Module 7 Site Visit


Module Objectives

In this module you will:

  • Conduct a virtual site visit
  • Analyze what you observe during your virtual site visit
  • Reflect on your virtual site visit

Power Point from Class


Materials from Class

NY EC Teacher Cert Guide

Link to Pathway to NY Early Childhood Teacher Certification

Site Visit Materials

Watch the video for the age group you plan to work with.  If you are not sure which age group you want to work with, watch the vide0 for the group you want to learn more about, have questions about, or are curious about:

Infants-Toddlers Site Visit

Preschool Age Children Site Visit — watch all 3 videos, but pretend they are 1 classroom 




Young School Age Children Site Visit


As you watch the video, complete the Site Visit Form.

110 Site Visit Form ON

To complete the form:

  1. Open the document
  2. Download & save the document to your device
  3. Complete the form
  4. Save the form again to your device.
  5. Submit the completed form on Blackboard for ECE 110-Seminar in Assignments, under “Site Visit Form” or email it to me.
  6. If you cannot download & save the forms to your device:
    1. copy the prompts from the column on the left side of each page
    2. paste the prompts into a new document on your device
    3. Save that document on your device.
    4. Answer the prompts
    5. Submit the completed prompts on Blackboard, in Assignments, under “Site Visit Form” or email it to me.

Completing the Site Visit form is 1 point in completing ECE 110-Seminar, please review the guidelines and rubric for the Site Visit:

Site Visit Guidelines S 2021

Complete and submit the Site Visit Self-Assessment along with your Site Visit Form.

Site Visit Self Assessment

To complete the form:

  1. Open the document
  2. Download & save the document to your device
  3. Complete the form
  4. Save the form again to your device.
  5. Submit the completed form on Blackboard for ECE 110-Seminar in Assignments, under “Site Visit Form” or email it to me.
  6. If you cannot download & save the forms to your device:
    1. copy the prompts from the column on the left side of each page
    2. paste the prompts into a new document on your device
    3. Save that document on your device.
    4. Answer the prompts
    5. Submit the completed prompts on Blackboard, in Assignments, under “Site Visit Form” or email it to me.

This is a link to a completed sample Self-Assessment Form

Self Assessment Example