Module 2: Relationships Activity #1: Relationships with Families

Read Baker & Manfredi/ Pettit (2004). Complete this handout as you read

Baker_Manfedi Petitt (2004) Chapter 1


Watch  Complete this handout while watching the video.

Read the Relationship-Based Practices scenarios.


Relationship Based Child Care Scenarios



Answer the follow questions including specific evidence from the reading and video in your response:

    1. In the schools you attended, which model of center culture did the program use? How do you know?
    2. Which model of center culture would you like to work in? Why?
    3. How do relationships between adults impact babies?
    4. Pick 2 scenarios. For each scenario, explain how you would respond and what you would do in the situation. Identify which scenarios you selected. Include specific evidence from the reading &/ or video to justify your response.


Identify a colleague who responded to a different scenario than you selected. Explain how you would  handle the situation in your reply. Describe how your response is similar to and different from your colleague’s response.




10 thoughts on “Module 2: Relationships Activity #1: Relationships with Families”

  1. 1. In the schools you attended, which model of center culture did the program use? How do you know? In the schools that I attended, I would say the model of center culture the programs used was “The Family Model” because I was able to form close relationships with my teachers and peers, the environment that they created made it known to us as students that weren’t just a student ID number but an actual person regardless of how our academic prowess, they wanted more for all us and pushed us in the right direction because they wanted to see us successful in life in general. They opened up a safe space for us, whether it be during office hours or communication through email after school, or during club activities if they were still in their offices they became an ear for listening and gave us a differing of perspectives.
    2. Which model of center culture would you like to work in? Why? The model of center culture I would like to work in would be “The Family Model” because this program would help me give other children the same experiences that I had, I think it would be extremely beneficial to pass on these resources and knowledge that I was given to someone else who may really need it. The family model program is flexible and would be access to proving a nurturing environment without the rigidness like that of the business model but more focused than the elementary model.
    3. How do relationships between adults impact babies? Relationships between adults greatly impacts babies because children look to trusted adults for guidance . If there’s a loving, trusting relationship children will feel more comfortable and know that they can count on their adults to be attuned to their feelings and to respond quickly and constructively.
    4. Pick 2 scenarios. For each scenario, explain how you would respond and what you would do in the situation. Identify which scenarios you selected. Include specific evidence from the reading &/ or video to justify your response.
    #4. You have started to engage in more sensory activities with your 12- to 18-month- old children. Marcus’ family asks you not to let their son get his clothes dirty.
    – Seeing as the activity into the sensory play is relativity recent, I would suggest the father to bring in an extra change of clothes as well as a smock. Seeing as sensory play for the 12 to 18 months will more than likely involve them getting their hands dirty. I would explain the importance of sensory play for children and how it builds nerve connections in the brains pathways which lead to the child’s ability to complete more complex learning tasks. Some evidence from the reading to justify my response would be to make the family feel more comfortable in sharing important information about circumstances that can affect the children in the long run.

    #8. A father comes in one morning with sunglasses on. As he puts his child down, the child knocks the sunglasses off his face and you notice he has a black eye. You ask if everything is OK. The father tearfully shares with you that his wife has been physically abusive recently because of financial stress the family is facing.
    – I would inform my supervisors after he leaves. But, if given the instruction and go ahead from my supervisor, l would also ask if he needs any assistance in finding financial-based outreach programs, or domestic violence services. I would not pry any further, if there is a concern or harm towards the child l am required to report anything that mimics abuse, however, l would present that situation to my supervisor and ask if reporting would be the best suggestion, moving forward. I would only act after speaking to those above me. You may never know the extent of the amount of violence, harm or retaliation another party might escalate towards and as a mandated reporter l would want to keep every party safe to the best of my ability without inserting myself in a very tense situation. After watching the building relationships video it helped me justify my response because relationships with families are truly important. It helps to make families open up, makes it easier to trust you because you become transparent and people love it when you can relate to a situation and still give feedback and realize they aren’t alone in that situation or experience.

    1. Hi Nakia thanks for sharing your beautiful thoughts about these scenarios.
      For the scenario #4 I will approach the parents in a respectful way to let them know as a child who is engaged in sensory activities they will normally get their close dirty, unless they don’t want the child to play which will be crucial for the kids and might make him feel guilty or bad about things that he is doing unintentionally. As you said I will also asked them if they can bring extra changes for the child.
      Scenario #8. I will recommend this parent if he can give the child to a member of their families so the children does not get traumatized and try to fix his situation. I will also check the children body see if there is any marks of abuse on him and definitely reported to my supervisor in case something bad might happened later. I agreed and love the way you will handle the situation.

    2. Nakia — Thanks for posting your comment in this activity. Having close relationships with your teachers is important. I wonder, how what role did your family have in the family model? The family model involves children, staff and families. I wonder, would your family say the school was a family model? Working in a program has many benefits; I wonder, how will you know if the program is a family model? Babies sense how adults interact & how they feel — that be be interactions among teachers or interactions between teachers & family members. Finding ways to support families is an important part of building relationships!

  2. 1.In the schools you attended, which model of center culture did the program use? How do you know?
    In the school I was the model of center culture the program use the most was elementary school model. I know because I remembered every semester after the period of exams teachers
    requires the students to bring their parents so they can have a one o one conversation with them. They will tell them how you did in the exams, as well how to are in class, if you participated, if you are a good students and others. They will let them know if you need to improve, how you can improve during the courses.

    2. Which model of center culture would you like to work in? Why?
    I would like to work in the elementary school model, because it’s a great opportunity for parents to get to know their children’s caregivers and also it will allow both parties to build a connection with trust that will leads to communication for the sake of the child.
    3. How do relationships between adults impact babies?
    Relationship between adults impact babies because It will help them be more connected to the infants, allow them to ask the parents questions on how to connect better with the child to make them feel safe and homie. Relationships provide foundation for kids to grow and learn and also it provides security,trust.
    4.Pick 2 scenarios. For each scenario, explain how you would respond and what you would do in the situation. Identify which scenarios you selected. Include specific evidence from the reading &/ or video to justify your response.
    Scenario #1.
    1. Your co-worker has been coming to work late recently which means you are alone with the children until he arrives.
    First thing that I will to is to pulled him aside and talk to him, asking what is going on if he have emergency that delay him or if he can’t make it at this time , does he want to have another time to work. Literally having conversations so I can know what to do if I have to take a step to the supervisor.
    Scenario #10
    10.Miguel’s family is concerned about his diaper rash. They ask you change his diaper every hour.
    It will be a pleasure to do it, but first I will ask them do they have a specific diaper they want me to use, if the child is allergic to certain diaper that cause him that, also I will recommended them to see a doctor as well, also I will ask them the permission as a change his diaper every hour if I can give the child a little bath so he can be more fresh. I will not bath him every hour but I will make sure that he have a maximum care about his hygiene. I will also recommend them to keep close eyes on the child while at home, where he is sitting and also making sure they keeping the same process at home.

    1. Ruth — Thanks for your comment in this module. Most schools follow the elementary model, so your experience is not unique. Working in a program that is the same as what you know is comfortable. I wonder, what would it be like to work in a program that uses the family model? Babies sense the relationships that adults have — teacher interactions & interactions between family members & teachers. Talking to your co-worker & working to support Miguel’s family with his diaper rash is fostering relationships!

    2. Greetings Ruth, you chose scenario #10 something different from what I’ve chosen. Miguel’s family is concerned about his diaper rash. They asked me to change his diaper every hour. I would gladly do so, I would understand their concerns, exchange opinions to better help Miguel. Depending on the center I work for, I would also ask them to bring me enough dippers for that day. I would suggest to the parents to seek for help with his primary care giver if the rash doesn’t seem to get better.

  3. In the schools you attended, which model of center culture did the program use? How do you know?
    In the schools that I’ve attended, for the most part, the model of center culture they used was the Elementary-School module. In school I remember having parent teacher conferences with my mom, from elementary all the way to high school. My teachers and school staff would communicate with my mother with letters sent home informing about upcoming events. Little did they know about my life , they would only know if I wrote an essay or when I raised my hand to connect with what the teacher was giving the lesson on.
    Which model of center culture would you like to work in? Why?
    The model of center culture that I would like to work with is the Elementary-school module. I know the importance and critical impact of forming relationships with families in a child care setting is important, but I know I am a person that cares a lot. I wouldn’t want to bring my work into my home space. I also believe that there are boundaries, I worked in a child care setting when I have parents sending me messages and making me phone calls past 8 pm. I know my parents really felt comfortable with my work and had trust in me that made felt good about reaching out. But I would still stick to the Elemtary-school module, I love child and forming bonds with families but my well being and my family comes first.
    How do relationships between adults impact babies?
    Relationships between adults impact babies when it come to creating trust, security and opening pathways. Babies form the age 0-36 months are at a crucial time frame taking in, observing and creating their own personality.
    Pick 2 scenarios. For each scenario, explain how you would respond and what you would do in the situation.

    #1. Your co-worker has been coming to work late recently which means you are alone with the children until he arrives.
    In this scenario my immediate response would be is to be upset, I wouldn’t feel mad because I would understand that emergencies happen and life changes as well, I would shake it if because in a work setting that involves children stress is a No-No. To better support my co-worker, after work not during work ,I would ask him if he needed to vent, I am here for him but if he’s going to be late to please inform me so I could be better prepared for the day. We are working as a team and we should be on the same page.
    #4. You have started to engage in more sensory activities with your 12- to 18-month- old children. Marcus’ family asks you not to let their son get his clothes dirty.
    In this scenario if Marcus’ family asks me not to let his clothes dirty I would respect their decision. I would also informed Marcus family about the importance of sensory activity to help with his fine motor skills. I would also ask Marcus family if they could bring extra clothes that they wouldn’t mind getting dirty. Babies are explorers and need hands on activities to work with his sensory its for the good of Marcus.

    1. Yasmin –Thanks for your comment in this activity. Most schools operate under an “elementary school” model. I wonder, does using a “family model” mean that you have to give families your cell number? Also, I can tell you that even when you give you cell number, few people contact you after 8 PM — how do I know? I give people in class my cell number but rarely do I get calls or texts after 8 PM. I wonder, how do the relationships between teachers & families impact a baby’s well-being & personality? Respecting Marcus’ family & working with your co-worker demonstrates that you prioritize relationships in your work.

  4. 1. In the schools you attended, which model of central culture did the program use? How do you know?
    — They used business models because they never actually cared about any child and what was going on in their lives. They really just wanted us to complete their program and move on from that class. Any time I was having an issue with my family, I never felt comfortable telling any teacher because they never cared. Anytime something came up that prevented me from doing well in class or from doing homework, they never worked with me, they only took points off.
    2. Which model of center culture would you like to work in? Why?
    — I would like to work in a family center because I feel like it gives children more support. I felt like I was on growing up and it was hard for me to feel motivated to do well because it was like, what and who am I doing this all for? Now, I know it was really just for myself but it still feels good having other people there supporting you.
    3. How do relationships between adults impact babies?
    — Relationships with the adults shape how babies will have relationships later on in their lives, in my opinion. It builds confidence, trust, and shows them they have people who actually care about them.
    4. Pick 2 scenarios. For each scenario, explain how you would respond and what you would do in the situation. Identify which scenarios you selected. Include specific evidence from the reading &/ or video to justify your response.
    — If a child came to me and told me they were not able to complete their homework because something came up in their family such as a death, or something else, I would not ask for their homework right away. When there’s a death in the family, teachers expect you to still turn your work in as if you’re not grieving. Sometimes people can’t evne concentrate properly because their minds are not right. It’s not right for a person to turn their feelings off just to hand in a piece of paper that won’t matter in 20 years. I will work with them, support them, be there for them for an ear.I know how it feels and I will show them that someone cares for them and looks at them as a human being.
    — If I was watching a child from the family model, I would treat the child as if they were my own child. I would love to have a lifelong bond with a child, knowing they trust in me and know I support them. At the end of the day, they are human beings and we all need someone to lean on.

    1. Madison — Thanks for your comment in this activity. It’s interesting that your schools used a business model. I wonder, were they charter schools? How did the school staff interact with your family? When babies are surrounded by adults who can work in harmony, it does show babies people care about them. I wonder, what scenarios did you select from the handout in this activity? How would you respond to the scenario?

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