Module 1 Feedback

I hope you are safe an healthy.  I finished reviewing Module 1.  We are off to a strong start!  I enjoyed meeting you on through the videos on FlipGrid.  I left responses to all the videos — you can go to Flip Grid and view my replies.  The answers for the Scavenger Hunt were spot on for Assignment #2! People had thoughtful advice to offer their friend  in Assignment #3.

I realized there are things I need to improve:

  1. I created a video to help with using Hypothesis — it is in Module 2.
  2. I will also create a video on how to cite videos and readings — it’s in Module 2 also

I noticed that people included materials from readings and videos in their responses!  However, no one identified the source, or cited the video or reading.  To receive full credit for your comment be sure your comment meets the “Learner” criteria in all tasks in the Completing Modules rubric (in the “About this Class” menu item, under “Papers & Projects” in the Papers & Projects Guidelines, on p. 2).

If you did not finish Module 1, you can still go back and finish some or all of it!

Module 2 Review

Thanks for your effort in completing Module 2 for ECE 209-Lecture and Seminar!  ECE 209-L/ S Module 2 is probably the most important module for ECE 209; it lays the foundation for our work with infants and families.  I read your comments and replies. You are on the path to recognizing the depth and role of relationships in our work with babies and their families.  You explored the Infant/ Family Case Study, the capstone project for ECE 209-Lecture.  The interview will be conducted virtually — by phone, Skype, Face Time, What’s App video call, Zoom, etc.  It is an exciting opportunity to get to know and learn about a family!

In Module 3, I ask if you want to switch the date work is due to Wednesday instead of Sunday — it is your choice, but everyone my agree.  Be sure you are a member of both ECE 209-Seminar and ECE 209-Lecture, Citing the material from the readings, videos, and Power Point is a task in the “Learner” criteria of the Assessment rubric.