Module 2 Career at BMCC (9/7-9/14)


Module Objectives

In this module you will:
  1. Examine the requirements and expectations of BMCC’s Early Childhood Education Program
  2. Identify programs at BMCC that can support your success
  3. Evaluate programs at BMCC that can support your success

Assignment #1: ECE Handbook Activity

ECE Student Handbook--2020
Develop 3 questions from sections of the ECE Handbook for your colleagues to answer.  Put the page number where the answer can be found in parentheses at the end of the question:
  • If your last name starts with the letters A-E, develop 3 questions from the sections Our Mission, Our Values and Preparing ECE Teachers (p. 3-4)
  • If your last names starts with the letters F-J, develop 3 questions from section Choosing your Major (p. 5-6).
  • If your last name starts with the letters K-O, develop 3 questions from the section BMCC Early Childhood Program Requirements and ECE-ECI Major Areas of Study and Concentration Course Titles and Descriptions (p. 7-11)
  • If your last name starts with the letters P-T, develop 3 questions from the sections Student Professionalism Policy and CUNY Disciplinary Policy (p. 11-13)
  • If you last name starts with the letters U-Z, develop 3 questions from the sections Course Fieldwork and Fieldwork Guidelines (p. 13-16)
Answer questions about the 4 other sections CLICK HERE TO POST YOUR ANSWERS

Assignment #2: Programs at BMCC

Explore BMCC’s Student Hub.
  • Identify 2 programs that can support your success at BMCC.
  • Try to find programs that have not been mentioned yet
Download BMCC’s Navigate app. Explore the app’s feature.
BMCC Navigate
Answer the following questions:
  1. What 2 programs did you identify from BMCC’s Student Hub?
  2. Explain how the program’s offer student success.
  3. How can someone contact the program (location, phone, email, contact person)?
  4. How could BMCC’s Navigate app help to support your success at BMCC?  Will you use it? Why?