Author Archives: Sow

Global HR Assignment


  1. Advantages of the host-country staffing strategy 

According to the book we have read before this assignment and which is cited in the source, the most significant advantages of the host-country staffing strategy are:

  •  The language barrier is eliminated
  • A possible better understanding of local rules and laws
  • Hiring costs such as visas are eliminated


These advantages are an overall point of view. This strategy helps the organization to settle effectively without any misunderstanding on the religious, social, and cultural rules ongoing in the new country. Less concern on the communicational aspect and a perfect understanding of local labor requirements will prevent the company from law pursuits and discrediting.

  1. The compensation plans: 


According to the website a general manager of a restaurant “earn between £28,000 and £32,000”. These amounts converted in Dollars will be in the range of salary Fish to Go is willing to pay the managers ($45,000 per year, plus 2 percent profit sharing). Obviously, with this, Fish to Go can be attractive and on top of that, the compensation plan should include bonuses from $1,500 to $12,000 per year depending on the dedication of the worker, seniority, and the rate of execution of the objectives assigned to him. The benefits package must also include:

  • Retirement benefit
  • Paid vacations
  • Health insurance
  • Life insurance
  • Free or discount on the meal price.


As the senior level salary for a restaurant manager in Mexico is $274,607 (MXN) per year with an annual average bonus of $8,353 (MXN), the total pay benefit approximately 282,960 per year. This total amount in USD is around $14,000 that is way below the pay proposed by Fish to Go. If our company pays, at least on average $5,000 more than the other fast-food firms, obviously we can be more appealing than all the competitors.

On top of what will be offered in the United Kingdom, the compensation benefit must include bonuses for civic holidays, festivals, and statutory holidays. In terms of public holidays, we have: New Year’s Day, Constitution Day, Benito Juarez’s birthday, Labor Day, Independence Day, Revolution Day, and Christmas day.

The benefit package may also include:

  • Vacation bonus
  • Profit-sharing each year (10% of net profit of the company).
  1. The new managers will need to be trained in the different fields below:

Technical training: training is some specific technical aspects of the new job.

Quality training: this training teaches the manager how to test products for making sure that they are not defective. It is a program for handling the methods of investigations on the procedures utilized for making products.

Skills training: this program will be designed for providing the abilities and knowledge necessary to fulfill specific requirements of the job assigned to the manager.

Team training: this program will provide to the new manager the tools required to improve the individual performances of the team

Facility management: will provide the knowledge necessary for ensuring safety, comfort inside the restaurant facility.

Restaurant leadership training: this training is such a cocktail of must the elements needed by the new manager for running the restaurant. It provides customer service skills, interpersonal skills, communication skills, organizational skills, commercial awareness, and problem-solving skills. It may include hiring training that focuses on recruiting, retaining, training, and enhancing the workers’ abilities. Further, it may include finance and marketing courses to give him the knowledge necessary to handle the books and conduct marketing plans.









Ethics Assignment

The main objective of the school is to help scholars identify, improve, and perform their interests and abilities. Further, it is providing a safer and responsible study environment. These missions are toward the kids and also the community since the children come from society. Now on, the dilemma is: can we return to in-person schooling even though the uncertainty with the Coronavirus still occurring? Can we risk the lives of our children by returning to the in-person learning process because we are considering issues such as interactions, mental health, motivation…?

Two positions are arguing in this case, the pros and the cons of remote learning. Sometimes, the cons forget about where we are coming from. For instance, I remember Talisha emphasized the fact that we don’t know how the vaccine will behave in our bodies in a long run. She noted that we ignore if this vaccine won’t create DNA modification, blood pressure, infertility, blood clotting… The cons will reject these concerns without meditating on them. However, they are mean to be highlighted. The contradiction and questioning have proven in the past that they can both be a source of enlightenment and evolvement.

I cannot criticize the scientists’ job; I don’t have the knowledge required for that since I am not even a nurse. Yet, it can be cautious to keep the remote learning, the time for the maximum amount of people to get vaccinated, the time for scientists and the CDC (Center for Control and Preventing) to have a better understanding of the impact of the vaccination. We have faced something never seen before, when approximately 2 billion people have been confined, with no doubt the situation was alarming and right now we are discussing our children’s lives. In exceptional periods, we take exceptional decisions. It is inconceivable to think about social interactions, team network improvement, mental health deterioration… comparatively to the consequences of catching this virus. Thus, staying in remote learning is legitimate.

According to the CDC, we have over 571,297 deaths in the United State since the beginning of the pandemic, for around 32,031,068 contaminations. This is not a joke. Today, with 237,360,493 doses of vaccine administrated’ the containment in 2020, and respect from the population of the guidelines, the risk rate is decreasing but that doesn’t mean we should already go back to normal. Others will argue that “you can catch the virus everywhere’’. Yes, it might work like this, but it is also evident that by reducing the contact s or avoiding crowded places, you will lower the risk of contracting the virus.

Alright, the teachers need to connect physically with the students, they have a better view of them, or asset more efficiently the students’ need when it is face-to-face class. All these views are brilliant, but can we imagine the consequences of only one case of Covid-19 in a classroom. Neglect is human, especially when we have to do the same things in the long run. But when it comes to Covid-19, neglect is not conceivable as the consequences can be fatal. The missing or misapplication of only one recommendation from the Covid-19 guidelines can toggle the lives of many. We all miss our old life pattern: walking around without concern, taking the train without a face mask, attending parties… but it may be rushed to opening schools and shutting down the remote learning.





Risk Management

The world is evolving, human-being conceptions are changing over time, the risks run by organizations are reflecting the new realities.  Worldwide, in January 2021, we have 4.66 billion active internet users, which means 59.5 percent of the global population. Among the largest online markets in the world, the United States ranks third with over 313 million active internet users nationwide. Among this population of internet users, many are from organizations. The Internet has become a relevant tool for communication and interaction between companies. Further, the internet is a tool used for draining, gathering, and even storing data on clouds whereas they are from the organizations or their clients. Unfortunately, cyber risk has the aptitude of impacting negatively all the aspects of an organization, including its customers, employees, partners, vendors, assets, and reputation.

During the last decades, the observation is that many organizations could not operate without the internet. Besides, cybersecurity has become a prior goal for companies since cyber “cyber incidents have been ranked as the top business risk in the Allianz Global Risk Barometer 2020, knocking business interruption from a top spot it had held for seven consecutive years”. Many big firms have been victims of this type of criminality. eBay in May 2014 was a victim of an attack that impacted 145 million users and lasted for at least 229 days, enough time for compromising the user database. Fortunately, the financial information of their clients was stored separately which narrowed the consequences of the attack. Yahoo during the years 2016 and 2014 had been a victim also. In September 2016, Yahoo announced having been a victim of the “biggest data breach in the history”. Overall, Yahoo has been a victim of several attacks which compromised over 3 billion user accounts. During the period of the first announcement, Verizon was negotiating an acquisition of Yahoo’s core internet business for $4.48 billion. But the cyber-attack engendered an estimated $350 million off the value of Yahoo. Myspace also has wiped an attack after 360 million user accounts were sold on the dark web market. In the same list of big victims, we can highlight LinkedIn, Equifax, Twitter, Nintendo Easy Jet… Thus, companies are always facing cyber-attacks, and even governments; medical institutions, and the business sectors, no one is exempted in this kind of new war.

Organizations risk a lot with cyber incidents. We all know how companies’ reputation is important and we cannot estimate its value to them. A cyber incident can harm an organization, therefore, the need for politics to respond effectively to cyber risk will involve all the components of the companies.

These are the 4 key steps your organization can take to implement a robust cyber risk management strategy.

  1. Understand Your Risk Profile: Understanding your risk profile and potential exposure requires an enterprise-wide threat assessment.
    • Identify critical enterprise risks to determine the applications, systems, databases, and processes subject to cyber risk. Consider the array of external and internal threats, from unintentional user error to third-party access to malicious attacks.
    • Undertake risk assessments with all stakeholders to assess the likelihood and potential impact of cyber risk exposure, including cross-divisional and secondary effects and technology dependencies. Consider third-party exposure, as they have increasingly become vectors for cyber incidents, and the risk posed by the expanding technology perimeter due to work from home requirements.
    • Quantify risks including the potential financial, operational, reputational, and compliance impact of a cyber risk incident. A risk scoring framework can help provide a more holistic ranking of threats.
  1. Set a Firmwide Strategy: Establish a firmwide strategic framework for cyber risk management
    • Prioritize risks by employing a shared risk measurement framework and reporting systems to effectively prioritize risks across the organization and enable informed resource allocation.
    • Consider industry-specific risk standards and incorporate any specific compliance requirements into your cyber risk management practice.
    • Set and communicate an enterprise-wide IT and cyber risk management strategy. Technology infrastructure and application use is critical throughout every organization. Therefore, cyber risk exposure can occur in any division, making it an organizational priority, rather than an IT one.
  1. Invest in Cyber Risk Management Infrastructure
    • Assess system requirements to understand where organizational cyber threats originate and provide a guidepost to the types of systems required. A distributed, cloud-based organization will have different needs from a physical asset intensive organization. Consider how your company currently operates to ensure that a GRC platform will accommodate evolving needs.
    • Potential investment in GRC software or other cyber risk management tools should also consider risk reporting and incident management requirements, workflows, ease of use, flexibility, and future expansion capability.
  1. Establish a Dynamic Cyber Risk Management Process
    • Establish robust oversight by maintaining an updated inventory of potential threats and dynamic quantification of the potential impact and mitigation costs of cyber incidents.
    • Communicate with third parties to ensure their security protocols align with organizational standards and practices.
    • Invest in Training – With rapid evolution of technology and related cybersecurity risks, cyber risk management is not a static, tick the box solution. Organizations can spend large sums on state of the art security infrastructure, but a truly effective cyber risk management program requires effective stakeholder training.

In my opinion, these threats don’t involve only the employees, it is more dangerous for the customers whose personal and financial data may end up in the wrong hands.





Since everything starts with the benefits package, it is important to define this concept. According to the illustrative video of the course, ‘’employee benefits include all compensation other than hourly wage or base salary”. In other words, employee benefits are “indirect, non-cash, or cash compensation paid to an employee above and beyond regular salary or wages’’. Some benefits seen as “traditional” are mandated by federal and state laws. In terms of traditional benefits, we have social security which comes from The Social Security act of 1935. Employers are required to withdraw funds called payroll to cover retirement compensation and medical benefits. Besides, we as employee benefits, we have workers compensation which allows worker injured on the job to receive financial help, and survivor benefits to depends on workers who died at the work location. Further, Unemployment compensation is a which provides an income to ex-employee facing involuntary unemployment. This program will help them in the process of searching for a new job, improve all so worker skills after a lay off or a retrenchment. Lastly, the FMLA (Family and Medical Leave) helps employees to find an equilibrate scale between their work and some family responsibilities by conferring them to benefit from some unpaid leave for medical and family reasons. This program is also for equity between genders by ensuring equal employment opportunities for men and women.

Obviously, these ‘’traditional benefits” are appealing, seem to be various and protective. However, things are changing. Organizations are going more forward for being more attractive, stricter when it is about providing immaculate benefit packages to employees in order to gain the maximum from them. Popular employee benefits must commonly are: healthcare, paid time off, fitness perks, paid family leaves, student loans, flexible hours… Organizations have noticed that compensation cannot only reflect the factor of money, instead should focus on the relationship between human beings. Now on, it is about individual recognition, and this goes through providing to workers well-being experiences; confidence; satisfaction; and security. Organizations try to be positively present in workers’ family life by providing them support by multiple means and security by allowing them to obtain even shares in the company. These two methods go beyond the basic expectations workers could have toward his employee.

When an organization understands and incorporates the social changes into its human resources management politics, there is a reason why cheer that innovation. This refers to Microsoft which “offers a partial coverage for transgender surgery to its existing health-care coverage”. Microsoft has shown audacity and acceptance to people where many still slippering. This is not all, Microsoft has classified in groups all the elements of its benefit packages. The first group, named wellbeing, refers to medical, dental, and vision care; physical wellbeing programs; on-campus health access; disability support. In this group, the medical, dental, and vision care benefit means a lot because even the worker’s dependents are covered. The second group is called Invest in the future and covers: 401 (k) plan, employee stock purchase plan and loan refinancing, and financial planning and education program. In this group, the employee stock purchase plan is meaningful since it allows employees to become Microsoft shareholders with an extra 10 percent discount. This is means of lifting the employee, pushing him to be more involved in the company, and getting him to work in the best interest of the company. The third group treats the family care and emphasize parental leave, family caregiver leave, family support programs, and college coach program. The parental leave program allows an employee to benefit from “20 weeks of paid time away for birth mothers and 12 weeks of fully paid parental leave for all other new parents, including adoptions and foster placements”. (There are several other more groups, the link mentioned in the work cited heading will lead you to them).

Apple as an example of prosperity and growth. A company feared by its competitors and venerated by its customers have led some arrangements on their employment compensation plans. According to the site, here is some benefits and perks of working at Apple:

Discount: Apple employees get 25% off of iPhones, iPads, and computers. Additionally, employees are offered a 50% discount on Apple software. When employees sign on, they are offered either $500 off of a Mac computer or $250 off of an iPad.

Health Insurance: Apple offers dental, medical, and visual insurance for their employees. 

401k: Apple offers a 401k and matches up to 6% of an employee’s salary.

Food: For employees who work on an Apple campus, their meals are cheap and subsidized. The iOS and OS X software teams get complimentary dinner when they have to work after hours.

Transportation: Employees working in the Palo Alto, California location are often shuttled from other parts of the Bay.

Parental Leave: Apple employees are offered maternal and paternal leave.

Education: Apple offers up to $52,00 a year for you to continue your education.

Furthermore, like Microsoft employees, Apple workers have the opportunity to become Apple shareholders. Apple considers all employees eligible for stock grants and discounts when purchasing Apple stock.  

Since employees are not looking only for money, compensation packages are reducing the turnover rate in companies. Employees are being more incentive to stay in their role and this is preventing an organization from expenses related to turnover. It is evident that the non-traditional benefit packages are motivating employees. With these programs employees are constantly targeting greater heights. Overall, employees’ performances and efficiency have significantly evolved with all these compensations offered by organizations.

Well-being is a motivating factor and perks have evolved certainly. When employers are thinking about perks such as “dog-friendly workplace”, gyms or other fitness benefits, paid paternity leave… it is evident that employers are introducing innovative means of uplifting employees’ spirits. However, in my opinion, money is meant to provide well-being, therefore, if the employee benefits package is consistent, I won’t mind receiving a lower rate of pay.

Work cited:,iPhones%2C%20iPads%2C%20and%20computers.&text=Health%20Insurance%3A%20Apple%20offers%20dental,6%25%20of%20an%20employee’s%20salary.






The demotivating part of Harper’s job comes from a cocktail of elements. She has spent four years since she graduated, she still in the same post without any advancement. Even after the departure of her mentor (Jose), the company left his role empty when she could replace him. By replacing him, she would feel a big development in her career which had remained static for many years. Next, there is miscommunication or total lack of communication between her and David, the new boss. Even with the fact that she was overloaded, David didn’t take the time to listen to her and to determine whether she was satisfied or was happy with her tasks. If there is a lack of communication, problems cannot be diagnosed and solved. She felt helpless where she had a mentor at the beginning. Furthermore, Thus, she developed morale and psychological dissatisfaction with her job. She lost interest in staying in a company where there is no reward or recognition of their worker dedications and sacrifices.

Re-engaging Harper will ask a lot of tact. Her discomfort has reached an alarming level. However, David should try to reduce her work volume to help her recover the right scale between the work and real life. David should also allow her to get a new position for justifying her development in the hierarchy of the company. This promotion will become an opportunity for growth and new skills gaining. Harper deserves it, for her dedication and her work ethic. The company could also congratulate her officially through written feedback. All these things could help in addition to raising her wage. Besides, David should change his behavior within the company by listening more carefully to the workers and making the work environment more joyful.

By losing Harper, Marketable Inc. will lose a skilled worker, capable of being overloaded but still achieves the objectives set for him. The company can also lose money, because the one that will be recruited for replacing her, could need training and may not fulfill his job requirement. They can also lose reputation because this kind of situation is an example of weakness in their management of the workforce. Zappos example is to cheer in this case, they have shown strength by giving both, the workers and the customers, the same treatments.


My biggest takeaway from this live session is that I can use Linkedin for being more accessible to companies, interviewers, recruiters, and others. You can also see the achievements of others and learn from them. You can build professional relationships which can only inspire you and enhance your leadership. One main important takeaway was the organization of your profile, it is such a resume even though it is not. Learning how to organize your information is a tip that could be helpful in our academic curriculum.


BUS 311 #2

Alpha Sow

BUS 311-1103

March 7,

Professor Brielle Buckler



I am impressed to see my personality test results. As mentioned there, I am an architect. A fact that I won’t deny and will proudly accept because of the strength and the confidence released by this character. We architects are a little above the melee. Still as presented on the test, ‘’Architects believe that, through willpower and intelligence, they can achieve even the most challenging of goals. But they may be cynical about human nature more generally, assuming that most people are lazy, unimaginative, or simply doomed to mediocrity.’’ This only one face of the iceberg, the other side of the coin is too heavy.

When it is about beliefs, we architect, draw our strengths or motivations from our self-esteem and the credits we give to our sense of making decisions. Our goals are meant to be achieved that for any price and failure is not an option. Everything that could hit our self-esteem has to be known in advance and our foresight takes precautions before it happens. We are ambitious and meticulous which explains our constant conquest for perfection. Sloppy work is not acceptable, the job to be done have to meet our satisfaction or won’t be started at all. Our curiosity helps us to gain knowledge and enhances our capacity to master a job. We have the strong belief that everything that you learn and open your mind to, you can do it. That’s why we won’t give up in front of any obstacle. Like what, walls are meant to be climbed, chains are meant to be broken, statical beliefs are meant to be contested, – contradictory brings evolution.

I agree with this test. It describes perfectly my personality. I am ambitious and display some intelligent abilities which are helpful in workplaces. My work ethic has helped me to overcome many challenges in the real-life and work environment. I look darky but nice interiorly. Displaying emotions in any situation is not a habit, but that doesn’t mean I don’t feel empathy for people. Maybe it is a default, but I like hiding my emotions and feelings.

Socially closed because I am focused on what I have judged matters to me. I won’t spend my time on useless things my major projects are on the table. A reason why, I am too demanding of myself, that I demand the same rigor and the same motivation from others, and it ruins our relationships. I can be seen as overweight for them. A misunderstood who passes for the executioner in human relations. Besides, I won’t feel rejected when I am not part of any group of people, as long as I keep examining my life and feel that I am still on the path of success. Everyone has his criteria to determine success, but mine result from the degree of achievement of the goals I set for myself. Quiet and self-isolated, I have gained the habit of staying alone. I have created my world where ideas, goals, and thoughts are haunting me all the time. Exteriorly, the only thing that matters is reading the information, taking care of my family, and being helping others without interfering in their lives.

This kind of test can be useful in a social or psychological setting out of the work environment. Because, for instance, architects know the differences between situations. Whether we are in a workplace, in society, or when it is about meditating in our personality. We calculate the challenges, requirements, and responsibilities of any current situation and have the ability to adapt to the behavior that goes with it. We have to avoid being judgmental or stereotyping people because of these kinds of personality assessments. Energy, experience, work ethic, and academic curriculum, these things among others, could determine the criteria for hiring one.




Alpha Sow

Alpha Sow

BUS 311-1900

February 8,

Professor Brielle Buckler

Ruth Ginsburg, the main character in “On The Basis of Sex” recalling Dorothy Kenyon cites, ‘’if the law differentiates on the basis of sex, then how will women and men ever become equals?’’. Here is a starting assertion that emphasizes what it is about throughout the entire movie. All along with the movie, we are revisiting the 1900s, when the fate of women was very sad. A century in which women were seen as housewives meant to stay uniquely home, handle chores and live under the supremacy of men.

It is heartbreaking to see how gender was synonymous with blockade during that years and sad to figure out how some of society’s components suffered from legal discrimination. Why calling that <<legal discrimination>>? simply because many of the wrong views of society were conferred by laws. Or some discrimination was ignored by the government and that silence was a synonym of approval. How could people from that era believe that the abilities of women should be limited to the primary tasks of society?  Unfair as treatment and contemptible since we all human beings ‘’born free and equal in dignity and rights’’ as highlighted by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

          However, the dedication of people like Ruth has not been waste because multiple acts were taken for instance in 1963. It is about the Equal Pay Act of 1963, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Fair Housing Act… All these bills are ‘’radical social change’’ as asked in the movie. Therefore, these acts are proof of a change in the mindset of society. Even though nowadays, gender discrimination still occurring, we cannot forget that we have known worse before and our society has evolved.  As proof of the existence of discrimination based on gender, we have the ‘’Executive Order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation’’ promulgated by President Biden on January 21.

           We acknowledge the work of Mrs. Ginsburg and others who fought for Civil Rights and the blossoming of our society. Their war has paid off and keeps paying off because the social scale is balanced day by day and the mindsets are evolving reasonably. Even if we had the Black Lives Matter during the last year, we won’t reject everything because all the components of the society, without distinction of gender or race, condemned these regrettable assassinations.

Alpha SOW

Hello Everyone!
My name is Alpha. I am from Guinea. My major is Business Management because I would like to know more about how to run my own business tomorrow. I love soccer and addicted to anime like Dragon Ball, One Punchman… I also like Fifa on PlayStation. Mostly I am quiet while in public, but that doesn't mean I am unpleasant. I hope we will build a strong relationship throughout this semester. Nice meeting you guys, and I can't wait to learn from you.