At the end of the semester you will determine your grade for ECE 209 based on your self-assessment of what you have learned. In preparation for your self-assessment, answer the questions below; you will answer these questions at the end of each module so you have a record of what you have learned over the semester. You can answer the questions here on Open Lab or create a journal on Blackboard (which would be private).
- What did you learn in this module?
- Information/ knowledge
- Skills
- Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
- How will the material from this module better prepare you to work with infants?
In this Module 9, I learned about the infants Physical Development, the skills that they develop from 0-18 months, after watching the video, Something that caught my attention was the development of the infant brain and how by exposing babies to objects, people and events their brain cells create more connections, if the same things happen repeatedly the brain connections become permanent. I also got an insight about the strategies that teachers can apply support babies’ cognitive development such as: providing rich environment s, letting the child do the activity that he/she choose, allowing children to play without being interrupted and letting the child do the activity by himself, interfering the less we can. Finally I got to know about the important Milestones of a 9 month old.
In this week Module 9, I learned on how infants learn on the physical development and how within each months they develop.
In this module I learned that infants learn physical development in different months. I also learned that babies are able to recognized certain objects.
In this module I learned the skills a baby from 0-18 months learn, and what teachers can do to support baby’s cognitive development.
In this module, I learned about the cognitive development skills babies that range from 0-18 months develops. I learned about how a 6-month-old might have more or different developmental skills than a 4-month old.
In this weeks module (9), I learned more about cognitive development of babies from 0-18 months and I learned a little more about 6 months old and how there developmental skills can be versus a 4 month old. I also learned more about how and what teachers can do to support cognitive development, physical development, movements and more.
In this module i learned the importance of child observation and how all of their movements, sounds, and gestures are important for becoming a child care taker .
In this module I learned how babies start to recognize faces and how important it is for us to help them in their cognitive development by doing simple things.