In my opinion, I believe unions are slowly diminishing because companies are doing everything in their power to avoid unionization. Some companies are providing better workplace environments, offer more benefits so employee satisfaction is higher thus eliminating the need for a union Companies like Amazon are investing millions in software geared to track employees organizing together to plot against them. Amazon has hired some of the nation’s best lawyers and anti-union consultants to help keep unionizing at bay. Currently, Europe is the only area where in which there is a union. Jeff Bezos Amazon CEO has implemented a strategy to ward off unions in the United States such as embracing and encouraging open communication between employee and manager and constantly surveying the workplace environment for dissatisfied employees. Based on the two articles provided, I believe that unions can sometimes hinder a company’s success interfering with innovation, I personally have a family member who is a part of a great union but not the best employee, constantly calls out, unapproachable at times, difficulty getting along with others, but because they passed their probationary period, cannot be terminated because their union delegate fights to keep him employed. So, it stops innovation because in my example, the wrong person is occupying the wrong job title, little to no production is being done, had that union not been in place, the company could have properly performance managed him and offered the position to a qualified individual. If a company invests programs such as employee recognition, creating a friendly work environment and create transparency across all levels without the fear of retaliation there would not be a need for a union.
Category Archives: Other
Equally paying has been a current concern and a topic the companies are dealing with recently when a lot of movements are bringing up some issues regardless of this topic. Woman historically has always been seen as less valued than men in the work field for different reasons. But gender is not only the only reason that companies used to use it as an “ excuse” to pay unequally. Race, age, origin are also other reasons. More and more people are speaking up for themselves and changing this scenario.
As an HR of a company, they should create policies and “ metrics” to be able to make pays fair and even among the same positions. What are some sort of skill levels and qualifications that makes pays a little different but not as much as it is today.
This way employees have some sort of guidance and reference on the paid employee is getting according to the companies values, culture, and benefits.
My plan would include a job evaluation, to use a system to determine the value of the job about other job holes in the company to guarantee fair pay. Also, I would compare the job hole in the market to be able to compare and be competitive to keep the best candidates and retain them.
Zappos & Company Strategy
Zappos is notorious for its unconventional ways of doing business. It believes in impressing and wowing its customers. For me, I think its strategy is commendable and worthy of emulation. It underlines the importance of companies making strategic goals that put customers and employees at the center.
Arguably, Zappos’ radical approach stems from the commitment it gives to its mission of making customers happy. Since its inception, the company has invested heavily in equipping its employees with tools to improve customer experience (Cancialosi). This investment, coupled with job enrichment policies, has facilitated the objective of impressing customers. Consequently, by adopting a customer-centric approach built on good working experience, Zappos has created an enviable emotional connection with its consumers. The testimonies of its buyers are legendary and demonstrate how espousing a radical approach can lead businesses to success.
Comparatively, I think Traders Joe’s, a grocery chain, is another company that has the same level of customer service. Similar to Zappos, this entity prioritizes its clients and employees. It does everything possible to increase customer satisfaction, even if that means bending some rules to allow flexibility.
After reading and watching the provided materials, I think Zappos would be an ideal working place for me. One thing that endears it to me is the treatment it gives to workers. Unlike many companies, it gives its employees a sense of ownership. For me, this characteristic is critical, as it allows me to innovate and participate in initiating change and improving the experience of those that purchase the customer’s product. As such, I end up becoming an active contributor to the mission and vision of Zappos rather than being a mere mechanical/robotic worker.
Work Cited
Cancialosi, Chris. “Preserving a Culture People Love as Your Company Grows: Lessons
from Zappos. Forbes, 20 May 2017.
Accessed 18 September 2o20