Welcome to the Play Materials Zine!
What will I do? I will:
- Send an email to you group:
- Informing you of your assigned color
- Letting you know which group you are in
- Identifying who the other members of your group are
- Add you to your group’s Google folder
- Add you to the Play Materials Zine
What should you do? You should:
- Contact your group members – use OpenLab, the ECE 209 Remind app, or email to reach other members
- Decide
- What play material will you focus on for your article?
- Are you adding information on to the worksheet in the Google folder, creating Zine pages later?
- Creating Google docs that you will convert to PDF’s and will to the zine?
- Adding content directly to the zine pages?
- Begin to complete the work assigned to your role!
- Each week your role will change — look in your Google folder for the document that corresponds to the module to see your color & role