2 thoughts on “Equal Opportunity & The Law

  1. Teri

    I loved how her husband had her back. In the midst of being there for her, he was also fighting for men who stand by their women sides. While she made a change in Equal Rights, he assisted in men changing their perspectives on women being at home. Change happens one day at a time. Hopefully one day we will all be treated equally, until then we all must continue to help fight the fight for all rights.

  2. Miko Nourieli

    I really like how you pointed out the role that her husband played in her life and the role that she played in her husbands life. They had extremely important roles in each others lives and without each other, they wouldnt be where they are today. It just shows that men and women both have equally important roles in society and that they arent always just for men or just for women.

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