Module #3 Post #2: Identifying Physical Development (6/1-6/3)

Review this Power Point.  This video explains the Power Point

Watch the videos below.  For each video, identify the:

  1. Gross motor skills & processes the child demonstrated and how they demonstrate those skills & processes
  2. Fine motor skills & processes the child demonstrated and how they demonstrated those skills & processes
  3. Gross motor milestones the child has achieved for their age
  4. Fine motor milestones the child has achieved for their age

Video #1 (under 6 mos):

Video #2 (~ 3 years old):

Video #3 (~4 years old):

Video #4 (12 months old):

Video #5 (under 6 mos):

Video #6 (~4 years old):

  • Click on the menu item Practice Clips: Preschool
  • Scroll to video “Cody on the Playground”

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57 thoughts on “Module #3 Post #2: Identifying Physical Development (6/1-6/3)

  1. emily soto

    video 1. infant toddler under six months the baby is holding her head up while laying on her tummy. she is trying to grab toys with her hands . the baby is showing gross motor skills and process . she also showing fine motor skills because she is reaching and grasping for objects.
    video 2. 3 years old- the children are playing with sensory toys in which involve transferring food coloring from one cup to another. they at one point get up to the tray with the objects back on the shelf. in which they transfer from one hand to the other . they show fine motor skills and gross motor skills.
    video 3. 4 years old children are holding pencils /markers in their while they draw / scribble on white paper . the children are showing motor skills because they are using their hands . they are picking small objects , they are also using their fingers.
    video 4. 12 months – the baby in the video is crawling on the floor and grabbing toys and he is also placing toys into bucket. The baby is showing gross mother skills because he is using his whole body. he is also showing fine motor skills because he is using his hands . he is reaching and placing them in bucket.
    video 5 . under 6 months- the baby is in the bouncy chair she is kicking her feet and playing with the toys that are above the bouncy chair. This baby is showing both gross and motor skills. the reason is because the baby is using her hands to reach for the toys. she is kicking her feet while in the bouncy chair.

    1. Maria Kaye

      Hi Emily,
      You missed the 6th video, that can be found if you copy and paste the link under the last video and up what the directions says!!

      my comment for video 3 is did you notice that two of the kids were writing letter, names? this is also a skill that applies to both fine motor skills and milestones, which are important to take note on.

    2. Taina

      Hi Emily! Good observations but you missed a few for video 3 that really stood out. When Peter was holding onto the eraser with one hand and writing his name with another. That was a great demonstration of his fine motor skills.. I know after a while it could be a little tedious writing the same demonstrations, but don’t lose sight on it. It was a great observation though!!

  2. Keneshia Wright

    Video #1
    The baby shows gross motor skills and processes when she lifts her head up, also when she lift her chest. She shows gross motor developmental milestone by reflexive movements, including sucking, rooting and grasping, she also randomly moves arms and legs. She also touches her mouth. She shows fine motor development milestones when she stare at bright objects and follow them with her eyes. She shows fine motor skills and processes when she reach for object.

    Video # 2
    2-3 years old
    The children shows gross motor skills and processes, they also shows fine motor. The children plays with sensory toys, they walked to put back the trays on the shelves.

    Video# 3
    4years old
    The children are showing motor skills and fine motor development milestones. They are drawing, holding crayon with a mature grasp, they are also walking around.

    Video #4
    12months old
    The baby showing gross motor skills and processes and fine motor skills and processes.
    The baby is crawling, she is using her hands to play with the different toys. She sit without ant support.

    Video# 5
    Under 6 months
    The baby shows gross motor skills and processes and fine motor developmental milestones. The baby reaches for things that in front of her while sitting in the baby sit up chair. She moves hers hands.

    1. Maria Kaye

      Hi Keneshia,
      You missed the 6th video, that can be found if you copy and paste the link under the last video and up what the directions says!!

      I enjoyed reading your response, very respectfully I would have loved to read more details about what you noticed. What in specific stood our in details aside from the big ones we can see right away?

  3. Maria Kaye

    Video 1 (under 6 months)
    In the video we notice the baby developing gross motor skills and gross motor milestones by observing how the baby lifts their head while on laying on its tummy. We also see the baby lifting their chest, putting weight on the arms, lifting shoulders off the floor and moving the head to the right side, while moving legs randomly. We see the reflexive moments when the baby is sucking its fingers and attempting to grasp the book. In the video we also see how the baby’s fine motor skills and the fine motor milestones have developed. We see the baby reaching for the objective, the book, moving arms together and part, letting go of the objective, sliding the objective with one hand. We also see the baby putting her hand, then just a few fingers in her mouth, later the other hand follows with two gingers in the mouth, all while sucking them.

    Video 2 ( – 3 years old)
    In the vide we see the two 3 years old boys have developed gross motor skills and also demonstrate gross motor milestones. We can see the the items listed above by observing their body movements, how they are able to stand and hold up their bodies, walk, get up from the chair all while keeping their posture, how they don’t need support while standing, walking or sitting, and balancing their entire bodies. When it come to fine motor skills and milestones, we can see through out the observation they boys have both developed grasping objects of different sized and shapes. Carefully pouring liquids from one container to the other all while using both hands to eye coordination. We also notice the skills and milestones they have mastered by observing the boys carefully move the trays from the table to the shelves and vise versa.

    Video 3 (- 4 years old)
    In Video 3 we see 3 different children at a writing center. From the video we can observe what and how their gross motor skills and milestones have developed at the age of 4. The children at this stage have gained better mobility of their arms, legs, and entire body, which allows them to better coordinate their movements as far as being able to sit up or stand and maintaining/ holding that position. Fine motor skills and milestones in this particular group demonstrates some of the skills by holding the markers in a tripod or what I like to call in my class “ alligator grip”. We see the children hold the markers closer to the tip, can direct the writing tool to where they desire to write or draw. We can also see how the Peter uses his wrist to better assist him when he wants to erase some of his work. The children demonstrate how they can draw and write in different shapes, using techniques. While Peter is not drawing, we can learn from the observation Peter can differentiate lower case and upper case as well as making a round box around his name. Followed by making straight lines starting from the top to the bottom to break up the letters in his name, we can also note he makes a X cross his work. The female students are seen using a tripod grip as well, although the girl to the right of Peter does not have a strong grip on the marker, her grip is loose, but manages to make hill like shapes. The children involved in the writing center demonstrate age appropriate fine motor skills and milestones reached, drawing, writing, holding object, grasping writing utensils, and having an idea as to what they want to write/draw.

    Video 4 (12 months)
    In video 4 we see the 12 month old baby showing sings of gross motor skills and milestones by the following examples made during the observation. Keeping the head, and chest lifted, crawling, transitioning from crawling to standing. Using both arms to manipulate objects. The baby is also using its core to maintaining the sitting position, as well as crawling to the desired toy. Sammy demonstrates fine motor skills and milestones by reading for object and letting go of objects, using hands in independent order, grabbing objects with whole hand. Sammy also demonstrates pointing with its index finger and using both hands to hold toys but also play with them while using both hans. Sammy is seen showing fine motor skills and milestones by putting toys into its container, and dumping toys out.

    Video 5 (under 6 months)
    In video 5 we can see the baby demonstrate gross motor skills and milestones by the following.
    The baby randomly moving legs and arms, first are clenched then open, reaching for the dangling toy and letting go of it. She also moves her head according to the directions of sounds.
    The baby demonstrates fine motor skills and milestones by reading for an object reaching for object within her reach, moving arms together and apart, playing with her hands and rolling them close to her midline.

    Video 6 (4 years old)
    In Video 6 we can see how Cody demonstrates gross motor skills and milestones by the following.
    Cody is able to balance while on the tires, having control of the bigger muscles in his body, while doing this activity and alternating feed and hands. Cody is also seen running with both hands out the side, he is also able to sit on a tricycle and mush with his feet, while alternating feet, he also uses his core and arms to move the steering wheel and his head to look different directions. We also see Cody use his reflexes multiple times while using/ playing with different objects. Cody is also seen galloping and running at the same time, again with arms and hands spread into the air. Cody also reaches across a table to, using his core, legs and arms to assist his body. We can observe Cody’s fine motor skills and milestones during the video baby the way he manipulates different size objects, grasping, uses hand independently, letting go objects, and passing objects from one hand to the other. We can also observe from the video the way Cody uses his hands to obtain the objects he wants, move objects around, although with a loose grip. He puts thins into containers, drops and picks up objects. Cody is a 4 year old who has Down Syndrome and show different milestones for his age group. We can see Cody has his tongue sticking out during the video and wobbles when he runs, walks, and although he does have balance he still puts his arms and hands out while moving around.

    1. Taina

      Hi Maria, I enjoyed reading your observations and how detailed you were. It’s very important to be descriptive because you want to make sure you catch every moment. I also love the term “Alligator grip” especially while working with children to make sure they understand what you are referring too.

      1. Maria Kaye

        Hi Taina, thank you so much! No detail is too small. the kids love the Alligator grip, they think its fun. We also draw little mouse ears and mouth on the tip of the pencil so the kids know their fingers have to hold the ears.

  4. Keneshia Wright

    Video #6
    Cody shows gross motor skills and milestones. Cody is a 4 year old who has Down Syndrome, Cody knows how to balance while being on the tires, he has control of the bigger muscles in his body. Cody is also seen running with both hands out the side, he is also able to sit on a tricycle and push with his feet. Cody use his reflexes multiple times while using and playing with different objects. Cody uses his hands to obtain objects he wants, move objects around with a loose grip.

  5. Taina

    Video #1, Under 6 months.

    The baby is developing Gross Motor skills and reaching its milestone by being able to do do tummy time and holding its head up on its on. The baby is able to move its head up and down and is able to balance itself when picking its head up from the floor. The baby is also demonstrating reflexive movements by sucking on its fist. For the baby Fine motor skills and milestone, The baby is able to reach for its book as well as let go of the book. He is using his hands independently from one another, especially when reaching.

    Video #2, 3 years old

    The children are displaying their Gross motor skills and milestones by being able to sit up on their on while in the chair, They are also able to transition themselves from sitting to standing in a well balanced manner. They are standing as well as walking when they bring their trays back to the shelf. At this age, their muscles have strengthen and they are able to be mobile independently. The children are also showing their Fine motor skills and milestone by being able to independently grab objects, lift a cup up and pour it into a bowl and proceed to this a few times. They are also banging the objects together as well as opening and closing the container. They also have independent usage of their hands.

    Video 3, 4 years old

    Peter! Peter and the two girls are showing their Gross Motor skills and milestones by confidently being able to sit, stand and walk with balance. They are also able to transition from a sitting position to a standing position without hesitation and vice versa. We are able to see their fine motor skills and milestones. Peter specifically is able to write his name while holding onto the eraser in his other hand and also writes his brothers name. Aside from writing his name is shading in the objects he drew, as well as scribble and he’s also seen drawing a circle around his name. He is capable of holding the marker in his hand, independently, without the other as well as being able to take the cap off and put it back on. He is capable of picking up and holding onto the eraser as he moves it in an up and down motion to erase the words on the board. He is also seen spinning the eraser with one hand as he’s holding onto the marker with his other hand. The girl across from Peter is capable of drawing a heart and writing her name as well. She is drawing and able to pick up a tissue and utilize it to erase her board in a side to side motion and place the tissue down. The other girl in the video next to Peter is able to draw lines and have them curve, looking like mountains, and shading in the outlines of it. She is capable to taking a cap off and putting it back on. She is able to grab the markers as well as putting them down. She is seen using her hand in a swiping motion, to erase her drawings from the board.

    Video 4, 12 months

    In this video we can see the baby demonstrating her Gross motor skills and reaching her milestone. She is capable of sitting upright independently . She confidently transitions from a sitting up position to a crawling positions and crawls. She demonstrated her fine motor skills and milestone by showing her muscle strength when lifting a toy with blocks inside and moving it from one direction to another. She is also able to pick objects up and throw them at a very far distance. She is also seen taking blocks apart with no struggle. She is able to point and react to noises.

    Video 5, under 6 months

    In this video we can see the baby demonstrating its gross Motor skills and reaching its milestone as she’s able to hold her head up, with no support while sitting in there rocker. The baby is also able to kick its feet and move its arm around while opening and closing its hands. The baby demonstrates its fine motor skills and milestone when it begins to grab for objects that are in eye sight and grab one hand with the other.

    Video 6 – Cody

    In the video, Cody demonstrates his gross motor skills and milestones when he’s able to balance himself and use his muscle strength to maneuver himself off the tires while using both his hands and feet. He is able to lift himself up from the floor and use his legs to lift himself and jump out of the tire. He is confidently standing up, walking and running, and uses the body of another child to push away from to avoid bumping into and continues to run. Cody is also able to stop himself from running without stumbling and having a tight secure grip on the bikes handle sit himself on the bicycle that he operates with his feet to scoot around and uses his core strength and feet to keep balance and goes in different speeds. He is also able to use his arms to move the bike in his preferred direction, as well as being capable to balance himself while operating his bike with his hands off the handle and slightly up in the air. He is also seen being able to balance himself on the bike as he rides the bike from the side walk onto the dirt, and going over the ledge without falling or losing balance. He is able to transition from standing to sitting. Cody also uses his core and arm strength when he’s seen moving the direction of himself and the bike and being able to lift the back wheels of the bike from up the ground. He demonstrates his fine motor skills and milestones as he reaches for a yellow plate thats towards the opposite side of the table from where he was standing and grabbing it and placing it down at a closer spot. Cody then grabs two play plates with fake food on one, and walks over to the table with a plate in each hand, using his hands independently from one another and places them both on the table. At a different table, he lifts a plate with a food object, that was close to him and places it at a further difference, in front of another child who was sitting at the opposite side of the table. Cody then proceeds to lift a lid up from the floor and placing it on the previous plate and using another plate to tilt the food off of it before grabbing it with his hand off the plate

    1. sydnie d

      Hey Tiana, I really like how in detail but straight to the point your observations are. Videos 3 & 6 are great observations, you showed that almost everything they did helped develop their motor skills.

    2. Yasmina Nait Slimane

      Video 1
      The baby is under the age of six months. He is laying on tommy. I noticed he lift his head up and puts weight on arms in attempt to lift the ground. Also, I see that he turned his head side to side, and he lift his head and shoulders off the floor when laying on tommy. Therefore, and based on this movement we could say that the child has achieved the normal gross skill milestone. Moreover, I noticed that the baby tried to grasp the book toy with her fingers and attempting to grab it toward her body. From this movement we could say that the child has reached his fine milestone.

      Video 2
      In this video we have two three old children sitting normally in two chair and playing. I noticed the boy sitting in the left side uses his left hand to pour the red water into the right cup that he grasps with his right hand. While the other on who is sitting in the right side grabbing the pink plastic box with his right hand and another object with his left hand. After that he tried to clean the try with his left hand. Thus, having the ability to use and manipulate hands separately which is the sign that the children had reached the normal fine milestone. Additionally, I noticed both children are standing up from the chair and walking easily and grabbing the tries in attempting to range it in the wooden shelf. These movement are the sign of the normal development for the gross motor milestone.

      Video 3
      The video is to observe children aged four-year-old. Mostly in this video fine milestones are occurred. I noticed the boy Peter wearing red shirt taking the marker with his to fingers and trying to write clear word and names. He draws with his right hand and he erases with his left hand. He scribbles and draw circle on his name and then erases it again. I noticed also the boy attempts to show an advanced fine skill motor by rotating the eraser with his two fingers. All of them uses the right way to grasp the pencil which is grasps it as an adult. The girl next peter wearing bleu shirt draws curved continued line as she is forming a mountain. She was sitting then standing freely and easily from the chair without assistance which a sign of a progressive motor skill milestone. The girl in front of tis girl is drawing openly and clearly words and hearth shape. In genera in this video all those kids show a certain sign of the advanced development of both their gross and fine motor skill milestone.

      Video 4
      The observation is for 12 month old. The first not I observed in this video is that the infant is crawling and moving into a sitting position without support. It is appeared that he developed a great gross motor process according to his age. As he is crawling, he grasps circle with his finger in his left hand and he lift the red box with his right hand. Therefore, he demonstrated the ability to manipulate his hands and finger against his blocks which is a sign of a progressive fine milestone.

      Video 5
      As the video begins the baby demonstrate a good gross motor skill progress by moving his leg repeatedly put them together after that he extended them. As well as he tried to put his hand together. In occurring of the fine motor skill improvement, he grasps the purple flower attached to the moving sit and also he gazes eyes for any thing that attract him such as the swinging flower and pink toy on his sit.

    3. Camila Polo

      Hi Tiana,
      This was so great! so much detail, after reading your observation I realize how much more information i could have included in my observation. Really great job with all of them !

  6. sydnie d

    Video #1 (under 6mos)
    From the first couple of seconds of the video we already see that the baby has achieved a few gross motor milestones. The baby has lifted her head up when on lying on tummy, I can see she puts weight on arms when on lying on tummy, and she lifts her head and shoulders off the floor when laying on her tummy. She was showing her gross motor skills by repeatedly lifting her head and chest while resting on her arms. We also see she reached a few fine motor milestones for her age as well. She reached for the stuffed animal a few times and had a playbook constantly in her grasp for most of the observation. She was sucking on her fingers and hands for a while also which is a fine motor milestone for children 3 months. For fine motor skills she also used her hands independent of each other. In one instance she was sucking one hand while she reached between her two toys with her other hand.

    Video #2 (3 years old)
    The two children were playing with water trays and two glasses. They were pouring the water from one glass to another glass and back to the original glass also opening and closing a small box. Each time they poured the water entirely emptying the glass. The gross motor skills they demonstrated a good amount of times were the transitions and walking while carrying the trays. The cups knocked over in the tray but nothing spilled onto the floor. They got up and sat back down a few times even trading water trays while standing. The gross motor milestones they achieved were carrying toys while walking and climbing onto and down furniture without support. When they were getting up from their pushed in seats while holding onto the water trays it was fairly easy for them. The fine motor skills they’ve shown were grasping objects, letting go of objects, pass objects hand to hand, use hands independently of each other. Their hand eye coordination was good when they were pouring the water, none spilling out.

    Video #3 (4 years old)
    There are three children who are writing on a whiteboard so I know the focus is going to be on their fine motor skills. A fine motor milestone we see being achieved early in the video is imitation. The girl with the turquoise shirt and long hair seems to be looking up at something behind the camera, assuming the teachers board, and copying what is on it. We also see that they are all holding the markers with a mature tripod grasp which is another fine milestone. The boy in the red shirt with a black long sleeve shirt underneath is also reaching a fine motor milestone with writing his name a couple of times. They are also using their hands independent of each other, at one point Peter held the board with one hand while he erased with the other hand. They are all drawing while they are writing, one students draws a recognizable heart. Specific hands are being used consistently for fine motor tasks, Peter is using one hand for writing and the other hand is dedicated to erasing while the girl uses the same hand to write and erase.

    Video #4 (12 mos)
    As soon as the video starts the baby is crawling across the carpet to get a toy. She reaches for the box then takes the lid off the box, tossing it to the side. With the same hand she lifts the box then sitting down pouring all the blocks out of the box. She drops the toy that was in her other hand and starts tossing the blocks back in the box. From this she achieved a lot of milestones. She was crawling, she sat up without support, dropping and picking up toys, she let go of her toy on purpose, and put blocks into the box (with large openings) and take them out again. She takes a block out of the box again, this time tossing it across the carpet them pointing at it while making a noise. She grabbed the blocks with her whole hand and used her hands independently of each other. In the beginning of the video she had a toy in one hand while she was opening and picking up the box with the other hand.

    Video #5 (under 6 mos)
    The gross motor milestones we see this baby achieve is her hands clenched in a fist and she randomly moves arms and legs. She starts to reach for the plushies hanging above her. She is also moving her head side to side, grabbing onto objects within her reach, pulling objects toward her body, and holds and shakes toys, swings at dangling toys which are all fine motor milestones reached at her age.

    Video #6 (4 years old)
    Cody is showing his gross motor skill by running and climbing. Cody then gets on the tricycle and uses his feet to move the bike instead of the pedals. He is stepping at a very fast pace to get the wheels to spin. At this point in the video Cody has shown he’s reached a couple of the gross motor milestones, he climbs well and runs easily. After the bike Cody goes over to a play kitchen and starts to arrange plates and foods on the table. From this we see that Cody is using his fine motor skills, he reaches for and grasps objects, and he uses hands independent of other.

  7. shayna velez

    Video #1 infant under 6 months uses both its Gross motor skills and the gross motor milestones by moving his hands and feet, kicking, and talking by biting their toys. The main motor skills I saw in the video is when the baby was struggling to open the book and more importantly grasping. This video shows me that the baby is developing their little muscles

    Gross motor skills are larger movements your baby makes with his arms, legs, feet, or his entire body. So crawling, running, and jumping are gross motor skills. Fine motor skills are smaller actions.

    Fine motor skills refer to the coordination between small muscles, like those of the hands and fingers, with the eyes. Fine motor skills involve the small muscles of the body that enable such functions as writing, grasping small objects and fastening clothing

    Video #2
    The children used their fine motor skills and processes by picking up and trading trays, and pouring water, we can evaluate that they are able to run, climb stairs by themselves under an adult’s supervision. They are able to walk around to play with each other, so I believe they are able to ride bikes and play in the park.

    Video #3
    I can assess that the children used their fine motor skills and processes because they are able to hold writing instruments to write names and numbers and play with other students. The little girl was drawing and erasing it to draw again. There are about eight to nine children playing with each other. Three of them were on the table drawing pictures and names.

    Video #4
    The little infant named Samie, crawled and sat by himself to an empty area to play with his shapes. He used gross motor skills to develop his little muscles.

    I like the video because it teaches us how to be around children when they are babies. The little baby was trying to talk. She also got excited when her mother was trying to talk to her. She used the gross motor milestone skills She is trying to reach out for the toys hanging in her swing.

    1. shayna velez

      Video #6
      Cody shows gross motor skills and milestones. Cody is a 4 year old who has Down Syndrome, Cody knows how to balance while being on the tires, he is using the gross motor skills . Cody is also seen running with his hands ,he is also able to sit on a tricycle and push with his feet. Cody use his reflexes multiple times while using and playing with different objects. Cody uses his hands to obtain objects he wants, move objects around with a loose grip. I chose this video because Cody remind me of my nephew who was also delayed in talking and walking and etc,

  8. Janate Bratton

    Watch the videos below. For each video, identify the:

    Gross motor skills & processes the child demonstrated and how they demonstrate those skills & processes
    Fine motor skills & processes the child demonstrated and how they demonstrated those skills & processes
    Gross motor milestones the child has achieved for their age
    Fine motor milestones the child has achieved for their age

    * Video #1 (infant under 6 mo) she is displaying her Gross motor skills and milestones by lifting her head up when on lying on her tummy, I also see that she puts pressure/weight on her arms when on lying on her tummy, and also she uses her head by lifting it and shoulders off the floor when laying on her tummy. The main motor skills I did observe in the video is when the baby was struggling to open the book and most importantly grasping which is one of the I important gross in this age bracket. This video shows me that the baby is developing her muscles

    * Video #2 (3 y/o) both male children They are displaying their Gross motor skills and milestones by picking up objects (the trays) and also being able to sit up on their own while in the chair without needing any support, they don’t need support standing or walking, and also are able to transition themselves from sitting to standing in a well balanced manner. The two children were both playing with water trays and two glasses each time they poured the water they made sure to empty out the glass.

    * Video #3 (4 y/o) all three children (2 females and 1 male) the setting seems to be at a writing area. The children are displaying their Gross motor skills and milestones being able to sit, stand and walk with balance and also demonstrate how they can draw and write in different shapes, using different kinds of techniques.

    * Video #4 (12 mo) she is displaying her Gross motor skills and milestones by sitting up correctly and forward by herself with no help needed, also Transitioning herself from sitting up to Crawling position and continues to crawl. She demonstrates by using the ability of her legs and arm muscles to move, she also uses her hands to pick up blocks throw them and also knows how to react and she demonstrates that as well

    * Video #5 (under 6mo) she is displaying her Gross motor skills and milestones by moving legs and arms, How to use toys hanging from top of her and moving them to hear the sound that the toys make, also using hand movement.

    * Video #6 (4 y/o) Cody is displaying his Gross motor skills and milestones by Having control over his upper body, Also being evenly balanced while on the tires. He is able to lift himself up from the floor and use his legs to lift himself and jump out of the tire as well, able to use his arms to move the bike in his direction, uses his hands to get the objects he wants to play with, move objects around with a loose grip I see.

    1. sydnie d

      Hi Janate, I love how straight to the point your observations are. You focused on the very important details and how they develop the children’s gross and motor skills. An issue for meI always have is figuring out what details aren’t that important so I can leave them out.

      1. Elianna

        Hey Janate,
        I like how you responded to the questions and also how organized you were, because you label everything and clearly stated your answer and made sure you answer the question.

  9. kenneth soto

    Video 1: Under 6 Months
    The baby shows gross motor skills by lifting his head. The gross motor milestones shown in the video are; He sucks on his hand, he grasps the book, clench his hands in a fist, randomly move his arms and legs and touch his mouth. He shows fine motor skills by grasping and reaching for the book. The fine motor milestones shown are; being able to bring his hands to his mouth, suck on his hand and reflexively grasp objects.

    Video 2: 3 Years old
    The two boys show gross motor skills by transitioning from sitting to walking and then sitting back down again. A gross motor milestone that is shown is the boys ability to steadily carry the tray with objects on them while walking and easily set it on the able. The fine motor skills the children show in the video are picking up objects, reaching and grasping and hand-eye coordination. The fine motor milestones that are shown is the ability of non-dominant hand to assist and stabilize the use of objects and that they use one hand more often than the other for most activities

    Video 3: Four years old
    The children show gross motor skills by standing and erasing the whiteboards. The fine motor skills are shown by the children drawing and writing. Two children are righting letters and one appears to be drawing. The fine motor milestones shown are holding the markers with a mature tripod grasp, writing name and writing letters.

    Video 4: 12 month old
    The toddler shows gross motor skills by displaying reflexive movements, crawling, and throwing the toys into the bucket. The gross motor milestones shown are his ability to move into sitting position without support and crawling around objects. The fine motor skills that the toddler shows are finger movements, reaching and grasping and picking up small objects.
    The fine motor milestones shown are pointing with fingers and grasping the toys.

    Video 5: Under 6 months
    The gross motor skills the baby shows is kicking and moving arms
    The fine motor skills the baby shows is poking at the dangling toys with his finger and reaching for the dangling toys. Fine motor milestones shown are that the baby can reach for things and swings at dangling toys.

    Video 6:
    Cody displays a lot of Gross motor skills such as running, walking and riding a bike. He is able to walk and run confidently. When he rides the bike he doesn’t use the pedals, he uses his legs to push the bike instead. He is also able to pick himself up from the floor.i The gross motor milestones shown are runs easily, jumps onto a step and gallops. In the video he doesn’t attempt to climb, play in the jungle gym. Fine motor skills that are shown are picking up objects and reaching and grasping when he is playing with the kitchen.

    1. Arelis Marie Elias

      Great observation because you are right he does not try and attempt to climb he does play independently most of the time to avoid it and he does not seem to grasp the concept of using his feet to pedal the bike.

  10. Elianna

    -Video #1(Under 6mos): The baby is able to lay on its stomach on its own and slowly lift up its chest holding its head up, move its arms, and kick its legs. The baby can move its wrists and hands and interact with toys in front of the baby, and put its finger in the mouth, and makes noises(grasp), can move its feet. The milestones the baby has achieved are being able to use its large muscles by lay on his stomach, being able to hold its head up using its chest and kicking its leg and move his arms the baby also used its body to move. The baby can also move its wrists, move its hand and fingers he puts it into its mouth and sticks out tongue has its gasps at the toys.

    -Video #2(3 yrs old): both boys are using their arms to play and pick the objects they are playing with, they also picked up the trays with the objects in it, they used their legs to walk and are using their entire bodies to sit in their chairs. they both are using their wrists and hands to be able to interact with objects in front of them and also using their fingers to touch the objects, they also both used there feet and toes to walk and one the boys used his feet and put them on the chair and they’re using their mouth to communities with each other and the camera person. The boy’s milestones are they can use their entire body to sit on their own, arms to carry and lift things, and legs to walk. They also can use all their small muscle movements to draw, write their names, clean up after themselves.

    -Video #3(4 years old): The children all 3 of them have control and knowledge of the movements of their large muscles they are able to use their torsos and chest and stomach to sit up and sit down they are using their arms to drag and legs to walk. All 3 children also have the knowledge and are using their small muscles. You can see the movements of their wrists, hands, fingers when they are drawing and cleaning up after each other. Also using their feet and toes to stand up. Lastly, they are the mouth, lips, and tongues to talk and express themselves. The children’s gross motor milestones are using able to draw, able to pick up colors and etc., able to stand, and walk. Fine motor skills milestones the children have achieved is using all their small muscle movements to draw, write their names, clean up after themselves.

    -Video #4(12 months old): The baby’s gross motor skills are shown because of his movement and knowledge of using his large muscles and using his entire body he crawls and uses his stomach and arms and legs for that and he also picks up the buckets fill with blocks. He also uses his small muscles. The baby’s milestones are he crawls, plays, giggles, sitting up on his own, using both of hands to grab on to the toys and lift,

    -Video #5 (Child development Infant/Toddler observation): The baby is kicking and is using his arms to grab the toys hanging he open and closes up his hands as well. He also seems very aware he looks uplifting to his head a bit he also moves its head according to the sounds the baby hears and also the baby seems like he trying to speak by making little baby noises.

    -Video #6(4 years old): The boy seems very active he knows how to hold his balance especially while on the tires, he knows how to use his legs and run, he plays with many different objects. He’s aware of his surroundings and how to use the objects around him.

    1. Arelis Marie Elias

      For video 6, it was most important to observe that Cody does not navigate the tricycle properly for his age he should be able to use the pedals properly like his fellow peers.

  11. Arelis Marie Elias

    Video 1)Gross motor skills & processes the child demonstrated and how they demonstrate those skills & processes
    The gross motor skill that is being developed in crawling by enhancing movement in the arms, legs, core, and lifting of the head through a reach and grab activity. By placing objects in front of the baby it signals the baby to push forward using the body and focus on the objects at use in this activity. Throughout the process, the baby is also constantly kicking to help force some movement and lifting using their arms to push up.
    Video 2) Fine motor skills & processes the child demonstrated and how they demonstrated those skills & processes
    These children are conducting a fill and dump activity using water,cups, and sponges. This activity helps to enhance fine motor skills in the childs hands as they are grasping, using their hand-eye coordination to make sure they don’t spill any water.
    Video 3) Gross motor milestones the child has achieved for their age
    Children in the classroom have developed their gross motor skills for their age. Some of the students are standing, running in the classroom, have the capability to balance on a beam with both feet, are using their arms in different ways such as erasing their boards or raising their arm to fix their articles of clothing giving the impression of self-awareness.

    Video 4) Fine motor milestones the child has achieved for their age
    The baby’s fine motor skills that she has achieved is the ability to grasp an object using her hands. The baby fills and dumps the shapes from the shape sorter and places them back inside the bucket.

    Video 5) The baby uses the bouncer and as using their gross motor ability to kick their legs the baby was using its fine motor skills by reaching and grasping the toys on the bar. The baby was cooing and communicating through play and using their hand-eye coordination to stay focused on the objects present on the bar. The baby also has the ability to open and close their hands into a fist presenting strengths in their hand muscles.

    Video 6) Cody is doing physical activities outside in the playground. He balances on tires as he bends completely down in front of him able to touch the ground with his fingertips. He almost falls but as a reflex uses his hands to get himself back up. He was able to run while also moving his arms in the process. He then proceeds to get on a tricycle he uses the strength in his leg muscles to move the bike and his arms to control the movements, but he does not have the capability to use the pedals on the bike.

    1. Luis Martinez

      Hey Arelis Marie Elias
      This is Luis Martinez I agree with you that video number 6 Cody on the playground , I recently went back to the video and I noticed that Cody does not navigate the tricycle properly for his age, he should be able to use the pedals properly like his fellow peers.I did not pay closely attention instead I confused Cody for another boy who was near him with a tricycle too.

  12. Delesah

    Video 1
    The baby showed gross motor skills when she lifts her up especially in her movements milestone. She also places her hand on her mouth, Following with motor behavior when she laid her eyes on the bright object and let her eyes follow.

    Video 2
    ages 2-3
    The child shoes gross motor skills playing with sensory toys. & putting toys back on shelves and trays

    Video 3
    ages 4
    The child shows motor skills and fine motor skills when they are drawing holding the crayon with a strong grip

    video 4
    ages 12 months
    the baby shows motor skills when crawling. Using her hands with the toys also trying to sit up with no type of help

    video 5
    the baby shows gross motor skills when they baby reached for items in front of her

  13. Yan kyaw

    1.In Video 1, the baby demonstrated his gross motor skills and processes. He did so many Reflexive movements. He did so many times lift his head, chest, arms, legs and torso. He sucked his finger or his toy and he tried so many times to turn & roll over. However, he crawled through the whole video. He tried so many times to move with crawls and it balanced his body.
    Video 2 ( – 3 years old)
    2.In Video2, there are under 3 years old two babies who have demonstrated their fine motor skills & processes. They reach and grasp such as cups, containers, chairs and tables. Their fine motor skills and processes are very developing. Their hands, wrists, fingers, feet, toes, lips and tongue were very processing. Their movement, doing jobs and speaking were developing. They can systematically reach, grasp and let go of objects. They can take care of their cup and containers and they are independent in this video. They can pick up small objects with their hand and finger. We can see their finger movement and they use their fingers independently to do their work. The two babies did liquids for their toy and they turned on the other side of the table systemically and they returned their table. And then, they used to start their jobs again.
    3.In Video 3 is demonstrated in the under 4 years old classroom. The main characters were Peter and his two classmates who were sitting together at a table. . There were more than 6 students in this classroom. We can see their achievements at their age. Their fine motor skills & processes such as hands, wrists, fingers, feet, toes, lips and tongue were very developed. They had written and drew on the white board. Especially Peter who was an asian male student in this classroom. He demonstrated fine motor skills by writing his name and his brother’s name “Minh”. The children had successfully used the eraser and their speaking had started developing.
    4. In Video 4, the 12 months old baby girl Summy was demonstrated her gross motor skill and processes. We can see Summy was crawling from side to side. She can sit without support and she makes sitting position without support movements with hold toys onto nearby furniture. She rolls, distributes and picks up her toys. She knows her name is Summy.
    5.In Video 5, the 6 months old baby was demonstrated gross motor skills and processes. The baby was shaping his body, leg, and hand. His basket was hung on toys. He tried to left and right hand and pulled the toys. And he put his finger into his mouth.
    6. In Video 6, under 4 years old child Cody demonstrated his gross motor skills and milestone. He was climbing well on tricycle and stairs. He runs easy in the baby garden. He pedals on tricycle. He ran around the obstacle with this tricycle. But, the tricycle direction was wrong two times. But he turned to move in the right direction.We can see he used his legs to drive his tricycle. He walks up and down stairs with one foot on each step. And then, he demonstrated his fine motor skills and milestones. First, he looked for plates for his friends. And then, he put the fake food on the pink plates and hosted his friends on the tables.

  14. Camila Polo

    Video #1
    In this video a baby under 6 months old who can be seen using gross motor skills by lifting head and chest and kicking legs. Some fine motor skills that can be observed are the baby reaching for the book and grasping it. A couple gross motor milestones I can observe are lifting head and shoulders while on tummy, putting weight on arms and turning head side to side. A fine motor milestone is sucking on mouth and fingers.

    Video #2
    In this video we see two boys about the age of three, we see the development of gross motor skills and milestones because they are sitting up straight, then one boy walks independently while carrying something without any support and bends his whole body to put the object away. We see lots of fine motor skills in this video by the boys grasping objects of different sizes, using one hand more often than the other for activities using hand eye coordination, and closing the box with his hands.

    Video #3
    In this video we see multiple children all around the age of 4 some fine motor skills and milestones I notice are children writing their names, holding marker, drawing lines and drawing identifiable shapes such as hearts and circles. Some gross motor skills and milestones I see are children sitting on chair, and children running, jumping in the background, as well as children walking away with out support

    Video #4
    In this video I see a 12-month-old girl. I observe some gross motor skills and milestones. She’s crawling while holding a toy, picking things up individually and putting them where she wants which shows great eye-coordination. She’s also throwing things and sitting up without support. Some fine gross motor skills and milestones I see are grabbing small objects with one hand using fingers independently and letting go of objects.

    Video #5
    In this video I see a baby under the age of 6 months. She is demonstrating some gross motor skills by randomly moving legs, and having her fist clenched. Some fine motor skills and milestones I see are reaching for an object playing with her hands and moving arms together and apart.

    Video #6
    In this video we see a boy who is around the age of 4. He demonstrates gross motor skills and milestones when he is seen running and is able to stop suddenly, he also uses balance to ride the bicycle, walking, and running. Some fine motor skills and milestones he shows are grabbing things, moving things and placing things. We also see this when he walks to the kitchen and begins arranging the food and plates.

  15. Yasmina Nait Slimane

    Video 1
    The baby is under the age of six months. He is laying on tommy. I noticed he lift his head up and puts weight on arms in attempt to lift the ground. Also, I see that he turned his head side to side, and he lift his head and shoulders off the floor when laying on tommy. Therefore, and based on this movement we could say that the child has achieved the normal gross skill milestone. Moreover, I noticed that the baby tried to grasp the book toy with her fingers and attempting to grab it toward her body. From this movement we could say that the child has reached his fine milestone.
    Video 2
    In this video we have two three old children sitting normally in two chair and playing. I noticed the boy sitting in the left side uses his left hand to pour the red water into the right cup that he grasps with his right hand. While the other on who is sitting in the right side grabbing the pink plastic box with his right hand and another object with his left hand. After that he tried to clean the try with his left hand. Thus, having the ability to use and manipulate hands separately which is the sign that the children had reached the normal fine milestone. Additionally, I noticed both children are standing up from the chair and walking easily and grabbing the tries in attempting to range it in the wooden shelf. These movement are the sign of the normal development for the gross motor milestone.
    Video 3
    The video is to observe children aged four-year-old. Mostly in this video fine milestones are occurred. I noticed the boy Peter wearing red shirt taking the marker with his to fingers and trying to write clear word and names. He draws with his right hand and he erases with his left hand. He scribbles and draw circle on his name and then erases it again. I noticed also the boy attempts to show an advanced fine skill motor by rotating the eraser with his two fingers. All of them uses the right way to grasp the pencil which is grasps it as an adult. The girl next peter wearing bleu shirt draws curved continued line as she is forming a mountain. She was sitting then standing freely and easily from the chair without assistance which a sign of a progressive motor skill milestone. The girl in front of tis girl is drawing openly and clearly words and hearth shape. In genera in this video all those kids show a certain sign of the advanced development of both their gross and fine motor skill milestone.
    Video 4
    The observation is for 12 month old. The first not I observed in this video is that the infant is crawling and moving into a sitting position without support. It is appeared that he developed a great gross motor process according to his age. As he is crawling, he grasps circle with his finger in his left hand and he lift the red box with his right hand. Therefore, he demonstrated the ability to manipulate his hands and finger against his blocks which is a sign of a progressive fine milestone.
    Video 5
    As the video begins the baby demonstrate a good gross motor skill progress by moving his leg repeatedly put them together after that he extended them. As well as he tried to put his hand together. In occurring of the fine motor skill improvement, he grasps the purple flower attached to the moving sit and also he gazes eyes for any thing that attract him such as the swinging flower and pink toy on his sit.

  16. Denise Newland Stewart

    Module #3 Post #2

    Video # 1 – 6 Months
    Fine Motor Skills & Processes
    The baby reached and touched the book like toy, then lets it go. He let go the toy. The baby put his fingers in his mouth and cobbles. He used his feet and toes to push forward. Pushed out his tongue and played with it.

    Fine Motor Developmental Milestones
    The baby reached and touched the book like toy, then let it go. He let go the toy. The baby used his stomach and chest to move forward.

    Gross Motor Skills & Processes
    The baby lifted his head and chest. He crawled on his stomach.

    Gross Motor Developmental Milestones
    The baby lifted his head while lying on the tummy. He put his weight on his arms while lying down. The baby moved his head side to side while lying on his belly. He pushed down on his legs when his feet were hard on the ground and he was crawling. He pushed up on his elbows while lying on his tummy. When he was on his tummy, he kept his head up, put his weight on his arms and turned his head side to side.

    Video # 2 – 3 Years
    Fine Motor Skills & Processes
    The boys held things in both hands. They banged glasses together and used their hands independently. They picked up objects and passed them from hand to hand. The boys had hand-eye coordination because their eyes and hands carried out the tasks. They spoke and the teacher responded.

    Fine Motor Developmental Milestones
    The boys opened and closed containers. They lifted and carried trays. Threw liquids from one container to another. Opened a closed container

    Gross Motor Skills & Processes
    The boys walked from one area to another holding a tray.

    Gross Motor Developmental Milestones
    The boys climbed up and sat on the chairs. They walked easily from one area to another. The boy bent to put the tray on the shelf.

    Video # 3 – 4 Years
    Fine Motor Skills & Processes
    The students held the markers in their hands firmly with fist grasped. They held the top of the markers with their whole hands. The children held the bottom of the markers with fingers tripod grasped. They drew shapes (heart) and a boy wrote a name and a girl marked repeatedly some letters. They copy traced letters. Some spellings were not clear. The children spoke among themselves and they also responded to their teacher.

    Fine Motor Developmental Milestones
    The boy wrote a name and he said that was his neighbor. They wrote and traced letters. They used on hand constantly to write/trace/draw. One student drew a heart which was recognizable. They can print different letters. They erased and wrote back letters/characters. They also erased their boards when they were finished.

    Gross Motor Skills & Processes
    One student sat and wrote while two other stood and wrote. They freely moved their hands to write/draw.

    Gross Motor Developmental Milestones
    Some students stood up to do the writing and drawing. Some could be seen walking around the room. One student was packing up the resources and locked the packed container.

    Video # 4 – 12 Months
    Fine Motor Skills & Processes
    The baby creeped to get a container with toys and sat after. The baby was able to hold the object and put them in the container. The baby used hands independently of each other and grabbed small objects with whole hand.

    Fine Motor Developmental Milestones
    The baby was able to use one hand to lift the container while another toy was in the other hand. The baby pointed in the direction where he/she threw one of the toys. The baby gobbled.

    Gross Motor Skills & Processes
    The baby was able to sit on her own without assistance. The baby creeped from one area to another.

    Gross Motor Developmental Milestones
    The baby moved into sitting position without support. The baby squat down and picked up the container. The baby threw the toy a little distance from where he was sitting.

    Video # 5 – 6 Months
    Fine Motor Skills & Processes
    The baby reached and touched the toy over the rocker. He then let it go. The baby lifted one hand to reach the toy.
    Fine Motor Developmental Milestones
    The baby moved his toes repeatedly. He/she held and shook toys.

    Gross Motor Skills & Processes
    The baby moved his/her to the right in the direction of the toy. Used his/her body as if he/she wanted to raise up. Use one hand to fold the other fingers.
    Gross Motor Developmental Milestones
    Move head from one side to another. Pushed out his/her legs straight out.

    Video #6 – 4 years old – Cody on the Playground
    Fine Motor Skills & Processes
    Cody used his hands independently. He picked up toys, put a vegetable in it and passed it to another child. Cody used his fingers independently of each other.

    Fine Motor Developmental Milestones
    Cody put item in a container and lift it. He held the cycle handles with mature grip. Cody rode along a pathway.

    Gross Motor Skills & Processes
    Cody walked alone. He ran to different locations. He climbed onto his cycle and held the handles. Cody rode the tricycle with training wheels and his feet were on the ground and pushing him along.

    Gross Motor Developmental Milestones
    Cody climbed on flat lying tires and jumped out. He ran easily. Cody was able to run in alternate direction and stopped easily without losing balance. He rode the cycle with balance. Cody independently got on and off a tricycle but could not pedal with his feet.

    1. Luis Martinez

      Hey Denise Newland Stewart
      This is Luis Martinez great observation, you mentioned every specific detail regarding with Cody demonstrating a varity of gross motor skills,Overall you observation was very detailed.

  17. Luis Martinez

    Video 1 Child development Infant/ toddler observation

    During the observation I saw various indications that correlated with fined/motor skills that were performed by the infant. I noticed the infant toddler placed both of his/her hands clenched together in a fist, directly towards the mouth. The child was placed on a big colorful mat with designs on it, on one side next to her there was a soft book and a stuff animal , while on the other side towards her legs was a big curvy arc with toys on it. As the infant toddler chew on her/his fingers, her/his drool fell constantly. Fallowed by the infant putting an effort to lift his/her head up as she/he was lying on her/his tummy. The child repeatedly kept placing his head and chin on a soft book, for up to 3 to 5 seconds. The toddler randomly moved her arms and legs as she/he was lying on his/her tummy on the mat. The infant toddler giggle for a few seconds as he/she stretch her/his hands and legs. Overall, the child, mostly performed a combination of fine and gross motor skills, which involved the used large muscles and small muscles.

    Video 2 Observation water trays

    Both children fall between the ages of 4 and 5, based on the observations, I notice there was calm/relaxing music being played on the background, based under the descriptions regarding with what these young children can now performed or do that are based from the fine motor skills and processes and the gross motor skills and processes. The left child sited across the table shows that he can now pass objects hand to hand and as well uses hands independent of each other , for instance the child grabs a cup of water to pour a few drops of orange water into the bigger glass cup, basically the child used both of his hands to handle two objects at the same time . Another example that demonstrates this action is the child handling a blue wide large tray with both of his hands, the child carefully grabs both handles of the tray with his fingers closed, the child passes the blue wide large tray to his fellow classmate. The same action occurs(pass objects hand to hand and grabs small/large objects with whole hand) with the second child that is sited at the right corner of the table, as he pulls the table to stand up and then walks a few steps in order to place the large wide blue tray in one of cabinets of the furniture. The child then grabs the large wide blue tray with his whole hands from his fellow classmate, then places the tray on the table, even though he was about to fall he holds on the objects securely.

    Video 3 Observations chapter 4

    The three children fall between the ages 3 and 4, so they are most likely to be in pre-school (Pre-K). Based on the indications from fine and including gross motor skills and processes. During the observation I notice the three children demonstrated that they could now draw straight lines and circles, they were able to hold color markers, white board eraser, and baby wipes using their thumb and fingers, as well they were used one hand more often than the other for most activities. Whereas for gross motor skills and processes the three children constantly used their reflexive movements to performed different actions during the lesson. For instance, Peter was standing up for most of the time of the activity, as he was printing his name on the whiteboard. His writing and drawing skills demonstrated that he was able to perfectly print his name with some capital letters, during the activity as he repeatedly printed and erased his name, he integrated squiggly, curvy, and diagonal lines into his name his named suing . Moving on the girl across next to Peter, the girl used various of her motor skills, for example, she let go some of the objects that she was provided with in order for her to continue adding details to her drawing, and used hands independent of each other and used both hands to swap objects. The girl used her half of her arm instead of the whiteboard eraser to erase the picture that she was drawing. I noticed that as she was erasing, her drawing she used the palm of her hand and the long sleeve of the shirt.

    Video 4: 12 month old playing with shape sorter

    During the observation, the 12-month-old infant used various of her/his gross and fine motor skills and processes as she was playing with the shape sorter. I noticed the infant was able to reach, grab, and put objects into a play box, as well able to drop and pick up toys, she as well rolled over to the sides to explore and get to the objects that were placed next to her, and using her hands to hold onto objects in order to use them for specific purposes within her reach. As the toddler moved her arms together and then apart repeatedly, she constantly bang the play tools together. It is widely known that young babies have a reflexive grasp meaning their hands automatically close tightly when pressure or stimulation is applied in their palms, in this case the toddler is learning how to hold the objects tightly, her hands clenched in a fist. She bended over while she was still sitting down a bit to the right side, for her to grasp small objects with her thumb and her index finger to pick-up the blocks.

    Video 5: Infant/toddler observation report video

    The infant toddler is between 3 to 6 months old, the 3-6-month-old infant used various of her/his gross and fine motor skills and processes as she was in her basket crib. Throughout the duration of the observation she randomly opened and closed her hands (fingers)as well she moved her hands and legs freely while she was attempting to grab the dangling toys that hanged on the curvy top of the basket crib. For a few seconds while the infant was in motion, she attempted to lift her head by stretching and spreading her legs apart while she was lying on her back. I also noticed the crib basket provided comfort support to the infant’s back, so that the infant toddler can lean over a bit. Last but not least, the infant toddler moved her head from side to side while she was lying on her back.

    Video 6 Cody on the playground

    Cody is between is 4 to 5 years old, In this observation Cody demonstrates a variety of gross motor skills. Throughout the observation Cody went through different playing stations. Based on the expectations/abilities that a 4 o 5 year is supposed to do/act. Cody was able to lean over completely on his back, while was he rolled over a big black tire. Then he jumped on one foot for 5 seconds from the big black tire, followed by Cody running towards the tricycle area. Cody was able to independently get on/off the tricycle and he was able to perfectly pedal 20 feet away from the starting area, he carefully placed both of his hands on the handles of the bicycle, in order for him to turn over his bicycle towards the left. As he was running, he placed his hands apart as if he was flying. Last but not least, Cody went to the last play station, he used both of his hands to grab and swap at the same time the cooking toys from the kitchen, he then stretches both of his arms over the table handling cooking, he hands the cooking toys to his fellow classmate.

  18. Teresa Singh

    Teresa Singh

    Video1 2-3yrs
    – Gross motor skills and processes: The infant is able to lift her head up and her chest. She also uses hands to support her balance.
    – Fine motor skills and prcesses: The infant is reaching and releasing objects. Uses one of her hand independently and places it in her mouth.
    -Gross motor milestones: Reflexive movements, including sucking, rooting and grasping When on tummy, the infant keeps head up, puts weight on arms and turns head side to side.
    -Fine motor milestones: Reflexively grasps objects. Move her arms together and apart. Bring her hand to her mouth, and sucks on her own hands or fingers.

    Gross motor skills and processes: They are able to balance themselves and cruise.
    Fine motor skills and processes: Grab small objects with whole hand.
    Gross motor milestones: They were able to walk with their materials in hands.
    Fine motor milestones: Uses non-dominant hand to assist and stabilize the use of objects.

    Video 3 3-4 yrs
    Gross motor skills and processes: They are able to stand and walk holding furniture.
    Fine motor skills and processes: They are able to hold a Marker with a 3 fingers tripod grasp. Form letter and inventive spelling.
    Gross motor milestones: Well balanced and firm posture.
    Fine motor milestones: Writes name and Handedness is well established. Starts to use one hand consistently for fine motor tasks, draws a cross by himself. Uses a 3 fingered grasp of pencil and uses fingers to generate movement

    Video 4 12 months
    Gross motor skills and processes: The infant crawls and sits, balnces body well.
    Fine motor skills and processes: Grasps and lets go of objects. Grabs small objects with whole hand.
    Gross motor milestones: crawls, sits without support.
    Fine motor milestones: Intentionally grasps objects like the ones within her reach and follows them with her eyes. Grasps and pulls object towards there boy.

    Video 5 under 6. months
    Gross motor skills and processes: Infant has reflexive movements, lifts head, moves legs and arms freely.
    Fine motor skills and processes: Reaches and grasps using fingers and then lets go.
    Gross motor milestones: Reflective movements like grasping and hands clench in a fist. Moves hands and arms randomly.
    Fine motor milestones: Reaches for things near her.

    Video 6 4 yrs
    -Gross motor skills and processes: Good control of big muscle movements.
    He jumps with one foot in front, runs with legs and arms apart, uses bike with training wheels, doesn’t pedals uses legs to push himslef. Climbs car tire with ease.
    -Fine motor skills and processes: Good hand eye coordination when he holds bike the handle, maneuvers well while holding a plate and walking.
    Gross motor milestones: Runs in alternating directions and stops fairly well without losing balance.
    Fine motor milestones: Climbs well, runs easily, strong big muscle movements.

  19. nana kvaratskhelia

    Video #1
    A child is showing Gross Motor Skills and Process by doing reflexive movements, lifting head and chest. Also, she shows Fine Motor Skills and Processes by swatting and grasping object. We also see Fine Motor Developmental Milestones by reflexively grasping object, brings her hands to her mouth, and sucks her own hand and fingers. Swats unintentionally at objects. Also, Gross Motor Developmental Milestones are expressed by randomly moving arms and legs, putting weight on arms when lying on the tummy and lifting the head and shoulders off the floor when lying on the tummy.

    Video #2
    We see 3years old boys are playing with water trays, they are showing us Fine Motor skills & processes by reach for/swat object, pass objects hand to hand, use hands independent of other, hand – eye coordination (eyes perceive & hand carry out actions). Also, we can see Fine Motor Developmental Milestones like use one hand more often then the other for most activities, and Gross Motor Developmental Milestones by carry toys while walking and stand on balance beam with 2 feet and attempt to step forward.

    Video #3
    We see three kids around a table, busy with writing and painting activity. We can see they are using Fine Motor Skills & Process by holding writing mediums, scribbling on paper. Fine Motor Developmental Milestones are observed in children’s dexterity in holding a crayon or a pencil with a mature tripod grasp (like an adult). The kids learn to manipulate fine tools while writing names, numbers, to establish well handedness. Also, Gross Motor Skills Developmental Milestones are expressed in the ability to sit, stand and walk with balance.

    Video #4
    This this video there is a 12 month baby’s movements who shows Gross Motor Developmental Milestones by crawling and sitting without support, but we see that most of her Fine Motor Skills & Processes and Fine Motor Developmental Milestones occur by reaching and grasping, pass objects hand to hand, using each hand independently from the other, grabbing small objects with whole hand, and drop and pick up toys, fisting mechanism, releasing objects on purpose, putting things into containers (with large openings and hinged lids) and taking them out again.

    Video #5
    A is demonstrating Gross Motor Developmental Milestones by randomly moving her/his legs, moving hear from side to side, reaching out for toys using left or right hand and Fine Motor Developmental Milestones by stare at bright objects and follow them with her/his eyes, holds and shakes toys, swing at dangling toys.

    Video #6
    Coby is using Gross Motor Developmental Milestones by running easily, jumps over line, while running he can alternate direction and stop easily without losing balance, independently gets on/off a tricycle. He is also using Fine Motor Skills & Processes by reaching and grasping and using hands independently.

  20. Marilyn Jimenez

    Video #1 Infant under 6 months
    This young infant demonstrates gross motor skills by holding her head up while laying on her tummy. The young infant demonstrates fine motor skills when she is trying to grasp the book that is on the floor in front of her and putting her hands in her mouth. The gross motor milestones this young infant has achieved are lifting head when on tummy and putting weight on her arms. The fine motor skills this infant has achieved are bringing her hands to her mouth and reaching for things.

    Video #2 3 year old’s
    These 3 year old’s demonstrate their gross motor skills by carrying water to and from the table. They demonstrate fine motor skills by pouring water from one container into another and opening a container. The gross motor skills achieved by these 3 year old’s are carrying objects while walking and the fine motor skill they have achieved are pouring liquid from one cup to another and opening a container they were also achieving wrist action as well when doing these activities.

    Video #3 4 years old
    In this video these 4 year old’s are at their writing table and they are demonstrating their gross motor skills by showing arm mobility and control. They are demonstrating fine motor skills by holding the dry erase marker with a three finger hold, Using a non dominant hand, boy uses eraser with left hand and writes with his right hand. Their are two of them that are also writing their names on the dry erase board. The gross motor milestone that these 4 year old’s have achieved are having good arm movement. The fine motor skills that they have achieved are using non dominant hand to assist and stabilize the use of objects and two of them are writing down letters or a name.

    Video #4 12 month old
    In this video this 12 month old demonstrates gross motor skills when she crawls toward the toy and she sits. and throws a couple of toys. This infant demonstrates fine motor skills when she puts shape toys in the container, dumps the shape toys onto the floor (or at least try’s to) The gross motor skills this infant has achieved are Crawling, Sits without support and moving into a sitting position without support. The fine motor skills this infant has achieved are drops and picks up toys, lets go of object on purpose and puts things into and out of large containers.

    Video #5 under 6 months
    In this video the infant demonstrates their gross motor skills by Kicking their legs, swinging their arms and turning their head. This infant demonstrates their fine motor skills by trying to grab the hanging toy and putting her hands together. The gross motor skills that this infant has achieved are Reflux movements, randomly moving arms and legs, and moves head from side to side. The fine motor skills this infant has achieved are moves arms and hands together and apart and reaches for things.

    Video #6 4 years old
    He demonstrates gross motor skills by going in and out of large tires on the floor, running, riding a tricycle, no feet on peddle, He demonstrates Fine motor skills when he is the play are in the kitchen and puts things on the plate and passes them to a freind. also when he puts the top on a pate or a bowl on the table. Gross motor skills this child has achieved are riding a tricycle, running easily, and jumping forward. Fine motor skills this child has achieved are handedness is well established.

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