On Tuesday April 27th the ethical issue that was in hand was about online learning and if it should continue or go back to in person. The class discussion was being debated between two sides. We had to focus on mainly elementary school students, but every student in general as well. In the side I was in was to try and explain why we should continue online learning and not go to school. All our group members came up with all good reasonings on why we shouldn’t go back to school. The points our side came up with were all really good. The points where online classes prevent less bullying, yes bullying may still happen online, but they aren’t able to see you in person and don’t really have a reason to do any harm at all, pretty much less bullying to be exact. Another point our group came up with was remote learning can help students become more independent and depend on themselves, this is really good for students to correct their mistakes and really work on them and not copy or depend on others to do schoolwork for them. Most importantly remote learning stops the spread of coronavirus, although there is vaccines and everyone is eligible we don’t know where the virus is exactly and it can spread very easily especially with all these variants and kids touch anything and can possibly effect the teachers. This was our side of the discussion and they were good points. This was personally my way of looking at things, some part of me wants to go back and wants to learn in person but then again me personally I am in a household where my parents are both over the age of 50 and I don’t want to risk anything happening to me and especially them, vaccine or no vaccine we still must be careful everywhere we go and must try and stay protected.
Don’t get me wrong our points where good but the other side had amazing and very good points as well. The points they made were in school classes are better than online because it helps stop or prevent students from getting distracted and focus on school and can be really good for some students who are living in unstable homes. Another great point would be in school students engage and build social skills that you need once you are out in the real world, in my opinion this is a debatable one because regardless of whether it is online or in person you build those skills eventually with confidence. I personally have built those skills being online rather than in person for some weird reason. One point they also talked about was how teachers where one of the first to be eligible for vaccination and how there was a study that shows kids are not likely to transmit the virus, yes that may be true, but we never know to be honest, we never know where the virus can be and usually elementary teachers are more touchy and have to be there with kids which can be bad because of this virus. Teachers wouldn’t be able to help them go somewhere by holding their hand or giving them a hug whenever they need one and many other points. The last point the other side mentioned was going back to classes gives the opportunity for parents to go back to work and not pay for a babysitter when times are tough with this pandemic. These all were great points, but I still believe wat me and my side came up with are good points why we shouldn’t go back to school and classes. We have to be able to not try and forget that the virus is still out there, I feel like it is still too early to back. Slowly but surely, we will get things back to normal but for right now we have to see reality and not really risk our own lives and can possibly be saving more lives by preventing physical contact and classes.
Hi Richard Ledesma, Today is 5/2/21. I am enjoying this beautiful weather; as I am looking around, there so many people without masks. So how could we protect the little one if adults are not following the rules? But I think there is no right or wrong. You cannot see the virus but it around us. So the best thing is to be a vaccine, and hopefully, for the best, this should be over soon, and we could go back to school full time.
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