Module 8: Creating Profiles & ePortfolios 10/26-10/30


Module Objectives

In this module you will:

  • Create a professional development plan
  • Initiate your APIRE Registry Profile
  • Develop your e-Portfolio

Assignment #1: Professional Development Plan

Complete your Professional Development Plan. Download the document, save it to your device, answer the questions, save it as or export it to a PDF.  You will post it as a PDF on your e-Portfolio.

Assignment #2: Creating an e-Portfolio

Create your e-Portfolio on OpenLab.  Follow the instructions in this video or in this handout with picture or this handout without pictures.

Claiming OL ECE EPortfolio ClaimingYourECEPortfolio_BMCCOpenLab

Assignment #3: Self-Assessment

This Assignment has 3 parts:

Part 1:  Completing Modules Self Assessment.

To complete the Completing Modules Self-Assessment:

  1. Save the document to your device.
  2. Review the rubric
  3. Highlight, or change the font color, to indicate where you fall for each element on the rubric.
  4. Answer the questions at the bottom of the document
  5. Save the document.
  6. Upload the document on Blackboard, in the Assignments section, under ‘Completing Modules Self-Assessment’

Part 2: Class Participation Self- Assessment

To complete the Class Participation Self- Assessment:

  1. Save the document to your device.
  2. Review the rubric
  3. Highlight, or change the font color, to indicate where you fall for each element on the rubric.
  4. Answer the questions at the bottom of the document
  5. Save the document.
  6. Upload the document on Blackboard, in the Assignments section, under ‘Class Participation  Self-Assessment’

Part 3: I appreciate your honest & open feedback to help me improve the course.  Complete the End-of-Course Survey

Assignment #4: ASPIRE Registry Profile (optional)

Develop your ASPIRE Registry Profile at

To learn more about the ASPIRE Registry, review the brochure:

ClaimingYourECEPortfolio_BMCCOpenLab ASPIREbrochure

Watch this video about the ASPIRE Registry