At the end of the semester you will help to determine your grade for ECE 209 based on your Self-Assessment of what you have learned. In preparation for your Self-Assessment, answer the questions below; you will answer these questions at the end of each module so you have a record of what you have learned over the semester. You can answer the questions here on Open Lab or create a journal on Blackboard (which would be private).
- What did you learn in this week’s modules for ECE 209-Lecture and Seminar?
- Information/ knowledge
- Skills
- Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
- How will the material from these modules better prepare you to work with infants?
In this week’s module, I got to review the different developments that a child goes through. I learned the difference between growth difference and growth development. I learned how if a child’s brain is not properly developed, that can have a huge impact on their learning. I learned how I can use toys to contribute to a child’s learning. The material from this module will help me better prepare to work with infants by me making sure that my classroom has materials that will help contribute to the infants’ development.
What I learned from this week modules for ECE 209-Lecture and Seminar would be on how every stage is breakdown into, as well the difference between growth and Development such as how important it is for the mother to stay on track with her healthy, went into more depth on the 6 domains.Another interesting would be the toys that have been created to help infant grow and help their skills.This will help me be prepare to work with infants by knowing which object will be more beneficial for their month age range.
What I learned from this week was the domains of child development, growth and development difference, also what toys I can use to support child development. The material in this module will help me prepare to work with infants/toddlers because I know what materials will be useful for each child’s development.
This week I learned about the difference between growth and development and how a child development can be affected by environment, culture, family values. In the video, the instructor clearly explained how the brain development impact learning, giving examples and emphasizing that we can easily forget something that we learned in the pass if we do not use it, because our brain prunes it away. I learn about the domains of development based on the child behavior. I enjoyed the baby toys activity because I could apply my knowledge to identify and analyze the importance of toys in order to optimal child development. Finally, by reviewing the material about the infant/family case studio and taking the quiz in Kahoot! I have a better understanding of the five stages that for part of the case.
This week I learned the domains of child development, growth and the development difference. Also what toys can help child development and the material in this module will help me prepare to work with infants and toddlers because I will have information that can help me with each children.
This week i learned how relationship between adult are very important in child care, and how can these relationships can go both ways to benefits the child.
This week I learned the differences between growth and development. Toys are beneficial for the childs fine motor and gross motor skills. The material I learned would help me prepare when I work with infants by having toys around that would help them develop their social and communication skills and etc. Toys play a big role in their development.
This week I have learned relationships between adults and infants/toddlers and how they are very important to build a relationship with both parent and child so that they can feel safe, comfortable and build a foundation of trust. The material I learned that would help me prepare to work with infants is the social/communication and cognitive development.
This week in seminar and lecture I learnt how important it is to have positive relationships between caregivers and families. This ensure that the child’s needs are being met at home and at the childcare centers. I learnt a brief overview on what Social development, emotional development, cognitive development, Language development, Fine motor development and gross motor development are. These types of domains are what are looked at when developmental milestones are recorded. The difference between growth and development. The materials I learnt will help me be a better infant/ toddlers teacher because it will help me to form healthy positive relationships with families. Thought all children are different and development differently learning about these developmental domain as an infant teacher we can create activities to help promote these development.
I reviewed this activity
I learned the importance of relationships. It is important for caregiver and family have a open and trusting relationship because this will ensure a child’s success. Having a good relationship will enable a child to become more comfortable when they are not in the care of their parents.
I reviewed 3/16
I learned the difference between growth and development, and that development is a complex process that is on a continuum.
I will be better prepared to work with infants because I learned that they have developmental milestones that can affect their behavior.