters video.
Note: Even if you choose to write about “A White Heron” or “A&P,” you must still read the assigned readings so you can participate in the discussion board and be prepared for quizzes.
“A White Heron” by Sarah Orne Jewett. (optional reading)
“A&P” by John Updike (on Commonlit website) (optional reading)
To submit your first draft, return to your Blackboard course and click the “Essay Submission Links” folder on the black navigation panel. Within the folder, click the subfolder labeled “Essay 1.”
Activity 11
Click this link to access the Week 1 discussion board.