Module Objectives
In this module you will:
- Create a professional development plan
- Initiate your APIRE Registry Profile
- Develop your e-Portfolio
Assignment #1: Professional Development Plan
Complete your Professional Development Plan. Download the document, save it to your device, answer the questions, save it as or export it to a PDF. You will post it as a PDF on your e-Portfolio.
Assignment #2: Creating an e-Portfolio
Create your e-Portfolio on OpenLab. Follow the instructions in this video or in this handout with picture or this handout without pictures.
Claiming OL ECE EPortfolio ClaimingYourECEPortfolio_BMCCOpenLabAssignment #3: Self-Assessment
This Assignment has 3 parts:
Part 1: Completing Modules Self Assessment.
To complete the Completing Modules Self-Assessment:
- Save the document to your device.
- Review the rubric
- Highlight, or change the font color, to indicate where you fall for each element on the rubric.
- Answer the questions at the bottom of the document
- Save the document.
- Upload the document on Blackboard, in the Assignments section, under ‘Completing Modules Self-Assessment’
Part 2: Class Participation Self- Assessment
To complete the Class Participation Self- Assessment:
- Save the document to your device.
- Review the rubric
- Highlight, or change the font color, to indicate where you fall for each element on the rubric.
- Answer the questions at the bottom of the document
- Save the document.
- Upload the document on Blackboard, in the Assignments section, under ‘Class Participation Self-Assessment’
Part 3: I appreciate your honest & open feedback to help me improve the course. Complete the End-of-Course Survey
Assignment #4: ASPIRE Registry Profile (optional)
Develop your ASPIRE Registry Profile at
To learn more about the ASPIRE Registry, review the brochure:
ClaimingYourECEPortfolio_BMCCOpenLab ASPIREbrochure
Watch this video about the ASPIRE Registry