Category Archives: Ethics Assignment

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The class debate brought out many points both for and against in-person learning. Some have looked at the convenience of learning from home and the ability to stop the spread of Covid 19 hopefully. Others saw the missing of personal or human-to-human interaction as a need to return to in-person learning. I personally see the benefits of both sides. I have fully benefited from online learning as I am better able to juggle work and complete my classes. However, I will say that I believe that in-person learning is better based on the individual.

The value of in-person learning is that you can gain immediate feedback on any confusion a person may gain from the information presented in the class. There is also the ability to create relationships with people while learning their different points of view without the loss that communication has when a person cannot hear a voice and see facial expressions. There is also the issue of parents needing to provide for their children. If the children are home, the parent must either find someone they trust to care for their children, or one parent may need to give up their career to take care of the children as they do remote learning. In addition, the level of delinquency may rise with remote learning. If a parent is not around to ensure the child is not completing all the work given, the child may be left behind. There is also the issue of just having a device and access to the internet. Many parents may not be able to afford device all their children in school who has to do remote learning. This, too, can cause the child to be left behind regarding their education.

Though the ability to protect children and oneself is important, it is also important for in-person interaction regarding learning.

Business Ethics

I think that the debate went really well in terms of the information that was brought forth by everyone and how no matter what side you were on it was easy to relate to what everyone was talking about their side of the argument because there was no right or wrong on this topic it was very opinionative to what your experience was like with it which leads me to where I stand on the matter. I personally think that we should remain remote. I still feel as if its too soon to return to the world even though we’ve been separated for about a year now and for me personally, I’ve benefitted from being remote. It has been very convenient for me during this pandemic to have such a flexible school schedule and be able to get all my daily life responsibilities. I’ve probably accomplished more while being remote than I had ever while being in person but at some point I do want to return to how it used to be because for most people it was better that way and to say I don’t miss it would be a lie.

Ethics Assignment

On Tuesday April 27th the ethical issue that was in hand was about online learning and if it should continue or go back to in person. The class discussion was being debated between two sides. We had to focus on mainly elementary school students, but every student in general as well. In the side I was in was to try and explain why we should continue online learning and not go to school. All our group members came up with all good reasonings on why we shouldn’t go back to school. The points our side came up with were all really good. The points where online classes prevent less bullying, yes bullying may still happen online, but they aren’t able to see you in person and don’t really have a reason to do any harm at all, pretty much less bullying to be exact. Another point our group came up with was remote learning can help students become more independent and depend on themselves, this is really good for students to correct their mistakes and really work on them and not copy or depend on others to do schoolwork for them. Most importantly remote learning stops the spread of coronavirus, although there is vaccines and everyone is eligible we don’t know where the virus is exactly and it can spread very easily especially with all these variants and kids touch anything and can possibly effect the teachers. This was our side of the discussion and they were good points. This was personally my way of looking at things, some part of me wants to go back and wants to learn in person but then again me personally I am in a household where my parents are both over the age of 50 and I don’t want to risk anything happening to me and especially them, vaccine or no vaccine we still must be careful everywhere we go and must try and stay protected.

Don’t get me wrong our points where good but the other side had amazing and very good points as well. The points they made were in school classes are better than online because it helps stop or prevent students from getting distracted and focus on school and can be really good for some students who are living in unstable homes. Another great point would be in school students engage and build social skills that you need once you are out in the real world, in my opinion this is a debatable one because regardless of whether it is online or in person you build those skills eventually with confidence. I personally have built those skills being online rather than in person for some weird reason. One point they also talked about was how teachers where one of the first to be eligible for vaccination and how there was a study that shows kids are not likely to transmit the virus, yes that may be true, but we never know to be honest, we never know where the virus can be and usually elementary teachers are more touchy and have to be there with kids which can be bad because of this virus. Teachers wouldn’t be able to help them go somewhere by holding their hand or giving them a hug whenever they need one and many other points. The last point the other side mentioned was going back to classes gives the opportunity for parents to go back to work and not pay for a babysitter when times are tough with this pandemic. These all were great points, but I still believe wat me and my side came up with are good points why we shouldn’t go back to school and classes. We have to be able to not try and forget that the virus is still out there, I feel like it is still too early to back. Slowly but surely, we will get things back to normal but for right now we have to see reality and not really risk our own lives and can possibly be saving more lives by preventing physical contact and classes.

Ethics Assignment

Based on the debate we had about remote learning, I personally feel that remote learning has more of cons than pros when it comes to any one who is in school wanting to receive the proper education they need in order to move forward with their life. You’re not fully assuring yourself to be able to stay focused when doing online classes from the comfort of your home. That itself creates distractions and limits to be able to portray work at the level you want to accomplish it at. Yeah, you’re not being in contact with anyone near you if you attend school in person so you can receive your education like that but the thing is, it’s starting to come out that it seems better to follow that path rather than just depending remote learning to make sure you are doing what you are supposed to do for school. I strongly believe also with the amount of time that many people ranging from young kids to adults have learned a lot from remote learning and can use that to move forward into attending classes in person, in campus, or wherever. It’s up to any person’s decision whether or not they want to follow through with remote learning or not, as the virus seems to be dimming down with many people taking care of their own health but it’s not fully guaranteed as not everyone goes through taking care of their health like others.

Ethics Assignment

The class discussion was on remote learning, the question that was being debated was if student should return to in school classes next semester. The student we are focusing on its elementary school student. The size I was given during this debate was that we should not go to in school class next semester. The point I made to get my view and my size point across were.

  • In school classes are better for the student because it helps them with staying focus and sometimes the school is the only environment that is safe for the student because of unstable homes. Also, this helps with other distraction an elementary school kid may face while remote learning.
  • It is very important for kids to engage with other kid to build social skills that are going to help them when it comes to the real world later on in life. If kids continue to do remote learning, they are going to grow up socially awkward.
  • All teacher was paper of the first group to available to get the vaccine and there was a study that show that kids are not likely to transmit the virus and pass it on. Also, school that are open have a great no contact and disinfecting system.
  • In school classes help parent that have to go to work and are not financially stable to get a babysitter to watch their elementary school child.

The other side was trying to make their case that school should not be open and the point they use was as such.

  • Kids get bully less since they are not in school in person but in respond to that bullying can happen through remote learning because you can send private messages through zoom.
  • Remote learning help student become independent but in respond to that student in elementary school need attention and assistant because they are very young and are easily distracted.
  • Remote learning stops the spread of corona virus in respond to that teacher were in the first group available to get the vaccine and kids are less like to pass the virus.

I feel like we have to take the step forward and start to do in school class because that is what seem best for the student especially the younger kids in elementary school and even on higher school level but more for the younger crowd but no size is correct in my opinion because both sides come with risk.

Ethics Assignment

The main objective of the school is to help scholars identify, improve, and perform their interests and abilities. Further, it is providing a safer and responsible study environment. These missions are toward the kids and also the community since the children come from society. Now on, the dilemma is: can we return to in-person schooling even though the uncertainty with the Coronavirus still occurring? Can we risk the lives of our children by returning to the in-person learning process because we are considering issues such as interactions, mental health, motivation…?

Two positions are arguing in this case, the pros and the cons of remote learning. Sometimes, the cons forget about where we are coming from. For instance, I remember Talisha emphasized the fact that we don’t know how the vaccine will behave in our bodies in a long run. She noted that we ignore if this vaccine won’t create DNA modification, blood pressure, infertility, blood clotting… The cons will reject these concerns without meditating on them. However, they are mean to be highlighted. The contradiction and questioning have proven in the past that they can both be a source of enlightenment and evolvement.

I cannot criticize the scientists’ job; I don’t have the knowledge required for that since I am not even a nurse. Yet, it can be cautious to keep the remote learning, the time for the maximum amount of people to get vaccinated, the time for scientists and the CDC (Center for Control and Preventing) to have a better understanding of the impact of the vaccination. We have faced something never seen before, when approximately 2 billion people have been confined, with no doubt the situation was alarming and right now we are discussing our children’s lives. In exceptional periods, we take exceptional decisions. It is inconceivable to think about social interactions, team network improvement, mental health deterioration… comparatively to the consequences of catching this virus. Thus, staying in remote learning is legitimate.

According to the CDC, we have over 571,297 deaths in the United State since the beginning of the pandemic, for around 32,031,068 contaminations. This is not a joke. Today, with 237,360,493 doses of vaccine administrated’ the containment in 2020, and respect from the population of the guidelines, the risk rate is decreasing but that doesn’t mean we should already go back to normal. Others will argue that “you can catch the virus everywhere’’. Yes, it might work like this, but it is also evident that by reducing the contact s or avoiding crowded places, you will lower the risk of contracting the virus.

Alright, the teachers need to connect physically with the students, they have a better view of them, or asset more efficiently the students’ need when it is face-to-face class. All these views are brilliant, but can we imagine the consequences of only one case of Covid-19 in a classroom. Neglect is human, especially when we have to do the same things in the long run. But when it comes to Covid-19, neglect is not conceivable as the consequences can be fatal. The missing or misapplication of only one recommendation from the Covid-19 guidelines can toggle the lives of many. We all miss our old life pattern: walking around without concern, taking the train without a face mask, attending parties… but it may be rushed to opening schools and shutting down the remote learning.





Business ethics


Even though I didn’t attend the debate about whether students should go back to school or stay remote, I know that their was some good compelling arguments on both sides. After researching about the two topics, where I stand is that students should stay in remote learning during this world pandemic that we have been in. This pandemic has already stop the way of how people in the world can live their life, and how the world is to function as. I will not want it to stop the education of the youth, they are the future and this pandemic will not stop them from being it. The pros of my position are more freedom to take breaks, students can learn at their own rate, students develop deeper problem solving skills, Lack  of social activities and everyone’s in their own space. Though these are some good pros some people that won’t agree with my position will have some cons to say like, some students can’t learn from visual, students not participating, getting students to engage, making them attend class and seeing if they really comprehend what their learning. After going over the pros and cons of my position I still believe my position is stronger that the other one, people may stand behind. My position is stronger because, I think my position will strive better in the condition that we have come across today as the COVID virus. My position allows them to still educate the youth without endangering the lives of others in anyway possible. Instead of making them go to school separating the desk so their 6 feet a part, giving them certain times to come to school because not a lot of people can be in one area at the time and sanitizing the desk and disaffecting the classroom after every class. It’s to much to make sure to do everyday Monday- Friday. The best way is to stand by my position because, it easy and cost you less money to do.

Ethics Assignment

Ethics Assignment

Students are now virtual learning at home. I research The New York Times, and some students preferred to go back into the classroom. I spoke to my 15-year niece and asked her, and she told me that she misses school. She misses her friends, teachers, sports, and extracurricular activities. My nephew, who is seven, discovered that he enjoys getting to work at their own pace, setting his schedule, and being free from the school’s stressful environment. I feel this is a challenge of distance learning, from struggling to understand assignments and getting distracted to not having reliable internet.
I do believe that a school is a place for building friendships, learning responsibility, and getting to escape from the house. There also appears to be a lack of motivation to accomplish tasks because while they were in school, they have an hour and a half each day to get work done in class. Still, now students keep pushing assignments back until the last second, which definitely won’t benefit their work ethic in the upcoming year. I believe that some parents are concern about reopening school for safety reasons. They are concerned with getting sick or passing the virus to another person and infecting a family member. Some people think that wearing a mask is dumb and inconvenient. I think it is a matter of life and death. Covid-19 has been a headache for the United States of America. The virus has hit us hard as far as infections and death. The debate is we will go back to or will we stay home and learn virtually.
It was great to hear Mrs. Buckley presented her concern about this matter. I was on the pro-side of returning to in-person learning.  I listen to my classmate and their concern there is no right or wrong about this—the debate whether or not remote learning is better than attending school in person. Now, of course, at this time, it is advised to stay home. The risk of catching Covid-19 will decrease significantly by learning online. However, let’s say there wasn’t a pandemic for the sake of this claim and counterclaim. Would it be better if children were to receive education from a teacher and classroom, or behind computers? Would the mental health of those children deteriorate? In-person learning is far superior to virtual learning because this learning model provides an opportunity for learning social skills, improves motions, and can assist in creating solids friendship.
Firstly, almost all children and young adults need human interaction, words of encouragement, and physical activity. Although that does not mean this isn’t achievable at home, it’s better to have it in large amounts in most circumstances. Such as an entire classroom of people with who a student can get lost in interaction. And some classes just cannot be taught online. Science classes are a great example, as it is often necessary to complete a lab to understand the matter. That is impossible to do in most homes, making science extremely difficult for students to comprehend through a screen. They also have the opportunity to talk to teachers and counselors in real life if they’re having trouble with something. To understand that an instance like that isn’t life for everyone. More introverted individuals would learn better in an environment when they’re by themselves, and that’s when online learning would be more beneficial. It depends on one’s personality and ability to open up and come out of the shell.
One way to gain motivation for schoolwork is by creating connections deeper than surface level. When you have such a flexible schedule, you’re able to spend your time differently instead of attending class and studying. Who’s going to stop you from doing whatever you want when you’re home and have your schedule. Having friends and family there in real life is a great way to encourage you. Being at school gives you a fantastic opportunity to meet new people as well make new friends. There are many ways why in-person learning is beneficial to kids and young adults, but there are also many ways to do school from home. It all depends on your preferences and capabilities. An in-person school is more accessible because it improves students’ mental health and social skills. It also lets them have better motivation and potential to make possible life-lone friendships. Though, again, it depends on preference. I am anxious to get back to school and foster my love of learning through my peers.