Module 1 Introductions Assignment #1: Introduce Yourself

Go to FlipGrid  (   or go to and enter  the Join Code a94babb5,  or scan this QR code) and log on with your username —  your first name as listed on CUNY First.  These instructions should help you log onto FlipGrid.

Record a 3-minute video introducing yourself by answering the following questions:

  1. What is your preferred name and preferred pronouns?
  2. Share 3 things you would you like us to know about you.
  3. Why do you want to work with infants and toddlers?
  4. What goals do you have for ECE 209? What do you hope to learn?
  5. What are you most looking forward to in ECE 209?
  6. What are you most worried or concerned about for ECE 209?

Reply to 2 videos on Flip Grid by clicking the conversation bubbles at the bottom of the video

Module 1 Introductions Assignment #2: Scavenger Hunt

This assignment has 2 parts.

Part 1: Use Hypothesis (I explain how to use Hypothesis in this video) to Review the Syllabus, Papers & Projects  Guidelines, Course Policies, and Course Guide.  You should make at least 1 comment or post or at least 1 question on each of the 4 documents.

Fall 2020 ECE 209L Syllabus


Fall 2020 Assignmnet Guidelines


Fall 2020 Course Guide


Open Lab Poilicies 209


Part 2: After exploring the Open Lab site and reading the Syllabus, Assignment Guidelines, Policies, and Course Guide for ECE 110-Lecture, answer the following questions:

  1. How will your grade be determined for ECE 209-Lecture?
  2. What criteria must each paper and project meet to earn points in ECE 209?
  3. What papers and projects are due for ECE 209-Lecture?
    1. When are the papers and projects due?
    2. How many points is each paper or project worth?
  4. How should you submit a paper for ECE 209-Lecture?
  5. Name at least 2 places where you can find when work for ECE 209-Lecture
  6. What should you do if you have a technical issue with Open Lab and/or cannot complete assignments by the due date?
  7. What are my office hours?
  8. What are the ways you can reach me?
  9. What word should you include in your reply to a comment written by a colleague on Open Lab?
  10. What should you do if you have a question for me?
  11. When are modules due each week for ECE 209-Lecture?
  12. When will ECE 110-L focus on:
    1. Curriculum in Infants Classrooms & Play?
    2. Attachment?
    3. Cognitive development?

Module 1 Introductions Assignment #3: Prenatal Development

Read Davis & Thompson (2014)

Davis & Thompson (2014)

Watch the video What Babies Learn Before They are Born, I suggest completing this handout  while watching the video.

Watch the video Prenatal to Birth (the video is available from BMCC’s Library video data base Films on Demand, follow the steps on this handout or in this video to locate the video; I suggest completing this handout as you watch the video)

Include specific references to the videos and readings from the to answer the questions below:

Your best friend is pregnant. She asks you for advice because she knows you are taking ECE 209.  Your friend wants to know:

    1. After her baby is born, what impact will the prenatal period have on:
      1. Her baby?
      2. Her and her partner/ family?
    2. What she should do as a pregnant womyn (this is an alternate, feminist spelling of woman) during the COVID-19 crisis? Why?
    3. Based on fetal origins theory, what advise would you give your friend while she is pregnant?

Reply to 2 other comments!

Module 1 Introductions Assignment #4: Self-Reflection

At the end of the semester you will help to determine your grade for ECE 209 based on your Self-Assessment of what you have learned. In preparation for your Self-Assessment, answer the questions below; you will answer these questions at the end of each module so you have a record of what you have learned over the semester. You can answer the questions here on Open Lab or create a journal on Blackboard (which would be private).

  • What did you learn in this week’s modules for ECE 209-Lecture and Seminar?
    • Information/ knowledge
    • Skills
    • Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
  • How will the material from these modules better prepare you to work with infants?