Unit 9: Benefits & Services

Welcome to Unit 9: Benefits & Services! In this unit we will explore the value beyond direct payment that organizations provide to employees. We will discuss which benefits are compulsory and which are optional, and why some organizations offer benefits well beyond the norm, like drycleaning or free meals. We will also take a look at how different employee populations expect and need different benefits and services across industries, generations, and geographic areas.

In order to successfully complete this unit, you’ll need to do the following:

  1. Read these Open Educational Resources (free to access):
  2. Listen to our Unit 9 Lecture (embedded below), which builds on the resources above and will help inform the way you listen to and interpret the film below.


  3. Complete our Unit 9 Assignment. You can find more details here.

As always, if you need more information, you can ask me a question. For information on due dates, check our Course Schedule.


¹⁹ “Human Resource Management” by eLearning Support InitiativeUniversity of Minnesota Libraries Publishing is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

²⁰ LawShelf. (n.d.). Employment Benefits. Retrieved October 18, 2020, from https://lawshelf.com/videocoursesmoduleview/employment-benefits-module-4-of-5/