Unit 14: HR in Small Firms

Welcome to Unit 14: HR in Small Firms! In this unit we will explore the differences between large organizations with resources for significant HR teams and smaller, entrepreneurial businesses, which often operate with few (or even zero) HR specialists. We will discuss the unique challenges small business owners face when trying to balance providing for organizational structure and for employees in the ways we have learned about in prior units this semester, given their size and budget. We will learn about functions of HR that can be outsourced or supplemented by contracting to other companies, and what it takes to wear several hats as a small business owner.

In order to successfully complete this unit, you’ll need to do the following:

  1. Read this Open Educational Resource (free to access):
  2. Listen to our Unit 14 Lecture (embedded below), which builds on the resource above and will help inform the way you listen to and interpret the film below.


  3. Complete our Unit 14 Assignment. You can find more details here.

As always, if you need more information, you can ask me a question. For information on due dates, check our Course Schedule.


²⁷ Dessler, G. (2019). Human Resource Management (16th ed.). Pearson.