

The demotivating part of Harper’s job comes from a cocktail of elements. She has spent four years since she graduated, she still in the same post without any advancement. Even after the departure of her mentor (Jose), the company left his role empty when she could replace him. By replacing him, she would feel a big development in her career which had remained static for many years. Next, there is miscommunication or total lack of communication between her and David, the new boss. Even with the fact that she was overloaded, David didn’t take the time to listen to her and to determine whether she was satisfied or was happy with her tasks. If there is a lack of communication, problems cannot be diagnosed and solved. She felt helpless where she had a mentor at the beginning. Furthermore, Thus, she developed morale and psychological dissatisfaction with her job. She lost interest in staying in a company where there is no reward or recognition of their worker dedications and sacrifices.

Re-engaging Harper will ask a lot of tact. Her discomfort has reached an alarming level. However, David should try to reduce her work volume to help her recover the right scale between the work and real life. David should also allow her to get a new position for justifying her development in the hierarchy of the company. This promotion will become an opportunity for growth and new skills gaining. Harper deserves it, for her dedication and her work ethic. The company could also congratulate her officially through written feedback. All these things could help in addition to raising her wage. Besides, David should change his behavior within the company by listening more carefully to the workers and making the work environment more joyful.

By losing Harper, Marketable Inc. will lose a skilled worker, capable of being overloaded but still achieves the objectives set for him. The company can also lose money, because the one that will be recruited for replacing her, could need training and may not fulfill his job requirement. They can also lose reputation because this kind of situation is an example of weakness in their management of the workforce. Zappos example is to cheer in this case, they have shown strength by giving both, the workers and the customers, the same treatments.

3 thoughts on “Retention

  1. Yaritza Rendon

    Your advice to David is spot on. Harper needs to be given that promotion because she has shown she deserves it by taking on the extra workload. This demonstrates her work ethic and commitment to the company. Not only does she have the drive to succeed, her career at the company has been static and taking an interest in her career development will also boost her morale. You also offered him constructive criticism on how to improve his leadership and listening skills. His aloofness has had a negative impact on Harper and needs to be addressed because I am sure she is not the only one to feel that way. Your solutions on tackling this problem will help retain Harper for the long run and improve David’s ability to lead his team, thus improving the workplace.

  2. Robert Calaf

    Hi Sow,

    Besides the potential solution of Harper taking Jose’s former position, I like how you focus on David’s lack of communication and his absence of leadership regarding Harper in this situation. Where leaders are responsible for the actions or choices they make, they also are responsible for the lack of action as well. Harper’s situation is one that has continued to get worse due to lack of action and attention. As HR Manager, that would be one of my main focuses in my meeting with David. You cannot ignore a problem and hope it stays the same or somehow gets better on its own if the signs are clearly there its going wrong. Especially in a situation where their has been a drastic change in operating environment for Harper, where she went from having direct access and communication to her former boss with ease to simply being one of many under David. It is David’s responsibility to “make the time” and be available to Harper not only as a mentor but as a boss/leader that she needs to feel has set her up for success in her job.

  3. Emily Espinal

    I agree with you completely Harper has loss her love for the company because she is being under appreciated, over worked, and because there is no communication between her and her coworkers. I like how you incorporated one of our previous assignments and mentioning Zappos. That was a great comparison because it shows how different the companies treats their workers. In harpers company she is under appreciated, however In the Zappos company one of their major goals is to make sure their employees are happy and now that each and every one of them matter.

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