Module 1 Introductions Assignment #1: Introduce Yourself

Go to FlipGrid  (   or go to and enter  the Join Code a94babb5,  or scan this QR code) and log on with your username —  your first name as listed on CUNY First.  These instructions should help you log onto FlipGrid.

Record a 3-minute video introducing yourself by answering the following questions:

  1. What is your preferred name and preferred pronouns?
  2. Share 3 things you would you like us to know about you.
  3. Why do you want to work with infants and toddlers?
  4. What goals do you have for ECE 209? What do you hope to learn?
  5. What are you most looking forward to in ECE 209?
  6. What are you most worried or concerned about for ECE 209?

Reply to 2 videos on Flip Grid by clicking the conversation bubbles at the bottom of the video