Risk Management Assignment

Cancel Culture

In today’s the biggest treat an organization can face is cancel culture. Cancel Culture is a social media group that take anything that could be used to make a organization or person look bad and try to make the businesses go out of business. The social media group can take something that was said or a product roll out and take it out of content since today’s society is more sensitive when it comes to certain topic because there are trying to make change or bring awareness to a problem, so this group would take advantage of that and try to make people turn against the organization. One example of this would be H&M when they put an African American kid in a T-Shirt that said “coolest monkey in the jungle”, this could’ve been taken as not racist or racist but the company came out and apologies for that and state that they did not mean it in that way. In the case of H&M it was up to the society to decide if what H&M did was wrong or not. In other cases, the Cancel Culture has try canceling organization that deserved it. One of the Organization that was canceled for the right reason, like Tommy Hilfiger when Tommy Hilfiger himself said that he did not like “black people” wearing his clothes.

One-way companies and organization can avoid from being “cancel” is by being very clear with what they mean when releasing a product and if they had said or put any product out that can be taken in a negative way before, they should come out and address it before the it could be taken out of content or used against them. For future project Organization should stay away from doing project that may involve cultures, race, or sexuality without doing research and without taking an approach that won’t hurt or offend anybody that’s part of that group.

Cancel culture can affect the employee in different ways some employee may feel like their right of freedom of speech may have been taken away from them to a certain people because if they say something that can be taken in the wrong way it could affect the company they work for and even cost them their job.

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