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Unit 6: Crime and Disorder and Broken Windows


In this unit, we delve into the Broken Windows theory in criminology, a theory positing that visible signs of disorder and neglect cause an increase in crime. Proposed by social scientists James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling in 1982, the theory suggests that maintaining and monitoring urban environments to prevent small crimes such as vandalism, public drinking, and fare evasion helps to create an atmosphere of order and lawfulness, thereby preventing more serious crimes from happening.


However, the Broken Windows theory is not without its critics and controversies. As we explore this theory, we will critically analyze the following points of contention:

  1. Racial Profiling: Critics argue that enforcement of minor offenses (like vandalism or fare evasion) disproportionately targets communities of color, leading to racial profiling and perpetuating social inequalities.
  2. Policing Priorities: The Broken Windows theory has been criticized for redirecting law enforcement resources away from more serious crimes, leading to the neglect of more severe offenses and the over-policing of minor infractions.
  3. Effectiveness: The effectiveness of the Broken Windows theory in actually reducing crime rates is a hotly debated topic. Some studies support the theory, while others do not find a significant correlation between the enforcement of minor offenses and a reduction in serious crimes.
  4. Civil Liberties: Concerns are raised about the impact of heavy-handed policing of minor offenses on individual rights and liberties. Critics argue that it leads to harsh penalties for minor infractions and erodes individuals’ rights.

As we navigate this unit, it’s crucial to approach the material with a critical eye, examining the historical context, analyzing existing data, and considering the societal implications of the Broken Windows theory and its implementation. This examination will provide a holistic view, aiding in understanding and discussing the complex dimensions of this influential criminological theory.


1. Kelling, G. L., & Wilson, J. Q. (1982, March). Broken windows: The police and neighborhood safety. The Atlantic.

2. Robert J. Sampson and Stephen W. Raudenbush (2001). Disorder in Urban Neighborhoods — Does It Lead to Crime? National Institute of Justice.

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3. Community as a Broken Window in Wilcox, Pamela, et al. Communities and Crime: An Enduring American Challenge, Temple University Press, 2017. ProQuest
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