Module 5 Social-Emotional Development Assignment #3: Play Materials Zine (9/21-9/27)


Welcome to the Play Materials Zine!

What will I do? I will:

  • Send an email to you group:
    1. Informing you of your assigned color
    2. Letting you know which group you are in
    3. Identifying who the other members of your group are
  • Add you to your group’s Google folder
  • Add you to the Play Materials Zine

What should you do? You should:

  • Contact your group members – use OpenLab, the ECE 209 Remind app, or email  to reach other members
  • Decide
    1. What play material will you focus on for your article?
    2. Are you adding information on to the worksheet in the Google folder, creating Zine pages later?
    3. Creating Google docs that you will convert to PDF’s and will to the zine?
    4. Adding content directly to the zine pages?
  • Begin to complete the work assigned to your role!
  • Each week your role will change — look in your Google folder for the document that corresponds to the module to see your color & role