Module 3 Attachment Assignment #1: Introduction to Attachment (9/6-9/13)

Read Post, Hohmann & Epstein (2011)

Post, Hohmann & Epstein (2011)

Watch  Attachment Theory: Understanding the Essential Bond video.  I suggest completing this handout as your watch the video

Review this Power Point  I narrate the Power Point in this video

Your best friend has a young infant. Her maternity leave is over and she must return to work. She has found 2 programs to choose from:

    • Program A: the curriculum in the infant classroom emphasizes learning letters, numbers, shapes, colors., and has a ratio of 4 babies to 1 teacher.
    • Program B: the curriculum in the infant classroom focuses on relationship-based practices and the ratio is 3 babies to 1 teacher.

Cite evidence from the readings, videos, and Power Point in this module to answer the following questions.

    1. Which program should your friend choose? Why?
    2. What will the baby learn in the program?
    3. How will the program help the baby  grow and develop?

Module 3 Assignment 2: Choice (9/6-9/13)

Read Gillespie & Hunter (2011)

Gilespie & Hunter(2011)

Read Snyder (2011)

Snyder (2011)

Pick 1 of the 3 activities below to complete.  When commenting, indicate which activity you picked:

Choice #1: Attachment & Families

Watch this video.  I suggest completing this handout as you watch the video.

Aliyah’s mother, Selena, tells you that 15-month-old Aliyah is more attached to you than she is to Selena herself.

      1. How does that make you feel?
      2. How do you think Selena is feeling?
      3. How will you answer Selena?

Cite information from the readings, videos, and Power Point in Module 3 Assignments #1 and #2 as you answer Selena.

Choice #2: Identifying Attachment Patterns

Watch this video on Ainworth’s Strange Situation and attachment patterns:

Watch the following below. For each video, what attachment pattern (secure, insecure ambivalent, insecure avoidant) is each child demonstrating? How do you know? Use evidence from the videos, readings and Power Points to support your conclusion.

Video #1:

Video #2:

Video #3:

Choice #3: Creating Attachments

Watch the video Creating an Attachment with your Baby. I suggest completing this handout as you watch the video.


What should infant teachers do to create attachments with babies in their classrooms?  Use information from the readings, video, and your insights to develop a list of what infant teachers can do.  Cite the readings and video.

Reply to 1 comment that is a different choice then you!

Module 3 Attachment Assignment #3: Identifying & Contacting a Family (9/6-9/13)

Review the Power Point (I review the PowerPoint in this video) and handout.

Go to Flip Grid (, your username is your first name as listed on CUNY First).

Record a video of yourself on FlipGrid pretending to contact a family by phone to see if they will participate in your Infant/ Family Case Study interview.  Introduce yourself, explain the project, and ask the family if they want to participate using the guidelines in the handout and PowerPoint provided.


Module 3 Attachments Assignment #4: Self-Reflection (9/6-9/13)

At the end of the semester you will help to determine your grade for ECE 209 based on your Self-Assessment of what you have learned. In preparation for your Self-Assessment, answer the questions below; you will answer these questions at the end of each module so you have a record of what you have learned over the semester. You can answer the questions here on Open Lab or create a journal on Blackboard (which would be private).

  • What did you learn in this week’s modules for ECE 209-Lecture and Seminar?
    • Information/ knowledge
    • Skills
    • Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
  • How will the material from these modules better prepare you to work with infants?