Module 4 Teaching Infants Assignment #1: Being an Infant Teacher


Read Barbre (2013)

Barbre (2013) chap 1

Read Responsive Caregiving (2016)

Responsive Caregiving (2016)

Review the Power Point (I narrate the Power Point in this video)

Answer the questions below citing evidence from the reading and Power Point (this video explains how to cite):

  1. What does it mean to be a teacher?
  2. What does it mean to be an infant teacher?
  3. If you were an infant, which routine would be most important for you to have individualized?
    • Why?
    • How would you want your infant teacher to individualize the routine?
  4. Explain how you would individualize feeding, sleeping, and diapering routines in your infant classroom. Be specific in your explanation.

Module 4 Teaching Infants Assignment #2: Interview with the Family of an Infant Questions (9/14-9/20)

Assignment #2: Creating Interview Questions

To get to know families for our Infant/Family Case Study, we will interview the family by asking questions about the topics below.  We want to develop a thorough understanding of the family and baby in each subject area.  The questions should be respectful, not intrusive or personal, and ones we feel comfortable asking.

Use Hypothesis to highlight and comment on the sample questions below. Comment at least once on which questions:

  • you want to change and write how the question should be changed
  • you think we should use during the interview
  • what questions are missing/ we should add for a section by writing them


  • Pregnancy and birth
    1. When did you know you were pregnant?
    2. What was your reaction to learning you were pregnant? How did your loved ones respond?
    3. How did you feel during your pregnancy?
    4. What activities did you do while you were pregnant?
    5. Did you have any cravings during your pregnancy?
    6. What was your birth experience?
    7. Who supported you during your pregnancy and birth experience?
  • First weeks & self-regulation
    1. How was it like bringing the baby home?
    2. What was the baby’s schedule (sleeping, eating) during the first weeks at home?
    3. Where did the baby sleep when they first came home?
    4. Were you able to understand the baby’s different cries?
  • Eating, sleeping, toilet learning & routines
    1. Did you bottle feed or breast feed?
    2. What is the baby’s routine for a typical day?
    3. Where does the baby sleep now?
    4. Does the baby eat solid food? When will/ did you start solid food?
    5. How do you plan to begin toilet training?
  • Communication, including linguistic background, what languages family speaks
    1. What languages do you speak?
    2. What languages is the baby exposed inside the home? Outside of the home?
    3. How does the baby communicate with you?
  • Gaze, Interest & Play Activities
    1. What is your baby’s favorite activity?
    2. What toys or materials does the baby like to play with?
    3. Does your baby have a special toy or object they sleep with or like to carry around?
    4. What are some games that you play with your baby?
    5. What books do you read to the baby?
  • Relationships with key people, who child spends time with, who’s important
    1. Who does the baby spend time with?
    2. Who has a bond with the baby?
    3. Who is the baby most attached to?
    4. What role does extended family play in raising the baby?
    5. Who takes care of the baby when you are at work or have things to do?
  • Reactions to strangers
    1. How does the baby react to strangers?
    2. How long does it take the baby to get to know a new person?
    3. How do you introduce your baby to new people?
  • Family culture, important beliefs and practices that affect childrearing
    1. What is your ethnicity?
    2. What is your cultural background?
    3. How does your culture influence raising your baby?
    4. What traditions, holidays, special celebrations, food are important to your family?
    5. Do you have any strongly held family beliefs around raising your baby?
    6. What do you think are the most important values to give your baby?
    7. How have your beliefs and practices about family changed after having children?
  • Anything else you think of or that the parent wants to tell you
  1. What else would you like to share about your experience raising a baby?
  2. Where did your child’s name come from?
  3. Does the baby have siblings?
    1. What is the relationship like between the siblings?
    2. How is it raising more than one child?



I will compile your comments so that we have a list of the questions to ask families during the interview.  Please wait for us to finalize the questions before interviewing your family. During your Interview with the Family of an Infant, you will ask all of then questions we finalize.  

Module 4 Teaching Infants Assignment #3: Play Materials Zine (9/14-9/20)

During the semester, we will create a Play Materials Zine. Review the Power Point  (I narrate the Power Point in this video). Use Hypothesis to review the guidelines for the Play Materials Zine below by making at least 1 comment or asking at least 1 question about the project:

Play Materials Zine

Over the semester, we will create a Play Materials Zine to expand your understanding of infant development and analyze how various play materials support infant development. This project will allow you to apply your knowledge and insights, express your creativity, and to share them with a larger audience. In groups, you will write an article for the zine (internet-based magazine) about an-open ended play material for babies. Our target audience for the zine is infant teachers. The zine will consist of articles that explain how to use different open-ended play materials in infant classrooms, the benefits of the play materials, and how the play materials specifically supports infant development in all developmental domains.

We will create one zine for our learning community.  Each group will write one article about their play material.  Each week, you will create and add content to your group’s article based on assigned roles.  The weekly roles for the zine are:

Role #1 — Readings: Identifying quotes and concepts from the module’s readings that apply to the open-ended play material and ensuring the material is cited in APA format.

Role #2 — Sources: Identifying information from the videos or other sources from the module that apply to the open-ended play material and ensuring the material is cited in APA format.

Role #3 — Using the material: a) explaining how the open-ended play material specifically supports development in the module’s domain, and b) identifying the skills and process from the module’s domain that apply to the open-ended play material and c) how the skills and processes are supported

Role #4 — NYS Early Learning Standards: a) Identify the NYS Early Learning Standards for infants 0-18 months that are supported by the activity and b) reviewing the text posted by other group members to create a cohesive narrative, ensuring it is seamlessly integrated into the existing zine content

Group members will rotate roles and responsibilities each week, so that each person has the opportunity to contribute to the zine article in multiple ways. How will we rotate roles?  The first week of the zine project, I will assign each group member a color (red, yellow, blue, or purple).  The color will correspond to a role.  Each week the roles assigned to a color will change.  To facilitate communication and work, I created a Google Folder for your group. 

How will we create a zine?

  1. Email me the names of 2 or 3 people you want to work with or if you need a group
  2. Once your group is formed, I will invite you to:
    1. your group’s Google Folder
    2. our zine
  3. As a group, pick which play material you want to focus on. You will focus on one play material for your zine article.
  4. For modules 5-12, there is a worksheet in your group’s Google Folder that identifies each person’s tasks for the module by color. You can either
    1. add material to the worksheet
    2. create Google Doc with the information then convert it to a PDF and add that to the article
    3. add the information directly to your zine article pages
  5. While creating the PDF pages or adding material directly to your zine article, think about the layout. What information should be written out in paragraphs? What information should be presented using bullet points? Where should the paragraphs be? Where should the headings and subheadings be? Where will pictures go? What information should go on the same page? What information can be separated onto other pages? The layout of the zine article should be organized, inviting, and clear.
  6. During week 12 groups will write introductions, conclusions and add photos to the zine articles. The introduction should explain what the play material is and how it can be used in an infant classroom. The conclusion should summarize the content presented in the article.
  7. During module 13 and 14, we will peer review and offer feedback to other group’s zine articles.  

Possible play materials to use for your zine article (pick one play material that will be your focus for the entire project):

  • Scarves
  • Duplos
  • Rattles
  • Bowls & spoons
  • Mobile
  • Balls
  • Moon sand
  • Homemade finger paint
  • Water play
  • Sensory pit (similar to a ball pit)
  • Boxes
  • Other materials with Jen’s approval

Groups of 3-4 will work on this project. Email me the names of the colleagues from ECE 209 you want to work with or if you need a group by 11:59 PM on 9/20.

Module 4 Teaching Infants Assignment #4 Self-Reflection (9/14-9/20)

At the end of the semester you will help to determine your grade for ECE 209 based on your Self-Assessment of what you have learned. In preparation for your Self-Assessment, answer the questions below; you will answer these questions at the end of each module so you have a record of what you have learned over the semester. You can answer the questions here on Open Lab or create a journal on Blackboard (which would be private).

  • What did you learn in this week’s modules for ECE 209-Lecture and Seminar?
    • Information/ knowledge
    • Skills
    • Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
  • How will the material from these modules better prepare you to work with infants?