Review this Power Point. I review the Power Point in the video below:
Visit these young school age classrooms; as you watch the videos, look for the elements involved in working with young school age children. How are the elements demonstrated in the each video? This handout may help as you watch the videos.
Classroom 1:
Classroom 2:
Classroom 3: Then go to the “Patterns” video
Classroom 4: Then go to the “Taking attendance” video
Visit these young school age classrooms; as you watch the videos, look for the elements involved in working with young school age children. How are the elements demonstrated in the each video?
– In the classroom we see gross motor development, sensory development, supporting development, group activities. The students work with one another and help each other out. They communicate with one another. In the second video we the teacher helping and talking with the students while they are doing group activities.
Hey Kathy,
Watching each of these videos I do agree they they share some of the same elements and even more. They all use their hands and are interacting with their classmates and teachers. In each video I noticed that integrated curriculum was shown.
Kathy — Thanks for your comment, You shared the developmental domains you observed the children demonstrate in the video and that they were engaged in group learning. I wonder, how did the teacher demonstrate relationships, culturally sustaining practices, supporting learning, and curriculum?
ECE 110-S
Young School Age Children Virtual Site Visit
• Integrated curriculum
+ Activities teach all
subjects/ areas &
support social-
emotional growth
• Emergent curriculum
+Based on children’s
interests Yes, this video integrates in curriculum of math. Her activity teaches all areas for example she measured the trees, which is natures in cooperating. Yes she also support of social emotional growth was provided when she is explaining and reminding children to remember the face cards and adding sense. The children interest were challenge by learning math in a game curriculum. Yes, the curriculum shows integration of subject area of science. For example, children show the mixture of flour and water in medicine cups. The subject of math was applied with adding cups of measurement. Yes the emergent curriculum was an interest of the children. All the children interest was held. No, this did not contain integrated learning. Because it only shows the puzzle and the book. The subject areas were not there was support for social/emotional growth. The social emotional growth was display when the child asked the question about what are the sizes and what type of animal and the social emotional support came in when the teacher showed and gave her the answer to the puzzle. Yes, activities use implemented math concepts of addition and subtraction. Social and emotional growth was supported as the teacher and student spoke the other children pay attention and listened. Based on children’s needs, there was meaningful example of using the concept to count the number of children showed the ability to achieve different methods to resolve the absents of students.
• Hand-on & active learning
• Scaffold learning
• Promote curiosity
• Foster independence It was a hand on and active learning. For Example, playing cards, rulers to measure, and color blocks to count. Yes, learning was hands on. For example, all the children mixed their own measurement of flour and water. Curiosity was promoted when the teacher asked, “What are you thinking?” “What are you going to do about this mixture?” Yes it is a hand on learning and active. The example is that the child puts puzzles pieces as the teacher directed. Curiosity promotion was fostered when the child question, “what is this?” Yes, independence was fostered when the child takes initiative to put a puzzle pieces together Active learning was observed example she had to stand up and count using her fingers to point out each child. The curiosity fostered children to think of math skills to resolve the math answers.
Culturally sustaining
Yes, it was culturally sustaining. All the children could relate to flour and water. Yes, it was culturally sustaining. Curriculum was observed with the teachers supported learning environment.
• Partner with families
• Get to know each child individually
• Respond to child’s:
+ Interests
+ Needs
+ Learning styles Yes, the relationship was visible when she reminded the children the purpose of the card game. It involved auditory visual and symbolic play leaning styles. Yes, we observed the relationship between the children and teacher. She called each one by name when showing support of their interest while mixing the flour and water. She responded their needs by asking how they mixed the ingredients and the possible and curious expectation of their results after mixing. Yes the relationship between the teacher and the child was responsive to the child’s need to identify the shapes and animal and name of the animal. Yes, for this video’s example, the teacher knew that one of the students had already counted all 15, but all of the students know that there were 5 students who are absent and begin to call there names. The learning style show that children were able to count on their fingers, to look around the classroom and to call their names who are here or who are absent.
Hey AnnaMarija,
I really liked how everything was explained and yes in all the videos they do share quite the same elements.
I love how thorough you were in your responses to this assignment! You are super observant and I can see that attribute an amazing recourse for your classroom one day!
Annamarijia — Thanks for your comment. You clearly identified how the teachers in the videos used relationships, culturally sustaining practices, supported learning, and curriculum! I wonder, when the teacher asked “What are you thinking?” and “What are you going to do about this mixture?”, was she also scaffolding and supporting learning?
Visit these young school age classrooms; as you watch the videos, look for the elements involved in working with young school age children. How are the elements demonstrated in the each video?
In video #1I see Social development because the children look like they are interacting with each other while working on their activities, they are also using critical thinking to solve their problems.
In video #2 I see the children engaging with one another and also working together. They are also using Language Development because they were responding to the teachers questions.
In video #3 I see the children using Motor Development because they are definitely using their bigger muscles
In video #4 I seem to realize that every student is independent and doing their own work and they are using Emotional Development because they are understanding what they are doing in their activity
Lizbeth — Thanks for your comment. You identified many of the developmental domains the children demonstrated in the videos. I wonder, how did the teacher in the video demonstrate relationships, culturally sustaining practices, supporting learning, and curriculum?
Visit these young school age classrooms; as you watch the videos, look for the elements involved in working with young school age children. How are the elements demonstrated in the each video?
– Every video included had elements involved. They included social development because the children were shown how they communicate and play amongst each other. Their was a lot of engaging between the children in several videos that showed the development. The videos include hand on activities for the kids and it promotes curiosity.
Araceli — Thanks for your comment. You identified how the children demonstrated social development in the videos. I wonder, how did the teacher in the video demonstrate relationships, culturally sustaining practices, supporting learning, and curriculum?
1) Visit these young school age classrooms; as you watch the videos, look for the elements involved in working with young school age children. How are the elements demonstrated in the each video?
Classroom #1: Integrated curriculum is shown because math is demonstrated by including a “jelly bean tally graph” that the students had to color in. Promote curiosity is involved by the child performing math problems on what numbers add up to 20. Another way of learning that was demonstrated was hands-on & active learning. The child was learning about circles by identifying the solid shape. Scaffold learning is involved by using playing cards to add to create addition sentences. Another element included was relationships when the children were working in pairs during their measuring center. They are able to help one another measure and as well creating their own addition sentence using the playing cards.
Classroom #2: Curriculum is presented presented by studying sciences and math as they perform an experiment and measure how much they used for flour and water. They are using hands-on & active learning by playing with flour and mixing it with water. This responds to the child’s interest, needs, and learning style by using their thinking process to measure how much water and flour is being used and recording it on their worksheet. They are using their senses as they perform the experiment.
Classroom #3: Emergent Curriculum is presented by creating a pattern sound with their hands clapping against their lap and the rest of the class following along. Integrated Curriculum is presented because math is involved when creating a pattern. Scaffold learning is presented by clapping their hands onto their lap to create a pattern of sound. Foster independence is shown as each child makes their own pattern in order for all the children to follow a long with the rhythm. This activity is responding to the child’s interest by creating a pattern by clapping their hands and laps. Their classmates is able to understand the pattern that was created by following it.
Classroom #4: Curriculum is demonstrated in a result of math being involved as the children are counting their classmates for attendance. They are finding out the total students present and how many are absent. They are finding the total number of students and subtracting by the number of students that are absent. Foster Independence is presented by a child counting their classmates. They are learning to find out how many students are here and how many aren’t. They are using their thinking process to figure out who is out.
Daniela — Thanks for your comment. You explain how learning and curriculum were demonstrated in the videos. I wonder, did the teachers demonstrate relationships with the children and culturally sustaining practices? If so, how?
Visit these young school age classrooms; as you watch the videos, look for the elements involved in working with young school age children. How are the elements demonstrated in the each video? This handout may help as you watch the videos.
Every sinlge video that was presented had its own element. Video one, two, and three all had social development. You can see the children playing with one another. This also shows cognitive development because it shows what the children are able to process. The children are working and engaging with one another. The children were using motor development because their big muscles were definitely moving. There was lot of enaging for instance the children answering the teacher.There was communication being made in each of the videos. The video had hand own activities which you can see the children and how they were being curious.
Brianna — Thanks for your comment. You identified many of the developmental domains the children demonstrated in the videos. I wonder, did the teacher in the videos demonstrate relationships, culturally sustaining practices, supporting learning, and curriculum; if so, how?
all these videos were culturally appropriate none of them were offensive to the children or what they believe in.
ALL videos showed signs of social development because of the children either interacting with their teacher or their classmates. The children also showed signs of motor development due to them using their big muscles wether it was to pick up stuff or move around. The teachers had hands on activities for all of the children to play with and be involved, while the teachers also showed interaction between them and the students.
Brianna — Thanks for your comment. You identified how the video was culturally appropriate and many of the developmental domains the children demonstrated in the videos. I wonder, how did the teacher in the video demonstrate relationships, culturally sustaining practices, supporting learning, and curriculum?
Visit these young school age classrooms; as you watch the videos, look for the elements involved in working with young school age children. How are the elements demonstrated in the each video?
In these videos all elements are shown. I saw relationships, curriculum, learning, and culturally sustaining. In the first video, the children were using a curriculum by learning math and learning how to add numbers. I also saw relationships between the teacher and students, when she teaching them how to play each game. In the second video I also curriculum and relationships, the children were learning and experiment with flour and water. That shows them sequencing and math. It is part of their curriculum. Lastly the teacher demonstrated relationships when she was checking up on the children and their learning. In the third video, I notice relationships, culturally sustaining, and curriculum was shown. As all children were gather in circle time, the teacher asked them to do patterns with clapping. This shows curriculum and learning. Also, the teacher was making relationships with them. I notice they were all from one race. In the last video, learning was shown when they were taking attendance by asking the children to count how many they are that day. As they count, they are learning how to count.
Bianka — Thanks for your comment. You explained how you observed the teacher demonstrate relationships, curriculum, culturally sustaining pedagogy, and learning. In video 4, with the children counting and subtracting, how does that connect to learning and cuuiculum?
Visit these young school age classrooms; as you watch the videos, look for the elements involved in working with young school age children. How are the elements demonstrated in each video?
In video #1I see Social development because the children look like they are interacting with each other while working on their activities, they are also using critical thinking to solve their problems.
In video also they using fine motor skill they use their finger and hand to write and color they interacting with one other. #2 I see them taking notes from the teacher and making recipes. Also they were interacting with the teacher. The guy in the glasses was responding back to three teachers. I see the children engaging with one another and also working together. They are also using Language Development. In video #3 Emergent Curriculum is presented by creating a pattern sound with their hands clapping against their lap and the rest of the class following along. This activity is responding to the child’s interest by creating a pattern by clapping their hands and laps. Their classmates are able to understand the pattern that was created by following it.
I see the children using Motor Development because they are definitely using their bigger muscles.
In video #4 I seem to realize that every student is independent and doing their own work and they are using Emotional Development because they are understanding what they are doing in their activity. They are finding out the total students present and how many are absent. They are finding the total number of students and subtracting by the number of students that are absent. Also I realize that every student is independent and doing their own work.
Jasmattie — Thanks for your comment. You identified many of the developmental domains the children demonstrated in the videos. I wonder, how did the teacher in the video demonstrate relationships, culturally sustaining practices, supporting learning, and curriculum?
Visit these young school age classrooms; as you watch the videos, look for the elements involved in working with young school age children. How are the elements demonstrated in the each video? This handout may help as you watch the videos.
In classroom #1: I noticed that all the children were divided into groups to solve different math problems. One group used a graph, second group used a board to make the number 20 (19+1=20). The third group used measuring, Fourth group were identifying shapes and the fifth group used playing cards to add numbers. This class used all Four elements and more. Each child engaged with one another in their groups.
-Motor Development
-Social skills
-Curriculum (integrated curriculum)
-Cognitive Development
Classroom #2: The children were giving instructions to use water and flour. I also noticed a paper next to one of the children and it said science. This class room used Social skills, Integrated curriculum, Learning, Cognitive development, Relationships.
Classroom #3: used Motor Development, Curriculum and language
Classroom #4: the element that was used was learning. This video was based on counting and learning how to do so.
Each video shared most of the same elements but in each video every child was learning and were all engaged with their classmates and teachers.
Selanie — Thanks for your comment. You identified many of the developmental domains and the elements to effectively working with preschool age children in the video. I wonder, how specifically did the teacher in each video demonstrate relationships, culturally sustaining practices, supporting learning, and curriculum?
How are the elements demonstrated in each video?
In the videos, the curriculum is shown because all the kids are doing activities and learning in the process. In the videos, they are all doing different math activities and at one point they are helping each other make sure they are doing the work right. Learning is also demonstrated because they are doing hands-on and promoting independence as they do these activities. Also as they do the activities they are communicating with each other and building a relationship with the other children. Building a relationship with each other helps them to grow as individuals and be social.
Meliza — Thanks for your comment. You identified the elements to effectively working with young school age children that you observed. For each individual video, what specifically did the teacher do to demonstrate those elements?
Visit these young school age classrooms; as you watch the videos, look for the elements involved in working with young school age children. How are the elements demonstrated in the each video? This handout may help as you watch the videos.
-In classroom #1 I noticed that the kids show motor Development, language development, social development and cognitive development because they interact with their classmates, use their big muscles and talk clearly.
– In classroom #2, The children were going to use water and flour in their class to do an experiment. This classroom shows social development, Cognitive development and Curriculum.
-In classroom #3 we can see that children used Motor Development, Curriculum and Learning.
– In classroom #4 we see that the kids are using the element of learning.
Emily — Thanks for your comment. You identified many of the developmental domains and elements to effectively working with young school age children demonstrated in the videos. I wonder, how did the teacher in each video specifically demonstrate relationships, culturally sustaining practices, supporting learning, and curriculum?
Visit these young school age classrooms; as you watch the videos, look for the elements involved in working with young school age children. How are the elements demonstrated in the each video?
video #I- Social growth because children seem to communicate with each other when working on their tasks. learning skill use was promote curiosity.
video #2- The kids are engaging with their teachers. they respond back to there teachers questions. They are using Language Development to speak. learning skill use is foster independence.
video #3- Children are using Motor Development because they are using their bigger muscles to help with setting up the tables and putting down the cups and tissue paper. learning skill use is hand on and active learning.
video #4 – Students are autonomous and they do their own work. learning skill use is foster independence.
I noticed the comminication between the students in the first video as well! it seemed like the teacher fostered student relationships well.
Jenni — Thanks for your comment. You identified many of the developmental domains the children demonstrated and several of the elements to effectively working with young school age children that you observed in the videos. I wonder, how did the teacher in each of the video specifically demonstrate relationships, culturally sustaining practices, supporting learning, and curriculum?
1st Classroom:
In the first classroom, the math activities seemed very immersive and hands on. At one point the students take turns pressing numbers on the smart board and they all seem to be excited and interested in the assignment,. While the students are measuring they are getting to use materials on their own and seem to have lots of independence. They are also getting the chance to make relationships with their classmates.
2nd Classroom:
In the second classroom, the second graders were measuring with manipulative materials and seemed to enjoy the tactile activity while learning about math. The teacher asked open-ended questions that encouraged learning and observation. The teacher also appeared to have close relationships with the students and personalized all of her interactions.
3rd Classroom:
In the third classroom the teacher starts off the class with a clapping pattern to engage the children and gain their attention. Then each child got a turn to make their own pattern which encouraged community relationships with the classroom and hands on learning.
4th Classroom:
In the fourth classroom, the teacher had the kids help him take attendance and in turn practice their counting and arithmetic. He also asked open ended questions and allowed the students to all give their own answers and think independently.
Sarah — Thanks for your comment. You identified how the teachers & children in the videos demonstrated relationships, learning and curriculum. I wonder, did you notice any teachers demonstrating culturally sustaining practices in any of the videos?
How are the elements demonstrated in the each video?
I see many things going on in these videos. I noticed gross and fine motor skill developments.The kids are also communicating with their teachers and also making them feel comfortable to speaking to everyone. The teachers are making everything a learning process. Just like what Sarah said, the teacher was doing attendance and the students were help count, which is building their memory and mathematical skills.
Akera — Thanks for your comment. You identified many of the developmental domains the children demonstrated in the videos. I wonder, how specifically did the teachers in each of the videos demonstrate relationships, culturally sustaining practices, supporting learning, and curriculum?
Visit these young school age classrooms; as you watch the videos, look for the elements involved in working with young school age children. How are the elements demonstrated in each video?
Video 1 : its show hand -on and active learning , promote curiosity, foster independence. Using different activities in the classroom to teach the kids addition.
Video 2: its show Integrated curriculum, supports social and emotional growth.hand and active learning , promotes curiosity. Foster independence. Using the activity of mixing water and flour so the kids could work on their own to find there are a lot of different ways. To get the same result.
Video 3: foster independence. Teaching kids independence by setting up the table
Video 4: hand and active helping the girl with building language, using puzzles.
Elizabeth — Thanks for your comment. You identified how the teachers in the videos demonstrated the use of curriculum and learning. I wonder, how did the teachers in the videos demonstrate relationships and culturally sustaining practices?
Visit these young school age classrooms; as you watch the videos, look for the elements involved in working with young school age children. How are the elements demonstrated in the each video?
Video1- video one had curriculum, learning, I didn’t see anything culturally sustaining and had relationships. The curriculum was great there were a lot of different stations focused on the same thing(math) so one station was on the smart board. Another stations was tally chart with markers, another station was using by paper clips and the dry erase board to measure the dry erase board with paper clips. There was one that stuck out to me and that was using the deck of playing cards to make a addition sentence, so based on whatever card you choose from the deck that’s how you made your sentence, if you got a face card which is a king or queen then you got to choose which number you used in your addition sentence. There was a lot of relationships going on in this video there was the kids interacting with each other and there were a lot of relationships looking like they were being built. I also like how the teacher was being interactive with the kids through out the video and giving them reminders about what they were doing. There was nothing Culturally sustaining in this video. The learning was hands on, active, all children were participating in the stations in which they were at and everybody seem to be enjoying themselves through these fun centers but still learning !
Video 2-
This video has nothing Culturally sustaining,
This video had a lot of hands on actives in it, I like how the teacher recording was able to redirect the kids when they said “you copied me” she was able to make it into a helping experience by saying all great scientists share their ideas. That was great because the kids didn’t argue or anything it was like nothing was even said. The kids were able to be hands on, this activity prompted curiosity for the kids because I was definitely curious being the adult was thing to see what their next steps were going to be. I think the kids were also building relationships with the teacher as she was talking to them and walking them through everything and the kids working in pairs to get this flour and water experiment figured out.
Video 3-
Video 3 I see that the kids are using their gross motor skills because they are using their bigger muscles to help with setting up the the table. That also shows them fostering independence doing the table set up on their own. They were using relationships because they were communicating with each other to set up the tables for snack. They were helping each other to get the task done. The little girl told the little boy about the napkin and when they were done they were jumping up and down because they complied the task together. I didn’t see anything culturally sustaining practices
Video 4-
Video 4 has fostered independence, and also promoted curiosity. The relationship were being made, math was still apart of the video, the kids were counting their classmates as apart of math but it was also a activity for them. They also did subtraction but subtracting the number of students that were not there. I didn’t see anything culturally sustaining practices.
I reviewed this module
The videos all included social development. There were also signs of motor development, language, relationship building, and cognitive development, especially in the first video. Children were engaged in their group work and use problem solving to identify numbers and shapes. In the second class, there were also signs of cognitive development, while in the third classroom I noticed there was language development as well as motor skills. The fourth classroom showed that the children were engaged in learning with their peers and teachers.
Gina — Thanks for your comment. I appreciate your focus on what the children were doing and their development (social-emotional, language, etc.). I wonder, what were the teachers doing in the videos; how were they demonstrating the elements to effectively working with young school age children — learning, relationships, curriculum, and being culturally sustaining?
each video has different elements. in video 1, 2, and 3 they all had social development. for example you see the children plating with each other. this also shows cognitive development because it shows how the children are able to process the things . the children were working and engaging with one another. the children were using motor development because their. big muscles were running. there were a lot of engaging for example was listening and answering their teacher. there was communication being made in each of the videos with the kids. the video had activities where you use your hands and you can see how the kids were curious with it.