Even though I didn’t attend the debate about whether students should go back to school or stay remote, I know that their was some good compelling arguments on both sides. After researching about the two topics, where I stand is that students should stay in remote learning during this world pandemic that we have been in. This pandemic has already stop the way of how people in the world can live their life, and how the world is to function as. I will not want it to stop the education of the youth, they are the future and this pandemic will not stop them from being it. The pros of my position are more freedom to take breaks, students can learn at their own rate, students develop deeper problem solving skills, Lack of social activities and everyone’s in their own space. Though these are some good pros some people that won’t agree with my position will have some cons to say like, some students can’t learn from visual, students not participating, getting students to engage, making them attend class and seeing if they really comprehend what their learning. After going over the pros and cons of my position I still believe my position is stronger that the other one, people may stand behind. My position is stronger because, I think my position will strive better in the condition that we have come across today as the COVID virus. My position allows them to still educate the youth without endangering the lives of others in anyway possible. Instead of making them go to school separating the desk so their 6 feet a part, giving them certain times to come to school because not a lot of people can be in one area at the time and sanitizing the desk and disaffecting the classroom after every class. It’s to much to make sure to do everyday Monday- Friday. The best way is to stand by my position because, it easy and cost you less money to do.
Hello SHANE,
Your standing is the same as mine. We need to remember where we are coming from in order to set the next decisions. We won’t say that distance learning has the same result as in-person learning but it has helped the spread of the Covid-19.
Thanks for sharing.